title: | Architecture of A+ LMS |
Author: | Jaakko Kantojärvi |
description: | Short presentation about high level architecture of A+ LMS and it's microservices |
data-transition-duration: | 2000 |
skip-help: | true |
css: | presentation.css |
data-scale: | 1 |
data-x: | r1200 |
A+ is a learning management system.
- Online course material
- Automatic assessment for exercises
- Interactive learning elements
- Exercise point management per student
- features of any LMS
- Can safely evaluate code from students
- Student groups created by students themselfs
- Good course material workflow
- Flexible and extendable architecture
- Easy to create new assestment tools
- Easy to connect new external services
data-scale: | 4 |
data-x: | 8000 |
data-y: | 0 |
class: | always |
data-scale: | 4 |
data-x: | 8000 |
data-y: | 2500 |
data-rotate-x: | -30 |
data-rotate-y: | 0 |
data-rotate: | 0 |
- Each service does one thing well
- Makes system flexible
- Using existing parts is simple
- One course doesn't break others
- Custom tools for single course
data-scale: | 1 |
data-x: | 8000 |
data-y: | 1300 |
data-rotate-x: | -20 |
data-rotate-y: | 0 |
data-rotate: | 0 |
- User authentication via University IdP or Google
- Does access control (student, assistant, teacher)
- Bookkeeping: exercise points and grade
- Notifications
- handles auth
- access control: student, assistant, teacher
- bookkeeping: points, submissions
- notifications: exercise is graded, feedback from staff
data-x: | 8330 |
data-y: | 120 |
data-rotate-x: | -20 |
- Text material (html & css)
- Exercise (html form / javascript)
- Retrieved from other services
- Represented as part of A+
- A+ doesn't care where the content comes from
- Content is served via A+
- anything that is HTML / CSS / javascript
- submissions tracked by A+
data-x: | 7350 |
data-y: | 250 |
data-rotate-x: | -15 |
data-rotate-y: | -15 |
data-rotate: | 40 |
- Simple html post and response
- Synchronous assessment (questionnaires)
- Asynchronous assessment (programming exercises)
- Assessment grade is recorded into A+
- Simple protocol
- Easy to create custom grading service
data-x: | 7100 |
data-y: | 50 |
data-rotate-x: | -20 |
data-rotate-y: | -10 |
data-rotate: | 30 |
- Safe way to evaluate student code
- Environment defined with Docker images
- Processing pool handled by Kubernetes
- Assessment request from A+
- Asynchronous response when evaluation is completed
data-x: | 9850 |
data-y: | 0 |
data-rotate-x: | -20 |
data-rotate-y: | 10 |
data-rotate: | -10 |
- ACOS - interactive exercises to multiple LMSes
- Rubyric - report assessment, peer review
- MOOC-Jutut - interactive feedbacks
- Radar - plagiarism checking (for code)
- Create more with simple http+form protocol!
data-x: | 9800 |
data-y: | 1000 |
data-rotate-x: | -20 |
data-rotate-y: | 10 |
data-rotate: | -10 |
- Piazza - Discussion forum
- Code paste - Tool for students to share snippets
- Assist queue - Fair assistant time use
- Easy to create or connect more services
data-x: | 7300 |
data-y: | 1390 |
data-rotate-x: | -20 |
data-rotate-y: | 0 |
data-rotate: | 0 |
- Write material in Ariel (reStructuredText)
- or with something else
- Compile material to html and yaml with Roman
- Write unit tests for programming exercises
- ariel - formelly known as a-plus-rst-tools
data-x: | 6600 |
data-y: | 1390 |
data-rotate-x: | -20 |
- Test early and break things before production
- Develop docker image to work with your exercises
- Rapid development
data-x: | 6200 |
data-y: | 700 |
data-rotate-x: | -20 |
- Manage changes with git
- Push changes to staging
- Push working version to production
data-x: | 7400 |
data-y: | 450 |
data-rotate-x: | -20 |
data-rotate-y: | -8 |
data-rotate: | 15 |
A+ and other services are automatically updated
data-x: | 6400 |
data-y: | 300 |
data-rotate-x: | -20 |
data-rotate-y: | -5 |
data-rotate: | 10 |
- Use gitlab/github/etc to share material
- Collaborate with other Universities
- Teacher writes material
- Assistant creates exercise unit tests
data-x: | 6000 |
data-y: | 400 |
Ohjelmointi 1 & 2, Studio 2
Scala exercises
Animated storytelling
JSVEE code animations
Example code annotations
Questionnaires with specific hints
Git tutorial (Studio 2)
Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1 & Y2
Python exercise
UML modelling (Y2)
data-x: | r-100 |
data-y: | r400 |
Data Structures and Algorithms Y & S.
JSAV visual algorithm exercises
Relational algebra
SQL queries
Tietotekniikka sovelluksissa
Numpy, Matlab, LabVIEW, SQL, HTML
Mobile Cloud Computing
Assess Android software with a virtual screen
Web Software Development
Assess web code using virtual web browser automation
Exercises submitted as git repository
Nearly anything is possible with containers!
data-scale: | 2 |
data-x: | 7960 |
data-y: | 1700 |
data-rotate-x: | -40 |
data-rotate-y: | 0 |
data-rotate: | 0 |
class: | center_text |
- Microservices are reusable with other LMSes
- For moodle, there is mod_astra. with implementation for core A+ features.
data-scale: 2 data-x: 8000 data-y: 1400 data-rotate-x: -40 data-rotate-y: 0 data-rotate: 0 class: center_text
data-scale: | 4 |
data-x: | 8000 |
data-y: | 1300 |
data-rotate-x: | 0 |
data-rotate-y: | 0 |
data-rotate: | 0 |
class: | center_text |
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