A pure MessagePack binary serialization format implementation in Luau.
- Fulfill as much of MessagePack specification, as Luau allows
- Be on par with HttpService's
performance wise - Keep code readable as long as it does not get in the way of prior goals
This fork has "native" support for Int64
datatype by sacrificing some precision. This change was made because serde failed to deserialize HTTP requests containing 64 bit integers encoded as 64 bit floats.
local msgpack = require(path.to.msgpack)
local message = msgpack.encode({"hello", "world", 123, key="value"})
for i, v in pairs(msgpack.decode(message)) do
print(i, v)
-- To store MessagePack message in DataStore, it first needs to be wrapped in UTF8 format
-- This is not necessary for HttpService or RemoteEvents!
local dataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetGlobalDataStore()
dataStore:SetAsync("message", msgpack.utf8Encode(message))
local retrieved = msgpack.utf8Decode(dataStore:GetAsync("message"))
for i, v in pairs(msgpack.decode(retrieved)) do
print(i, v)
msgpack.encode(data: any): string
Encodes any pure Luau datatype in MessagePack binary string format. It does not currently handle any Roblox specific datatypes.
msgpack.decode(message: string): any
Decodes MessagePack binary string as pure Luau value.
msgpack.utf8Encode(message: string): string
Wraps binary string in a UTF-8 compatible encoding. Nescessary to save binary strings (like MessagePack serialized data) in DataStore.
msgpack.utf8Decode(blob: string): string
Unwraps binary string from UTF-8 compatible encoding.
msgpack.Extension.new(extensionType: number, blob: buffer): msgpack.Extension
Create MessagePack extension type, which is used for custom datatype serialization purposes. First argument
must be an integer. -
msgpack.Int64.new(mostSignificantPart: number, leastSignificantPart: number): msgpack.Int64
Represents 64-bit signed integer, which is too large to to represent as Luau integer. Both arguments must be integers. -
msgpack.UInt64.new(mostSignificantPart: number, leastSignificantPart: number): msgpack.UInt64
Represents 64-bit unsigned integer, which is too large to to represent as Luau integer. Both arguments must be integers.
One of the project goals is to match or exceed the performance of Roblox offered data serialization and deserialization methods (HttpService's JSONEncode
and JSONDecode
To ensure fulfillment of this goal the module's methods need to be benchmarked.
To benchmark message decoding performance an approximately 210KB large JSON encoded payload has been chosen.
This JSON is then used as input for HttpService:JSONEncode()
method and also encoded in MessagePack format so that it can be used as input for msgpack.decode()
For MessagePack encoding an online msgpack-lite encoder was used.
As visible in the boatbomber's benchmarker plugin results, msgpack.decode
considerably exceeds JSONDecode
To benchmark module's encoding performance same data is used as previously.
It is first decoded as table structure then both msgpack.encode
and JSONEncode
encode it with the following results:
After transitioning to Luau buffer based encoding strategy, MessagePack encoder significantly exceeds the performance of the JSONEncode
An interesting observation can be made on how consistent is it's execution time, even in comparision with the msgpack.decode
This is most likely is because msgpack.encode
performs only a single dynamic allocation by computing the nescessary amount of bytes to encode the data and then allocates the result buffer in one go.
Here is another benchmark which combines both decoding and encoding steps and as it can be seen, thanks to much greater msgpack.decode
speed, both methods together perform better than built-in JSONEncode
and JSONDecode
For more details on the benchmark setup, look into ./benchmark
To construct the benchmarking place, the following shell command was used: argon build -o benchmark.rbxl benchmark.project.json
Encoding and decoding fully works, extensions are currently not specially treated.