1. Find ApplicationID
As it was mentioned above, Webhook Subscription always belong to some application. Hence, you should start from
+finding out the ID of the target Application in order to link the new Webhook Subscription to it. For this purpose
+you should use List Applications endpoint. This endpoint returns
+a list of all available Applications in your account, so you could identify the needed one by name
, developerEmail
+or clientId
in the Application resource body:
GET https://ankorstore.com/api/v1/applications
+ "data": {
+ "id": "43efbfbd-bfbd-1eef-1e6a-6200efbfbdef",
+ "type": "application",
+ "attributes": {
+ "name": "My Application",
+ "developerEmail": "dev@acme.com",
+ "clientId": "k322k7frs87e8w7hri3jkke7ry7",
+ "clientSecret": null
+ }
+ }
NOTE: The client secret in the response is always null
due to security reasons. The actual client secret
+can be seen only via UI and only once - during the creation of the application.
2. Find valid webhook events to subscribe to
Next step should be to find the valid names of the webhook events which you could use in the create webhook request
GET https://ankorstore.com/api/v1/webhook-subscriptions/events
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "type": "webhook-subscriptions/events",
+ "id": "order.brand_created"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "webhook-subscriptions/events",
+ "id": "order.brand_accepted"
+ }
+ ]
You can find detailed description of each event in the dedicated section of the docs.
3. Create webhook subscription
Now you are all set for creating actual webhook subscription. The prerequisites for this step are:
+- The Application ID from step 1 (
in this example)
+- The chosen events from step 2 (e.g.
and order.brand_accepted
+With this setup the final request should look like:
POST https://ankorstore.com/api/v1/webhook-subscriptions
+ "data": {
+ "type": "webhook-subscription",
+ "attributes": {
+ "url": "https://my-app.com/webhook-listener",
+ "events": [
+ "order.brand_created",
+ "order.brand_accepted"
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "relationships": {
+ "applications": {
+ "data": {
+ "type": "application",
+ "id": "43efbfbd-bfbd-1eef-1e6a-6200efbfbdef"
+ }
+ }
+ }
After this request is succeeded, you will start receiving notification about chosen events on the chosen URL.