- Django extension: Fix KeyError in TimeflakeBinary error handling PR-18
- Update dependencies
- Add support for Python 3.11
- Support install on Python 3.10
- Remove deprecated gettext helper from Django extension.
- Add peewee ORM extension.
- Subclass Timeflake from stdlib UUID.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fix str to instance conversion on Django extension.
- Minor documentation improvements.
- Use base62 as the canonical encoding.
- Include django model field extension module.
- Switch to using 128-bit version of Timeflake.
- Improved API and conversion to various representations.
- When using the random method, it will now use the 32 bits available.
- Use base62 encoding for more standard alphabet.
- Speedup encoding and decoding by using lru_cache and alphabet index.
- Use int form of default epoch to avoid timezone issues with datetime.
- Minor documentation adjustments.
- Minor documentation adjustments.
- Initial open source release.