The ports can be configured in template.env
(or .env
Port | Microservice | Description |
4001 | user | API contains all the user data related endpoints |
5001 | auth | API contains all the authorization related endpoints |
6001 | question | API contains all the question data related endpoints |
7001 | match | API contains all the queue related endpoints |
8001 | collab | API manages sockets for user collaboration |
9001 | history | API contains all the history related endpoints |
10001 | execution | API contains all the execution related endpoints |
Method | API Endpoints | Purpose | Parameters (JSON format) |
Header Contains | Roles |
GET | /auth/authorize |
Authorize all users | - | JWT token | User |
GET | /auth/authorize-maintainer |
Authorize maintainers | - | JWT token | Maintainer |
POST | /auth/generate |
Generate JWT token (after user has logged in) | userId isMaintainer |
- | Guest |
POST | /execute/python |
Execute the Python code in the code editor | codeObject |
- | User |
POST | /execute/java |
Execute the Java code in the code editor | codeObject |
- | User |
POST | /execute/js |
Execute the JavaScript code in the code editor | codeObject |
- | User |
GET | /history/piechart |
Get pie chart data for a user | userId questionId code language |
JWT token | User |
GET | /history/heatmap |
Get heatmap data for a user | userId |
JWT token | User |
GET | /history/attempts |
Get attempts by user, for all or one question | userId questionId (optional) |
JWT token | User |
GET | /history/attempt |
Get a single attempt details | attemptId |
JWT token | User |
POST | /history/attempt |
Add attempt to user history | userId questionId code language result |
JWT token | User |
GET | /question/ |
Get the details of specified question | id |
JWT token | User |
POST | /question/ |
Create new question | title complexity description tags |
JWT token | Maintainer |
PUT | /question/ |
Edit existing question | id title complexity description tags |
JWT token | Maintainer |
DELETE | /question/ |
Delete question | id |
JWT token | Maintainer |
GET | /question/all |
Get all questions | - | JWT token | User |
GET | /question/by-criteria |
Get all questions fitting criteria | complexity tags |
JWT token | User |
GET | /question/random |
Get random question fitting criteria | complexity |
JWT token | User |
GET | /question/statistics |
Get number of questions by complexity | - | JWT token | User |
POST | /question/append-question-title |
For given array of question IDs, return the questions IDs + title |
attempts (array) |
JWT token | User |
POST | /question/count-by-difficulty |
For given array of question IDs, count how many questions in each difficulty |
questionsId (array) |
JWT token | User |
POST | /queue/join |
Join the matching queue | queueName sessionID |
JWT token | User |
POST | /queue/exit |
Exit the matching queue | queueName sessionID |
JWT token | User |
GET | /user/ |
Get user information | id or email |
JWT token | User |
DELETE | /user/ |
Delete user | id |
JWT token | User |
GET | /user/all |
Get information for all users | - | JWT token | Maintainer |
POST | /user/login |
Login | email password |
- | Guest |
POST | /user/signup |
create new user | email password confirmPassword |
- | Guest |
PUT | /user/toggle-user-role |
Toggle the user's role (user or maintainer) | id |
JWT token | Maintainer |
PUT | /user/display-name |
Update user's display name | id username |
JWT token | User |
PUT | /user/change-password |
Change user's password | id currentPassword newPassword confirmPassword |
JWT token | User |
PUT | /user/programming-language |
Update user's preferred programming language | id programmingLanguage |
JWT token | User |
PUT | /user/complexity |
Update user's preferred question complexity | id complexity |
JWT token | User |
- For endpoints requiring JWT token to be in the header, it means the user has to be logged in (authenticated).
- Endpoints can be a probed (eg. via Postman) like
http://<API host>:<API port>/<endpoint>
- Eg.
- Eg.
- Guest
- Has no account
- Has very limited access
- User
- Has registered with an account
- Can access all pages by Guest
- Can also access other more pages (but not all)
- Maintainer
- Has account with maintainer (admin) privilege
- Can access all pages by User
- Can also access all pages