This Ansible Playbook Bundle deploys Elasticsearch with the elasticsearch-cloud-kubernetes plugin for discovery. The deployment is done through StatefulSet.
Two plans have been defined:
- Ephemeral where there won't be any persistence and the Elascticsearch data will be lost upon restarts
- Persistent where PVCs will be created for each instance of Elasticsearch
- cluster_size: Number of Elasticsearch instances that will be deployed. Default
- application_name: Name of the Elasticsearch cluster that will give name also to all the objects deployed. Default
- es_memory_limit: Memory limits to be set to the
container. The half will be assigned to the Elasticsearch heap. Default512Mi
- es_pvc_size: Size of each Persistent Volume Claim that will be defined. Default
(Only for the persistent plan) - es_version: Dropdown to select the Elasticsearch version to deploy
The elasticsearch-cloud-kubernetes plugin requires permissions to view
the project's endpoints
. A ServiceAccount
with a RoleBinding
are created for that during provisioning.
In order for the ServiceAccount
used by the APB during provisioning to be able to create
s, the Ansible Service Broker needs to be configured with the sandbox_role: "admin"
as showned below:
host: ""
ca_file: ""
bearer_token_file: ""
image_pull_policy: "IfNotPresent"
sandbox_role: "admin"
namespace: ansible-service-broker
NOTE: Make sure your Ansible Service Broker is running with the property launch_apb_on_bind: true
if you want to be able to customize the environment variable
dynamically during bind sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144