- support openapi v3 (instead of swagger v2)
- removed generateBarrelFile
- removed generateFormGroups
- log missing types
- in model interface: use interface for properties of complex types
- in model: use Partial instead of any in ctor and setValues
- fixed an error in model generation using the FormGroups
- added some unit tests to test generated code
- added generateFormGroups option
- fixed compile error
- generate AllEnumsType in enums
- generate static xxx_FIELD_NAME fields in the models
- generate subtype stuff when a class had the subTypeProperty
- addFormControl and setFormGroupValuesInAddedFormControls added to BaseModel.
- better support for subTypes in generated models and baseModel
- SubTypeFactory is now generated
- switched parameters type and subTypeFactoryFn in BaseModel.fillModelArray
static classname as a string now only in subtypes
in model subtypes: static classname as a string
Better support for subTypes. The file sub-type-factory.ts is now generated.
now can contain a filepath or the parsed contents of the swagger file.
generator code now is converted to Typescript
now extend there baseType
instead of BaseModel
forgot to push the changed generate-model-ts.hsb
config: new setting subTypePropertyName added. Implementation of baseClasses changed
enum-i18n-html: convert label to PascalCasing when value is not uppercase or value.length > 3
bugfix option generateClasses (classes were not generated anymore when set to true)
option generateClasses added
modelGenerator, enumGenerator: options sortModelProperties and sortEnumTypes added.
modelGenerator, enumGenerator: option typesToFilter added.
modelGenerator: removed console.log statement.
modelGenerator: generate validators for 0 values.
enumGenerator: option enumI18NHtmlFile added.
modelGenerator: now supportes enums which are defined with $ref
modelGenerator, enumGenerator: enum array is now supported.
modelGenerator, enumGenerator: overrule generated type with /*_ type [type] _/ in comment above property. Handy for reusing enums.
enumGenerator: remove console.log
enumGenerator: remove duplicate enum types (if both type and values are the same)
enumValidator: && control.value !== ''
enumValidator: && control.value !== null
enumValidator generated and used in *.model.ts classes
*.model.ts: if (this._formGroup) in setFormGroupValues() {
*.model.ts: don't call setFormGroupValues in getFormGroup()
*.model.ts: setFormGroupValues
*.model.ts: if (values) check added to setValues
gulp.config: config.files defined
Readme: link changed to angular-swagger-form-field-sample
Readme: link to angular2-swagger-form-field-sample added
Pushed this package to public github repo
Readme now contains setup guide. package.json now contains devDependencies.
Module published to npm.