Create a new class library project
Add references to: BMEngine project, PresentationCore, PresentationFramework, OpenTK (through nuget)
Optionally, add references (though nuget) to Newtonsoft.Json, Extended.Wpf.Toolkit
Add a public "Render" class to the project that implements the IPluginRender interface from BMEngine
Name, Description and PreviewImage are static fields that show the information on the plugins tab
Initialized needs to be set to true when Init() is called, and to false when Dispose is called
NoteScreenTime is the time the window of time (in ticks) that the notes can spend on the screen before getting deleted
LastNoteCount is the last number of notes rendered.
SettingsControl is a WPF control that will be visible on the Plugin Settings page
Init() can be used to initialise frame buffers and vertex buffers
Dispose() removed them
SetTrackColors() sets the initial colors of the midi tracks/channels (for custom note color schemes)
RenderFrame() renders a frame, the final image has to be loaded into the framebuffer "finalCompositeBuff"
For those new to framebuffers, this is done by:
GL.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, finalCompositeBuff);