v0.32 (2016-05-09)
- Added
app option - Added
target to use the python-for-android revamp toolchain - Added
buildozer options - Stopped using pip
flag, as it has been removed from recent pip versions - Always use ios-deploy 1.7.0 - newer versions are completely different
- Fix bugs with Unicode app titles
- Fix bugs with directory handling
- Support using a custom kivy-ios dir
- Add
command to android/android_new targets - Disable bitcode on iOS builds (needed for newer Xcode)
- Fix
values for android target - Use kivy-ios to build icons for all supported sizes
- Fix p4a branch handling
- Let p4a handle pure-Python packages (android_new)
- Use colored output in p4a (android_new)
v0.31 (2016-01-07)
Closed issues:
- Logo aspect ratio problem #263
- Is there a way to seperate building environment and building apk? #259
- buildozer must be ran with sudo #258
- Invalid NDK platform #253
- Q:compile error #252
- Please update SDK url #249
- java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: isSupportChangeBadgeByCallMethod [] #243
- AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' #242
- Error: Flag '-a' is not valid for 'list sdk'. #241
- Provide custom path for android SDK to buildozer #237
- kivy examples seem to need __version__ #236
- pyliblo #235
Merged pull requests:
- OS X Target for Bulldozer #262 (akshayaurora)
- kill easy_install #244 (techtonik)
- install requires virtualenv #239 (cbenhagen)
- Fixed Space in app path issue. Fixes #13 #231 (dvenkatsagar)
0.30 (2015-10-04)
Closed issues:
- subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ant', 'debug']' returned non-zero exit status 1 #234
- Cannot use numpy with buildozer #232
- Problem downloading ndk version > r9d #229
- Error likely to missing 32 bit packages #228
- Bulldozer can't download new ndks 10x... #227
- Error while trying to install Buildozer in Windows 10 #225
- Making reverse engineering .apk harder #224
- Buildozer wont compile libraries with cython 0.23 or 0.22 #223
- These are the errors I get when I try to package the file... #222
- Buildozer installs platform despite setting ndk & sdk paths #220
- Can't find config.ini buildozer solution #219
- Ant error: SDK does not have any Build Tools installed #218
- Buildozer fails because of build-tools package name #217
- ImportError: No module named pygments #216
- buildozer android camera #215
- Error when first time Building apk #212
- cannot import name spawnu #211
- Buildozer recompiles p4a when a custom for of plyer is used. #210
- Add android.ant_path to default.spec #209
- Problems with adding wav, ogg and ttf files #208
- cython issue with kivy and buildozer development versions #207
- subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ant', 'debug']' returned non-zero exit status 1 #205
- Buildozer isn't building if I try to include some requirements #195
- Cant build APK for android.api = 10 #193
- Doc error: "buildozer clean" does not exist #189
- Can't install pillow requirement #188
- #error from Cython compilation #150
- Space in app path path name causes ./distribute -m kivy to fail #13
Merged pull requests:
- Changed p4a download to pull old_toolchain branch #233 (inclement)
- Added support for downloading and handling android ndk r10 versions. Fixes #229 and #227 #230 (dvenkatsagar)
- make _read_version_subdir return parse('0') instead of [0], otherwise… #206 (denys-duchier)
v0.29 (2015-06-01)
Fixed bugs:
- version problem with split #201
Closed issues:
- buildozer android release hangs at "compile platform" #199
- Hang up at Fetching https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/addons\_list-2.xml #198
- Python 3 Import error on urllib.request. #187
Merged pull requests:
- needs testing, should fix #201 using pypa implementation of PEP440 #202 (tshirtman)
- check for complete dist instead of dist dir #197 (kived)
- fix ios targets xcode command #194 (cbenhagen)
- Windows fix #192 (jaynakus)
- some python 3 compatibility #191 (pohmelie)
- allow custom source folders in buildozer.spec #185 (kived)
- use upstream pexpect instead of shipping it #176 (tshirtman)
v0.27 (2015-03-08)
Closed issues:
- subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ant', 'debug']' returned non-zero exit status 1 #183
- Buildozer get error during packaging for android #182
- Bug with android.p4a_whitelist in buildozer.spec file. #180
- You need an option for git https #178
- Buildozer .apk file creation issue #177
- sudo buildozer Fails #174
- Buildozer iOS Apps Won't Open #171
- always show python-for-android output on failure #170
- Buildozer tries to install android sdk every time you try to compile an android application. #169
- automatic installation of android sdk fails due to unicode parsing error #166
- Move from fruitstrap to ios-deploy #107
- buildozer ios debug build fails on MacOS Mavericks #83
- gdb doesn't work anymore with Xcode 5 #54
- buildozer ios debug deploy fails on running fruitstrap at 70% with error AMDeviceInstallApplication failed #9
Merged pull requests:
0.26 (2015-01-28)
Merged pull requests:
0.25 (2015-01-27)
0.24 (2015-01-27)
0.23 (2015-01-27)
0.22 (2015-01-27)
v0.21 (2015-01-14)
Merged pull requests:
0.19 (2014-12-17)
0.18 (2014-12-17)
Closed issues:
- buildozer can't download python libs due to ssl certificate check fail #164
- Buildozer feature redirect .buildozer folder outside your project #162
- Buildozer fails on clean build #161
- pjnius build fails on Arch Linux when requiring netifaces #159
- error compiling with buildozer #158
- C compiler cannot create executables #152
- Requirements needing commas instead of spaces (like p4a) is non-obvious #147
Merged pull requests:
- fix build error and allow redirecting build folder #163 (olymk2)
- Remove duplicated checkbin(). #160 (attakei)
- added note about buildozer not having anything to do with buildozer.io #157 (nickyspag)
- Fixed logic to compare with “non installed” with “minor version upped" #156 (attakei)
- Set "UTF-8" to java file.encoding for android update command explicitly #155 (attakei)
- added example to default.spec requirements showing comma seperation #148 (chozabu)
0.17 (2014-09-22)
0.16 (2014-09-22)
Closed issues:
is too slow to run in china. #143- Buildozer setup.py fails with Module ImportError #140
- buildozer downloads Android SDK 20 during every call to deploy app #137
- Buildozerv0.15: lib/pexpect.py is not Python 3 compatable #131
- Keep on gettting version error #129
- arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: fatal error: no input files #127
- I am new to python and buildozer, using buildozer to compile my first android app #125
- I am new to python and buildozer, using buildozer to compile my first android app, #124
- Command Failed #122
- Exception: Cython cythonnot found #120
- Enable use for packaging OSX apps #114
- Errors on 'buildozer android debug deploy run' #113
- Fail to download Android SDK in Linux and Python 3.3 #110
- Unable to add "requirements" buildozer.spec #109
- TypeError: 'encoding' is an invalid keyword argument for this function #106
- Custom activity #33
- Buildozer fails to install on Windows #27
- support blacklist changes in python-for-android #17
Merged pull requests:
- Test in file_rename if target directory exists. #144 (droundy)
- Fix for android.library_references path issue #139 (excessivedemon)
- Specs doc revision #134 (dessant)
- Make pexpect.py Python 3 Compatable #133 (FeralBytes)
- Added check for buildozer running as root #128 (inclement)
- Add link to the right android python project #119 (techtonik)
- Execute buildozer as "python -m buildozer" #118 (techtonik)
- Fix #115 #116 (manuelbua)
0.15 (2014-06-02)
Closed issues:
- Do not set permissions (ug+x) if already set #115
- UTF-8 Encoding Error, __init.py__ 0.15-dev #108
- incorrect minapi android manifest value #93
- libpython wait4 linker error #92
- fcntl import error #88
- No Python 3 Support #84
- Uncaught exception on missing cython #80
- Where are custom python-for-android recipes meant to go? #76
- Error compiling Cython file: #73
- Zlib still giving issues on Ubuntu 13.04 #72
- DBAccessError permission denied in app #71
- Selective update of depencencies #70
- 32-bit SDK installed on 64-bit system #69
- wrong version regex #67
- sdk update fails on license question #66
- x86 and armeabi-v7 libs #63
- Missing dependenced during compilation #59
- Bad magic number when reading generated state.db file in VMware Ubuntu guest #42
- x86 apk support on buildozer #11
Merged pull requests:
- Ignore UTF-8 decoding errors. Closes #108 #112 (cbenhagen)
- chmod ug+x android_cmd #111 (cbenhagen)
- p4a whitelist #98 (b3ni)
0.14 (2014-04-20)
0.13 (2014-04-20)
0.12 (2014-04-20)
0.11 (2014-04-20)
Closed issues:
0.10 (2014-04-09)
Closed issues:
- Android SDK installation not working anymore #101
- Buildozer almost completes and then errors saying file exists #99
- Java compilernot found #95
- Absolute path problem #91
- Error when running: buildozer --verbose android debug deploy run #89
- buildozer.spec passing requirements #87
- debugging "Command failed" is tedious #86
- No module named sqlite3 #56
- Garden packages are unsupported #39
- python-for-android repo is hard-coded in buildozer #37
- virtualenv-2.7 hardcoded #22
- Buildozer error no build.py #21
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed garden install for newer virtualenvs #100 (brousch)
- fix ln if soft link existed #96 (pengjia)
- Added realpath modifier to p4a_dir token #94 (inclement)
- Documented env var checking and fixed a bug in the p4a_dir check #85 (inclement)
- Delete dist dir if running distribute.sh #81 (inclement)
- implement the
command. #79 (akshayaurora) - Garden requirements #41 (Ian-Foote)
0.9 (2014-02-13)
Closed issues:
- Command failed: ./distribute.sh -m "kivy" error message #77
- Error importing _scproxy #68
- Package names beginning with a number cause an obscure crash with an unclear error message #64
- failing to compile sample android app with buildozer #61
- Default android.sdk setting causes sensor rotate on Android to fail #32
- Add wakelock to options #31
Merged pull requests:
- Updated Android NDK default version to 9c #82 (brousch)
- Add 'bin' to suggested default directory excludes #78 (josephlee021)
- Clarified wording in README #75 (inclement)
- Check for package name starting with number #65 (inclement)
- [FIX] Detect 32/64 bit on Windows, to download Android NDK #62 (alanjds)
- Add ability to choose python-for-android directory #60 (inclement)
- Added --private and --dir Android storage option #58 (brousch)
- Added a 'serve' command to serve bin/ over SimpleHTTPServer #49 (brousch)
0.8 (2013-10-29)
Fixed bugs:
- _patch_application_sources breaks from __future__ imports #35
Closed issues:
- unresolved domain: pygame.org #34
Merged pull requests:
- Update default Android NDK to r9 #53 (brousch)
- Added android.wakelock option #51 (brousch)
- Fixed another 'Unknown' typo #48 (brousch)
- Fixed spelling of 'Unknown' #47 (brousch)
- Fixed missing 'r' on ANDROIDNDKVER environment export #46 (brousch)
- make sure android.branch works with fresh clone #44 (akshayaurora)
- Fixed a typo in setdefault description #40 (nithin-bose)
- Package paths #38 (Ian-Foote)
- add applibs in path for service too #26 (tshirtman)
- fix distribute install before installing every dependencies, fix a few i... #25 (tshirtman)
0.7 (2013-09-11)
Closed issues:
- Builds fail on Ubuntu 13.04 with zlib.h missing #18
- "buildozer android update" fails with an error about android.branch #12
- Problem Ubuntu compilation on network drive #10
- [app] "android.permission" contain an unknown permission #6
- buildozer on ios fails at: Command failed: tools/build-all.sh #5
- Automatically installing Android SDK fails in file_rename called from _install_android_sdk #4
- buildozer does not support ~ in android.sdk_path #3
Merged pull requests:
- Fix typo 'versionning' -> 'versioning'. #29 (Ian-Foote)
- Fixed hard-coded Android API 14 #23 (brousch)
- Fixed #18: Builds fail on Ubuntu 13.04 with zlib.h missing. #20 (roskakori)
- Europython sprint updates #19 (fabiankreutz)
- copy the generated apk back from remote #16 (akshayaurora)
- android.add_jars config option #15 (bob-the-hamster)
- Ouya support #14 (bob-the-hamster)
0.2 (2012-12-20)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator