A javascript package which helps you validate your objects against a specified schema.
This package is useful in validations for cases such as:
- In applications where you frequently interact with external services and I/O is in form of objects.
- In code flows where object needs to be validated for any undefined/null values before executing main function logic.
- In places where you need to set default values if something mismatches from schema (configuration variables)
- In places where you write a final schema and partially validate your object as it keys get added to it as the code flows.
Further explanation: https://medium.com/@anujkumargupta/why-validate-your-objects-with-kasper-8aa7eb3093e1
npm install --save kasper
const kasper = require('kasper');
const schema = {
id: { keyType: [ 'string' ], notAllowed: [ 'abc001' ], regExp: /abc/g },
mode: { keyType: [ 'string' ], allowed: [ 'card' ] },
amount: { keyType: [ 'number' ], min: 0, default: 0 },
currency: { keyType: [ 'string' ], default: 'usd', allowed: [ 'inr', 'usd' ], notAllowed: [ '' ] },
cardDetails: {
number: { keyType: [ 'string' ], size: [ 12, 16, 20 ] },
cvc: { keyType: [ 'number' ], isInteger: true },
month: { keyType: [ 'number' ], range: [ 1, 12 ], isInteger: true },
year: { keyType: [ 'number' ], range: [ 2018, 2050 ], isInteger: true }
errors: { keyType: [ 'error', 'null' ], default: null },
datetime: { keyType: [ 'date', 'string' ], default: new Date() },
birthday: { keyType: [ 'date' ], range: ['25/11/1995 00:00:00', '31/12/2050 23:59:59'] },
countries: { keyType: [ 'array' ], allowed: [ [ 'india', 'nepal' ], [ 'england', 'iceland' ] ], notAllowed: [ [] ] }
const payload = {
id: 'abc1234',
mode: 'card',
amount: 123.45,
currency: '',
cardDetails: {
number: '4444555566667777',
cvc: 987,
month: 2,
year: 2020
errors: undefined,
datetime: null,
birthday: new Date(),
countries: ['india', 'nepal']
const options = {
matchPartialSchema: true, // default: false
strictMatch: false, // default: false
setDefaultValues: true // default: true
// You can omit the last parameter i.e. options if you want to use default options only
const response = kasper.validate(schema, payload, options);
// Output
let output = {
err: null,
message: 'Validations successful',
result: {
id: 'abc1234',
mode: 'card',
amount: 123.45,
currency: 'usd',
cardDetails: { number: '4444555566667777', cvc: 987 month: 2, year: 2020},
errors: null,
datetime: 2018-08-30T19:30:18.386Z,
birthday: 2018-08-30T19:30:18.386Z,
countries: ['india', 'nepal']
Flag | Value | Description |
keyType | ['number', 'boolean', 'string', 'object', 'array', 'null', 'date', 'error'] |
mandatory Specify the types for key as an array |
allowed | ['india', 'us', 'china'] (array of values) |
Checks if value of key is among these values |
notAllowed | ['', 'delhi', 'mumbai' ] (array of values) |
Checks if value of key is not among these values |
size | [1,3,5] (Array of integers) |
Checks if length of string/array is in one of the given sizes. Use only with string/array |
regExp | /hello/g (a valid regular exp) |
Checks if string matches a regular expression |
max | 100 (any numerical value) |
Checks if number value is not greater than max |
min | 1 (any numerical value) |
Checks if number value is not less than min |
range | [1, 10] |
Number: Checks if number lies in the specified range (both limits inclusive) |
range | ['25/11/1995 00:00:00', '31/12/2050 23:59:59'] |
Date: Checks if date lies in the specified range (both limits inclusive). Date format should be 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss' |
isInteger | true (any boolean value) |
Checks if number value is an integer |
default | "Narendra Modi" (any type of value) |
Sets a default value to key if error encountered while validating this key |
strictObject | false (boolean) |
If false, treats date/error/null/array as type 'object' (javascript native behaviour) |
Flag | Default Value | Description |
matchPartialSchema | false | If true, checks only the keys present in object with that in schema |
strictMatch | false | If true, checks if object does not contain any extra keys than those mentioned in schema |
setDefaultValues | true | If false, does not set default value to a key even if default value is specified |
You can add any of the above features into this package and create a pull request. For any further queries, write to [email protected]
kasper object validation schema model external nodejs javascript typescript flow datatype type-validation json validator casper blueprint