April 2022
- A+ v1.14.0
- MOOC-Grader v1.14.0
- No changes since v1.13.0
- Git Manager v1.14.0
- No changes since v1.13.2
- a-plus-rst-tools v1.4.3 (updates related to the Git Manager were delayed to a-plus-rst-tools v1.5 and A+ v1.15)
Most of the features planned for the v1.14.0 release have been delayed. Some of them will be released in v1.15.0 in June 2022.
A+ patch v1.14.1 was planned originally, but it will not be released.
- Added support for enrollment questionnaires when the course enrollments are retrieved from SIS.
- Enrollments have a new PENDING status.
- Students with a PENDING enrollment must complete the enrollment questionnaire before they may submit to assignments.
- If SIS enrollment is not used, a PENDING enrollment is added when the student opens the enrollment questionnaire even if they do not submit it.
- Background: enrollment questionnaires force the student to answer to a questionnaire before they may enroll in the A+ coursespace. Before v1.14, enrollment questionnaires were disabled when SIS enrollments were used in A+.