Contributors: antongorodezkiy, teamleadpower
Tags: apn, apns, apple, push notifications, notifications, apple push notifications, notification
Requires at least: 3.5
Tested up to: 4.1
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: BSD
License URI:
Plugin gives you an API to send Apple Push Notifications from your WordPress site.
Website | Demo | Docs | Donate
- API for sending single Push Notifcations.
- Separate CPT for Notifications.
- Logging.
- Certificates uploading support.
- Development/Production modes support.
- Developer-friendly (used OOP paradigm).
- Well-documented.
- Fully translatable to any language using .po files.
- Get the package
- Upload plugin package with WordPress
- Activate WordPress PDF Light Viewer Plugin on the WordPress Plugins page
- That's all! You can start from Quick start guide
- After plugin activation please go to plugin's settings on the page
###1. Settings
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###2. APNs List
[missing image]
The plugin released