To better understand the pros/cons of existing data models and query languages, let's try issuing some queries in different systems. These are the queries we will consider:
- Analytics query - count the total number of records with each distinct source IP.
- Search query - find all records with IP, sort by timestamp, and return the first 5.
- Data discovery query - count the number of records with each different schema.
For these examples, we use some sample data from Zeek. To execute the queries yourself, clone the zq-sample-data repo in the same directory that this repository is in.
We suggest using our public AMI (ami-0b1647c06db4be14e) because all of these tools are already installed. Make sure to select an instance type with enough memory for the jq
queries; we use m5.large.
First we try issuing these queries over NDJSON data, which supports schema-less heterogeneous data in the same file. We the sed-like tool jq
. You will need to download and install jq
and also unzip the NDJSON data by running gzip -d *
in the zq-sample-data/zeek-ndjson
You can run these queries with ./
or by setting NDJSON_PATH
(export NDJSON_PATH=../../zq-sample-data/zeek-ndjson/*.ndjson
) and executing the queries below.
jq -c -s 'group_by(."id.orig_h")[] | {"count": length, "id.orig_h": .[0]."id.orig_h"}' $NDJSON_PATH
This query is easy to write, but inefficient because it must scan all JSON objects in their entirety until a matching id.orig_h field is found (or the end of the record is reached).
jq -c -s '[ .[] | select(.["id.orig_h"]=="") ] | sort_by(.ts) | .[:5] | .[]' $NDJSON_PATH
This query is easy to write. It is inefficient, but you could issue a similar query using an index (e.g., with Elastic Search), and then it would be efficient.
jq -c -s 'group_by(."_path")[] | {"count": length, "_path": .[0]."_path"}' $NDJSON_PATH
In JSON we have no schema information by default, so we use the "_path" field as a proxy for schema instead. This query is inefficient because we have to scan all records, as in the analytics example above.
Next we try issuing these queries over Spark, using Scala. In Spark, data is stored in dataframes, typically with one type of data per dataframe. These queries involve more steps to run, so we only summarize the key parts of the code here. To run the full queries yourself, download Spark in the same directory as this repository (or use our public AMI which has Spark set up already) and execute:
../../spark/bin/spark-shell -i spark_queries.scala
val matching_dfs = for {
df <- dfs
if df.columns.contains("id.orig_h")
} yield df =>"`id.orig_h`")).reduce(_.union(_)).groupBy("`id.orig_h`").count().show()
In this query, we assume an array of dataframes, df
, with one dataframe per schema of data. We first enumerate the dataframes that contain the id.orig_h
column, then union the id.orig_h
column from these dataframes and execute the query. This query is pretty easy to write and is much more efficient than the JSON, because (1) we skipped dataframes that didn't include the id.orig_h
column and (2) the select could quickly extract all id.orig_h
fields, leveraging the columnar format (which requires schema information).
val all_columns = => df.columns.toSet).reduce(_ ++ _)
def customSelect(availableCols: Set[String], requiredCols: Set[String]) = { => column match {
case column if availableCols.contains(column) => col(column)
case _ => lit(null).as(column)
} =>, all_columns):_*)
.filter(col("id_orig_h") === ""))
This query was much harder to execute! First, we had to rename some columns that contained "." in them to avoid Spark errors (not shown). Spark is schema-rigid, so it doesn't let you process different schemas together. As a result, we next had to create an "uber schema" (all_columns
) that contains all columns across all dataframes, so that we could pretend that this data all has the same schema. Then we had to fill in null values for missing columns (with the customSelect
function). This query is probably also inefficient, because without indexes, Spark has to search the columns, and then reconstruct records from columnar data. => (df.schema, df.count))
The query above successfully returns an array of (schema, count) tuples. However, what if we wanted to put these results in a dataframe, with column names "schema" and "count", as we have with all other Spark query results so far? => (df.schema, df.count)).toSeq.toDF("schema", "count")
Unfortunately this throws a scala.MatchError
, because you can't store schemas in Spark dataframes themselves. So, whenever you want to issue a query that returns a schema or type, you have to represent it using a different data structure (not a dataframe).
Next we issue the search query using Elasticsearch so that we can leverage its indexes for more efficient queries.
Finally, we issue these queries over ZNG data. Follow the instructions here to install the command line query tool for ZNG, zq
. As above, you need to unzip the ZNG data by running gzip -d *
in the zq-sample-data/zng-uncompressed
You can run these queries with ./
(export ZNG_UNCOMPRESSED_PATH=../../zq-sample-data/zng-uncompressed/*.zng
) and executing the queries below.
zq -t 'count() by id.orig_h' $ZNG_UNCOMPRESSED_PATH
This query is easy to write and will be efficient once we can issue it over the columnar ZST format (this is not yet fully supported, so this query executes less efficiently over ZNG). This is possible because ZNG/ZST data is typed, thereby enabling efficient columnar representations.
zq -t 'id.orig_h= | sort ts | head 5' $ZNG_UNCOMPRESSED_PATH
This query is easy to write because ZNG can represent heterogeneous records in the same stream, so you don't need to manually construct an uber-schema in order to represent the results of this query. However, this query is slow to execute over ZNG, because it must scan all records. Instead, let's build an index for the field id.orig_h
using the tool zar
and issue the query over the index (export ZNG_PATH=../../zq-sample-data/zng/*.gz
mkdir logs
export ZAR_ROOT=`pwd`/logs
zq $ZNG_PATH | zar import -s 25MB -
zar index id.orig_h
zar zq -t 'id.orig_h= | sort ts | head 5'
That query was much faster! And, to keep things simple, zar represents the index itself in ZNG.
zq -t 'count() by typeof(.)' $ZNG_UNCOMPRESSED_PATH
This query returns a stream of (typeof, count) records, where "typeof" is a type and "count" is a uint64. This is possible because the query language supports first-class types (with typeof) and the data model supports first-class types, enabling the resulting ZNG stream to include values that are themselves types.