+ options: {
+ classes: {},
+ disabled: false,
+ // Callbacks
+ create: null
+ },
+ _createWidget: function( options, element ) {
+ element = $( element || this.defaultElement || this )[ 0 ];
+ this.element = $( element );
+ this.uuid = widgetUuid++;
+ this.eventNamespace = "." + this.widgetName + this.uuid;
+ this.bindings = $();
+ this.hoverable = $();
+ this.focusable = $();
+ this.classesElementLookup = {};
+ if ( element !== this ) {
+ $.data( element, this.widgetFullName, this );
+ this._on( true, this.element, {
+ remove: function( event ) {
+ if ( event.target === element ) {
+ this.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ } );
+ this.document = $( element.style ?
+ // Element within the document
+ element.ownerDocument :
+ // Element is window or document
+ element.document || element );
+ this.window = $( this.document[ 0 ].defaultView || this.document[ 0 ].parentWindow );
+ }
+ this.options = $.widget.extend( {},
+ this.options,
+ this._getCreateOptions(),
+ options );
+ this._create();
+ if ( this.options.disabled ) {
+ this._setOptionDisabled( this.options.disabled );
+ }
+ this._trigger( "create", null, this._getCreateEventData() );
+ this._init();
+ },
+ _getCreateOptions: function() {
+ return {};
+ },
+ _getCreateEventData: $.noop,
+ _create: $.noop,
+ _init: $.noop,
+ destroy: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ this._destroy();
+ $.each( this.classesElementLookup, function( key, value ) {
+ that._removeClass( value, key );
+ } );
+ // We can probably remove the unbind calls in 2.0
+ // all event bindings should go through this._on()
+ this.element
+ .off( this.eventNamespace )
+ .removeData( this.widgetFullName );
+ this.widget()
+ .off( this.eventNamespace )
+ .removeAttr( "aria-disabled" );
+ // Clean up events and states
+ this.bindings.off( this.eventNamespace );
+ },
+ _destroy: $.noop,
+ widget: function() {
+ return this.element;
+ },
+ option: function( key, value ) {
+ var options = key;
+ var parts;
+ var curOption;
+ var i;
+ if ( arguments.length === 0 ) {
+ // Don't return a reference to the internal hash
+ return $.widget.extend( {}, this.options );
+ }
+ if ( typeof key === "string" ) {
+ // Handle nested keys, e.g., "foo.bar" => { foo: { bar: ___ } }
+ options = {};
+ parts = key.split( "." );
+ key = parts.shift();
+ if ( parts.length ) {
+ curOption = options[ key ] = $.widget.extend( {}, this.options[ key ] );
+ for ( i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++ ) {
+ curOption[ parts[ i ] ] = curOption[ parts[ i ] ] || {};
+ curOption = curOption[ parts[ i ] ];
+ }
+ key = parts.pop();
+ if ( arguments.length === 1 ) {
+ return curOption[ key ] === undefined ? null : curOption[ key ];
+ }
+ curOption[ key ] = value;
+ } else {
+ if ( arguments.length === 1 ) {
+ return this.options[ key ] === undefined ? null : this.options[ key ];
+ }
+ options[ key ] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ this._setOptions( options );
+ return this;
+ },
+ _setOptions: function( options ) {
+ var key;
+ for ( key in options ) {
+ this._setOption( key, options[ key ] );
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ _setOption: function( key, value ) {
+ if ( key === "classes" ) {
+ this._setOptionClasses( value );
+ }
+ this.options[ key ] = value;
+ if ( key === "disabled" ) {
+ this._setOptionDisabled( value );
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ _setOptionClasses: function( value ) {
+ var classKey, elements, currentElements;
+ for ( classKey in value ) {
+ currentElements = this.classesElementLookup[ classKey ];
+ if ( value[ classKey ] === this.options.classes[ classKey ] ||
+ !currentElements ||
+ !currentElements.length ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We are doing this to create a new jQuery object because the _removeClass() call
+ // on the next line is going to destroy the reference to the current elements being
+ // tracked. We need to save a copy of this collection so that we can add the new classes
+ // below.
+ elements = $( currentElements.get() );
+ this._removeClass( currentElements, classKey );
+ // We don't use _addClass() here, because that uses this.options.classes
+ // for generating the string of classes. We want to use the value passed in from
+ // _setOption(), this is the new value of the classes option which was passed to
+ // _setOption(). We pass this value directly to _classes().
+ elements.addClass( this._classes( {
+ element: elements,
+ keys: classKey,
+ classes: value,
+ add: true
+ } ) );
+ }
+ },
+ _setOptionDisabled: function( value ) {
+ this._toggleClass( this.widget(), this.widgetFullName + "-disabled", null, !!value );
+ // If the widget is becoming disabled, then nothing is interactive
+ if ( value ) {
+ this._removeClass( this.hoverable, null, "ui-state-hover" );
+ this._removeClass( this.focusable, null, "ui-state-focus" );
+ }
+ },
+ enable: function() {
+ return this._setOptions( { disabled: false } );
+ },
+ disable: function() {
+ return this._setOptions( { disabled: true } );
+ },
+ _classes: function( options ) {
+ var full = [];
+ var that = this;
+ options = $.extend( {
+ element: this.element,
+ classes: this.options.classes || {}
+ }, options );
+ function processClassString( classes, checkOption ) {
+ var current, i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ ) {
+ current = that.classesElementLookup[ classes[ i ] ] || $();
+ if ( options.add ) {
+ current = $( $.unique( current.get().concat( options.element.get() ) ) );
+ } else {
+ current = $( current.not( options.element ).get() );
+ }
+ that.classesElementLookup[ classes[ i ] ] = current;
+ full.push( classes[ i ] );
+ if ( checkOption && options.classes[ classes[ i ] ] ) {
+ full.push( options.classes[ classes[ i ] ] );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._on( options.element, {
+ "remove": "_untrackClassesElement"
+ } );
+ if ( options.keys ) {
+ processClassString( options.keys.match( /\S+/g ) || [], true );
+ }
+ if ( options.extra ) {
+ processClassString( options.extra.match( /\S+/g ) || [] );
+ }
+ return full.join( " " );
+ },
+ _untrackClassesElement: function( event ) {
+ var that = this;
+ $.each( that.classesElementLookup, function( key, value ) {
+ if ( $.inArray( event.target, value ) !== -1 ) {
+ that.classesElementLookup[ key ] = $( value.not( event.target ).get() );
+ }
+ } );
+ },
+ _removeClass: function( element, keys, extra ) {
+ return this._toggleClass( element, keys, extra, false );
+ },
+ _addClass: function( element, keys, extra ) {
+ return this._toggleClass( element, keys, extra, true );
+ },
+ _toggleClass: function( element, keys, extra, add ) {
+ add = ( typeof add === "boolean" ) ? add : extra;
+ var shift = ( typeof element === "string" || element === null ),
+ options = {
+ extra: shift ? keys : extra,
+ keys: shift ? element : keys,
+ element: shift ? this.element : element,
+ add: add
+ };
+ options.element.toggleClass( this._classes( options ), add );
+ return this;
+ },
+ _on: function( suppressDisabledCheck, element, handlers ) {
+ var delegateElement;
+ var instance = this;
+ // No suppressDisabledCheck flag, shuffle arguments
+ if ( typeof suppressDisabledCheck !== "boolean" ) {
+ handlers = element;
+ element = suppressDisabledCheck;
+ suppressDisabledCheck = false;
+ }
+ // No element argument, shuffle and use this.element
+ if ( !handlers ) {
+ handlers = element;
+ element = this.element;
+ delegateElement = this.widget();
+ } else {
+ element = delegateElement = $( element );
+ this.bindings = this.bindings.add( element );
+ }
+ $.each( handlers, function( event, handler ) {
+ function handlerProxy() {
+ // Allow widgets to customize the disabled handling
+ // - disabled as an array instead of boolean
+ // - disabled class as method for disabling individual parts
+ if ( !suppressDisabledCheck &&
+ ( instance.options.disabled === true ||
+ $( this ).hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ) ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return ( typeof handler === "string" ? instance[ handler ] : handler )
+ .apply( instance, arguments );
+ }
+ // Copy the guid so direct unbinding works
+ if ( typeof handler !== "string" ) {
+ handlerProxy.guid = handler.guid =
+ handler.guid || handlerProxy.guid || $.guid++;
+ }
+ var match = event.match( /^([\w:-]*)\s*(.*)$/ );
+ var eventName = match[ 1 ] + instance.eventNamespace;
+ var selector = match[ 2 ];
+ if ( selector ) {
+ delegateElement.on( eventName, selector, handlerProxy );
+ } else {
+ element.on( eventName, handlerProxy );
+ }
+ } );
+ },
+ _off: function( element, eventName ) {
+ eventName = ( eventName || "" ).split( " " ).join( this.eventNamespace + " " ) +
+ this.eventNamespace;
+ element.off( eventName ).off( eventName );
+ // Clear the stack to avoid memory leaks (#10056)
+ this.bindings = $( this.bindings.not( element ).get() );
+ this.focusable = $( this.focusable.not( element ).get() );
+ this.hoverable = $( this.hoverable.not( element ).get() );
+ },
+ _delay: function( handler, delay ) {
+ function handlerProxy() {
+ return ( typeof handler === "string" ? instance[ handler ] : handler )
+ .apply( instance, arguments );
+ }
+ var instance = this;
+ return setTimeout( handlerProxy, delay || 0 );
+ },
+ _hoverable: function( element ) {
+ this.hoverable = this.hoverable.add( element );
+ this._on( element, {
+ mouseenter: function( event ) {
+ this._addClass( $( event.currentTarget ), null, "ui-state-hover" );
+ },
+ mouseleave: function( event ) {
+ this._removeClass( $( event.currentTarget ), null, "ui-state-hover" );
+ }
+ } );
+ },
+ _focusable: function( element ) {
+ this.focusable = this.focusable.add( element );
+ this._on( element, {
+ focusin: function( event ) {
+ this._addClass( $( event.currentTarget ), null, "ui-state-focus" );
+ },
+ focusout: function( event ) {
+ this._removeClass( $( event.currentTarget ), null, "ui-state-focus" );
+ }
+ } );
+ },
+ _trigger: function( type, event, data ) {
+ var prop, orig;
+ var callback = this.options[ type ];
+ data = data || {};
+ event = $.Event( event );
+ event.type = ( type === this.widgetEventPrefix ?
+ type :
+ this.widgetEventPrefix + type ).toLowerCase();
+ // The original event may come from any element
+ // so we need to reset the target on the new event
+ event.target = this.element[ 0 ];
+ // Copy original event properties over to the new event
+ orig = event.originalEvent;
+ if ( orig ) {
+ for ( prop in orig ) {
+ if ( !( prop in event ) ) {
+ event[ prop ] = orig[ prop ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.element.trigger( event, data );
+ return !( $.isFunction( callback ) &&
+ callback.apply( this.element[ 0 ], [ event ].concat( data ) ) === false ||
+ event.isDefaultPrevented() );
+ }
+$.each( { show: "fadeIn", hide: "fadeOut" }, function( method, defaultEffect ) {
+ $.Widget.prototype[ "_" + method ] = function( element, options, callback ) {
+ if ( typeof options === "string" ) {
+ options = { effect: options };
+ }
+ var hasOptions;
+ var effectName = !options ?
+ method :
+ options === true || typeof options === "number" ?
+ defaultEffect :
+ options.effect || defaultEffect;
+ options = options || {};
+ if ( typeof options === "number" ) {
+ options = { duration: options };
+ }
+ hasOptions = !$.isEmptyObject( options );
+ options.complete = callback;
+ if ( options.delay ) {
+ element.delay( options.delay );
+ }
+ if ( hasOptions && $.effects && $.effects.effect[ effectName ] ) {
+ element[ method ]( options );
+ } else if ( effectName !== method && element[ effectName ] ) {
+ element[ effectName ]( options.duration, options.easing, callback );
+ } else {
+ element.queue( function( next ) {
+ $( this )[ method ]();
+ if ( callback ) {
+ callback.call( element[ 0 ] );
+ }
+ next();
+ } );
+ }
+ };
+} );
+var widget = $.widget;
+ * jQuery UI Position 1.12.1
+ * http://jqueryui.com
+ *
+ * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
+ * Released under the MIT license.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ *
+ * http://api.jqueryui.com/position/
+ */
+//>>label: Position
+//>>group: Core
+//>>description: Positions elements relative to other elements.
+//>>docs: http://api.jqueryui.com/position/
+//>>demos: http://jqueryui.com/position/
+( function() {
+var cachedScrollbarWidth,
+ max = Math.max,
+ abs = Math.abs,
+ rhorizontal = /left|center|right/,
+ rvertical = /top|center|bottom/,
+ roffset = /[\+\-]\d+(\.[\d]+)?%?/,
+ rposition = /^\w+/,
+ rpercent = /%$/,
+ _position = $.fn.position;
+function getOffsets( offsets, width, height ) {
+ return [
+ parseFloat( offsets[ 0 ] ) * ( rpercent.test( offsets[ 0 ] ) ? width / 100 : 1 ),
+ parseFloat( offsets[ 1 ] ) * ( rpercent.test( offsets[ 1 ] ) ? height / 100 : 1 )
+ ];
+function parseCss( element, property ) {
+ return parseInt( $.css( element, property ), 10 ) || 0;
+function getDimensions( elem ) {
+ var raw = elem[ 0 ];
+ if ( raw.nodeType === 9 ) {
+ return {
+ width: elem.width(),
+ height: elem.height(),
+ offset: { top: 0, left: 0 }
+ };
+ }
+ if ( $.isWindow( raw ) ) {
+ return {
+ width: elem.width(),
+ height: elem.height(),
+ offset: { top: elem.scrollTop(), left: elem.scrollLeft() }
+ };
+ }
+ if ( raw.preventDefault ) {
+ return {
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
+ offset: { top: raw.pageY, left: raw.pageX }
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ width: elem.outerWidth(),
+ height: elem.outerHeight(),
+ offset: elem.offset()
+ };
+$.position = {
+ scrollbarWidth: function() {
+ if ( cachedScrollbarWidth !== undefined ) {
+ return cachedScrollbarWidth;
+ }
+ var w1, w2,
+ div = $( "
" ),
+ innerDiv = div.children()[ 0 ];
+ $( "body" ).append( div );
+ w1 = innerDiv.offsetWidth;
+ div.css( "overflow", "scroll" );
+ w2 = innerDiv.offsetWidth;
+ if ( w1 === w2 ) {
+ w2 = div[ 0 ].clientWidth;
+ }
+ div.remove();
+ return ( cachedScrollbarWidth = w1 - w2 );
+ },
+ getScrollInfo: function( within ) {
+ var overflowX = within.isWindow || within.isDocument ? "" :
+ within.element.css( "overflow-x" ),
+ overflowY = within.isWindow || within.isDocument ? "" :
+ within.element.css( "overflow-y" ),
+ hasOverflowX = overflowX === "scroll" ||
+ ( overflowX === "auto" && within.width < within.element[ 0 ].scrollWidth ),
+ hasOverflowY = overflowY === "scroll" ||
+ ( overflowY === "auto" && within.height < within.element[ 0 ].scrollHeight );
+ return {
+ width: hasOverflowY ? $.position.scrollbarWidth() : 0,
+ height: hasOverflowX ? $.position.scrollbarWidth() : 0
+ };
+ },
+ getWithinInfo: function( element ) {
+ var withinElement = $( element || window ),
+ isWindow = $.isWindow( withinElement[ 0 ] ),
+ isDocument = !!withinElement[ 0 ] && withinElement[ 0 ].nodeType === 9,
+ hasOffset = !isWindow && !isDocument;
+ return {
+ element: withinElement,
+ isWindow: isWindow,
+ isDocument: isDocument,
+ offset: hasOffset ? $( element ).offset() : { left: 0, top: 0 },
+ scrollLeft: withinElement.scrollLeft(),
+ scrollTop: withinElement.scrollTop(),
+ width: withinElement.outerWidth(),
+ height: withinElement.outerHeight()
+ };
+ }
+$.fn.position = function( options ) {
+ if ( !options || !options.of ) {
+ return _position.apply( this, arguments );
+ }
+ // Make a copy, we don't want to modify arguments
+ options = $.extend( {}, options );
+ var atOffset, targetWidth, targetHeight, targetOffset, basePosition, dimensions,
+ target = $( options.of ),
+ within = $.position.getWithinInfo( options.within ),
+ scrollInfo = $.position.getScrollInfo( within ),
+ collision = ( options.collision || "flip" ).split( " " ),
+ offsets = {};
+ dimensions = getDimensions( target );
+ if ( target[ 0 ].preventDefault ) {
+ // Force left top to allow flipping
+ options.at = "left top";
+ }
+ targetWidth = dimensions.width;
+ targetHeight = dimensions.height;
+ targetOffset = dimensions.offset;
+ // Clone to reuse original targetOffset later
+ basePosition = $.extend( {}, targetOffset );
+ // Force my and at to have valid horizontal and vertical positions
+ // if a value is missing or invalid, it will be converted to center
+ $.each( [ "my", "at" ], function() {
+ var pos = ( options[ this ] || "" ).split( " " ),
+ horizontalOffset,
+ verticalOffset;
+ if ( pos.length === 1 ) {
+ pos = rhorizontal.test( pos[ 0 ] ) ?
+ pos.concat( [ "center" ] ) :
+ rvertical.test( pos[ 0 ] ) ?
+ [ "center" ].concat( pos ) :
+ [ "center", "center" ];
+ }
+ pos[ 0 ] = rhorizontal.test( pos[ 0 ] ) ? pos[ 0 ] : "center";
+ pos[ 1 ] = rvertical.test( pos[ 1 ] ) ? pos[ 1 ] : "center";
+ // Calculate offsets
+ horizontalOffset = roffset.exec( pos[ 0 ] );
+ verticalOffset = roffset.exec( pos[ 1 ] );
+ offsets[ this ] = [
+ horizontalOffset ? horizontalOffset[ 0 ] : 0,
+ verticalOffset ? verticalOffset[ 0 ] : 0
+ ];
+ // Reduce to just the positions without the offsets
+ options[ this ] = [
+ rposition.exec( pos[ 0 ] )[ 0 ],
+ rposition.exec( pos[ 1 ] )[ 0 ]
+ ];
+ } );
+ // Normalize collision option
+ if ( collision.length === 1 ) {
+ collision[ 1 ] = collision[ 0 ];
+ }
+ if ( options.at[ 0 ] === "right" ) {
+ basePosition.left += targetWidth;
+ } else if ( options.at[ 0 ] === "center" ) {
+ basePosition.left += targetWidth / 2;
+ }
+ if ( options.at[ 1 ] === "bottom" ) {
+ basePosition.top += targetHeight;
+ } else if ( options.at[ 1 ] === "center" ) {
+ basePosition.top += targetHeight / 2;
+ }
+ atOffset = getOffsets( offsets.at, targetWidth, targetHeight );
+ basePosition.left += atOffset[ 0 ];
+ basePosition.top += atOffset[ 1 ];
+ return this.each( function() {
+ var collisionPosition, using,
+ elem = $( this ),
+ elemWidth = elem.outerWidth(),
+ elemHeight = elem.outerHeight(),
+ marginLeft = parseCss( this, "marginLeft" ),
+ marginTop = parseCss( this, "marginTop" ),
+ collisionWidth = elemWidth + marginLeft + parseCss( this, "marginRight" ) +
+ scrollInfo.width,
+ collisionHeight = elemHeight + marginTop + parseCss( this, "marginBottom" ) +
+ scrollInfo.height,
+ position = $.extend( {}, basePosition ),
+ myOffset = getOffsets( offsets.my, elem.outerWidth(), elem.outerHeight() );
+ if ( options.my[ 0 ] === "right" ) {
+ position.left -= elemWidth;
+ } else if ( options.my[ 0 ] === "center" ) {
+ position.left -= elemWidth / 2;
+ }
+ if ( options.my[ 1 ] === "bottom" ) {
+ position.top -= elemHeight;
+ } else if ( options.my[ 1 ] === "center" ) {
+ position.top -= elemHeight / 2;
+ }
+ position.left += myOffset[ 0 ];
+ position.top += myOffset[ 1 ];
+ collisionPosition = {
+ marginLeft: marginLeft,
+ marginTop: marginTop
+ };
+ $.each( [ "left", "top" ], function( i, dir ) {
+ if ( $.ui.position[ collision[ i ] ] ) {
+ $.ui.position[ collision[ i ] ][ dir ]( position, {
+ targetWidth: targetWidth,
+ targetHeight: targetHeight,
+ elemWidth: elemWidth,
+ elemHeight: elemHeight,
+ collisionPosition: collisionPosition,
+ collisionWidth: collisionWidth,
+ collisionHeight: collisionHeight,
+ offset: [ atOffset[ 0 ] + myOffset[ 0 ], atOffset [ 1 ] + myOffset[ 1 ] ],
+ my: options.my,
+ at: options.at,
+ within: within,
+ elem: elem
+ } );
+ }
+ } );
+ if ( options.using ) {
+ // Adds feedback as second argument to using callback, if present
+ using = function( props ) {
+ var left = targetOffset.left - position.left,
+ right = left + targetWidth - elemWidth,
+ top = targetOffset.top - position.top,
+ bottom = top + targetHeight - elemHeight,
+ feedback = {
+ target: {
+ element: target,
+ left: targetOffset.left,
+ top: targetOffset.top,
+ width: targetWidth,
+ height: targetHeight
+ },
+ element: {
+ element: elem,
+ left: position.left,
+ top: position.top,
+ width: elemWidth,
+ height: elemHeight
+ },
+ horizontal: right < 0 ? "left" : left > 0 ? "right" : "center",
+ vertical: bottom < 0 ? "top" : top > 0 ? "bottom" : "middle"
+ };
+ if ( targetWidth < elemWidth && abs( left + right ) < targetWidth ) {
+ feedback.horizontal = "center";
+ }
+ if ( targetHeight < elemHeight && abs( top + bottom ) < targetHeight ) {
+ feedback.vertical = "middle";
+ }
+ if ( max( abs( left ), abs( right ) ) > max( abs( top ), abs( bottom ) ) ) {
+ feedback.important = "horizontal";
+ } else {
+ feedback.important = "vertical";
+ }
+ options.using.call( this, props, feedback );
+ };
+ }
+ elem.offset( $.extend( position, { using: using } ) );
+ } );
+$.ui.position = {
+ fit: {
+ left: function( position, data ) {
+ var within = data.within,
+ withinOffset = within.isWindow ? within.scrollLeft : within.offset.left,
+ outerWidth = within.width,
+ collisionPosLeft = position.left - data.collisionPosition.marginLeft,
+ overLeft = withinOffset - collisionPosLeft,
+ overRight = collisionPosLeft + data.collisionWidth - outerWidth - withinOffset,
+ newOverRight;
+ // Element is wider than within
+ if ( data.collisionWidth > outerWidth ) {
+ // Element is initially over the left side of within
+ if ( overLeft > 0 && overRight <= 0 ) {
+ newOverRight = position.left + overLeft + data.collisionWidth - outerWidth -
+ withinOffset;
+ position.left += overLeft - newOverRight;
+ // Element is initially over right side of within
+ } else if ( overRight > 0 && overLeft <= 0 ) {
+ position.left = withinOffset;
+ // Element is initially over both left and right sides of within
+ } else {
+ if ( overLeft > overRight ) {
+ position.left = withinOffset + outerWidth - data.collisionWidth;
+ } else {
+ position.left = withinOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ // Too far left -> align with left edge
+ } else if ( overLeft > 0 ) {
+ position.left += overLeft;
+ // Too far right -> align with right edge
+ } else if ( overRight > 0 ) {
+ position.left -= overRight;
+ // Adjust based on position and margin
+ } else {
+ position.left = max( position.left - collisionPosLeft, position.left );
+ }
+ },
+ top: function( position, data ) {
+ var within = data.within,
+ withinOffset = within.isWindow ? within.scrollTop : within.offset.top,
+ outerHeight = data.within.height,
+ collisionPosTop = position.top - data.collisionPosition.marginTop,
+ overTop = withinOffset - collisionPosTop,
+ overBottom = collisionPosTop + data.collisionHeight - outerHeight - withinOffset,
+ newOverBottom;
+ // Element is taller than within
+ if ( data.collisionHeight > outerHeight ) {
+ // Element is initially over the top of within
+ if ( overTop > 0 && overBottom <= 0 ) {
+ newOverBottom = position.top + overTop + data.collisionHeight - outerHeight -
+ withinOffset;
+ position.top += overTop - newOverBottom;
+ // Element is initially over bottom of within
+ } else if ( overBottom > 0 && overTop <= 0 ) {
+ position.top = withinOffset;
+ // Element is initially over both top and bottom of within
+ } else {
+ if ( overTop > overBottom ) {
+ position.top = withinOffset + outerHeight - data.collisionHeight;
+ } else {
+ position.top = withinOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ // Too far up -> align with top
+ } else if ( overTop > 0 ) {
+ position.top += overTop;
+ // Too far down -> align with bottom edge
+ } else if ( overBottom > 0 ) {
+ position.top -= overBottom;
+ // Adjust based on position and margin
+ } else {
+ position.top = max( position.top - collisionPosTop, position.top );
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ flip: {
+ left: function( position, data ) {
+ var within = data.within,
+ withinOffset = within.offset.left + within.scrollLeft,
+ outerWidth = within.width,
+ offsetLeft = within.isWindow ? within.scrollLeft : within.offset.left,
+ collisionPosLeft = position.left - data.collisionPosition.marginLeft,
+ overLeft = collisionPosLeft - offsetLeft,
+ overRight = collisionPosLeft + data.collisionWidth - outerWidth - offsetLeft,
+ myOffset = data.my[ 0 ] === "left" ?
+ -data.elemWidth :
+ data.my[ 0 ] === "right" ?
+ data.elemWidth :
+ 0,
+ atOffset = data.at[ 0 ] === "left" ?
+ data.targetWidth :
+ data.at[ 0 ] === "right" ?
+ -data.targetWidth :
+ 0,
+ offset = -2 * data.offset[ 0 ],
+ newOverRight,
+ newOverLeft;
+ if ( overLeft < 0 ) {
+ newOverRight = position.left + myOffset + atOffset + offset + data.collisionWidth -
+ outerWidth - withinOffset;
+ if ( newOverRight < 0 || newOverRight < abs( overLeft ) ) {
+ position.left += myOffset + atOffset + offset;
+ }
+ } else if ( overRight > 0 ) {
+ newOverLeft = position.left - data.collisionPosition.marginLeft + myOffset +
+ atOffset + offset - offsetLeft;
+ if ( newOverLeft > 0 || abs( newOverLeft ) < overRight ) {
+ position.left += myOffset + atOffset + offset;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ top: function( position, data ) {
+ var within = data.within,
+ withinOffset = within.offset.top + within.scrollTop,
+ outerHeight = within.height,
+ offsetTop = within.isWindow ? within.scrollTop : within.offset.top,
+ collisionPosTop = position.top - data.collisionPosition.marginTop,
+ overTop = collisionPosTop - offsetTop,
+ overBottom = collisionPosTop + data.collisionHeight - outerHeight - offsetTop,
+ top = data.my[ 1 ] === "top",
+ myOffset = top ?
+ -data.elemHeight :
+ data.my[ 1 ] === "bottom" ?
+ data.elemHeight :
+ 0,
+ atOffset = data.at[ 1 ] === "top" ?
+ data.targetHeight :
+ data.at[ 1 ] === "bottom" ?
+ -data.targetHeight :
+ 0,
+ offset = -2 * data.offset[ 1 ],
+ newOverTop,
+ newOverBottom;
+ if ( overTop < 0 ) {
+ newOverBottom = position.top + myOffset + atOffset + offset + data.collisionHeight -
+ outerHeight - withinOffset;
+ if ( newOverBottom < 0 || newOverBottom < abs( overTop ) ) {
+ position.top += myOffset + atOffset + offset;
+ }
+ } else if ( overBottom > 0 ) {
+ newOverTop = position.top - data.collisionPosition.marginTop + myOffset + atOffset +
+ offset - offsetTop;
+ if ( newOverTop > 0 || abs( newOverTop ) < overBottom ) {
+ position.top += myOffset + atOffset + offset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ flipfit: {
+ left: function() {
+ $.ui.position.flip.left.apply( this, arguments );
+ $.ui.position.fit.left.apply( this, arguments );
+ },
+ top: function() {
+ $.ui.position.flip.top.apply( this, arguments );
+ $.ui.position.fit.top.apply( this, arguments );
+ }
+ }
+} )();
+var position = $.ui.position;
+ * jQuery UI Keycode 1.12.1
+ * http://jqueryui.com
+ *
+ * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
+ * Released under the MIT license.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ */
+//>>label: Keycode
+//>>group: Core
+//>>description: Provide keycodes as keynames
+//>>docs: http://api.jqueryui.com/jQuery.ui.keyCode/
+var keycode = $.ui.keyCode = {
+ COMMA: 188,
+ DELETE: 46,
+ DOWN: 40,
+ END: 35,
+ ENTER: 13,
+ ESCAPE: 27,
+ HOME: 36,
+ LEFT: 37,
+ PAGE_DOWN: 34,
+ PAGE_UP: 33,
+ PERIOD: 190,
+ RIGHT: 39,
+ SPACE: 32,
+ TAB: 9,
+ UP: 38
+ * jQuery UI Unique ID 1.12.1
+ * http://jqueryui.com
+ *
+ * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
+ * Released under the MIT license.
+ * http://jquery.org/license
+ */
+//>>label: uniqueId
+//>>group: Core
+//>>description: Functions to generate and remove uniqueId's
+//>>docs: http://api.jqueryui.com/uniqueId/
+var uniqueId = $.fn.extend( {
+ uniqueId: ( function() {
+ var uuid = 0;
+ return function() {
+ return this.each( function() {
+ if ( !this.id ) {
+ this.id = "ui-id-" + ( ++uuid );
+ }
+ } );
+ };
+ } )(),
+ removeUniqueId: function() {
+ return this.each( function() {
+ if ( /^ui-id-\d+$/.test( this.id ) ) {
+ $( this ).removeAttr( "id" );
+ }
+ } );
+ }
+} );
+var safeActiveElement = $.ui.safeActiveElement = function( document ) {
+ var activeElement;
+ // Support: IE 9 only
+ // IE9 throws an "Unspecified error" accessing document.activeElement from an