Learning Machine handles a Blockcerts verifier in multiple repository and with different ways of deploying. This is costly and hard to maintain.
Decision has been made to unify the verifier into one sole component and repository, with scalibility and maintainability at heart.
We decided to use Polymer 3.0 as previous versions of the verifier were already written with Polymer. Also because Web Components seem like a promising technology that could open a interesting future for the usage of the component.
State of the application will be handled by Redux, as demonstrated in the example project of Polymer.
We decided to use ITCSS for its interesting way to handle CSS scalability and maintainability. More information about this methodology can be found here:
We are using the tools provided by the Polymer Project, hence WCT. We also test for accessibility.
The Web Component needs to be WCAG2.0 AA compliant.
Follow above standards and methodologies for development. Maintain a good level of separation of concerns between state and views. Architecture for the communication with external APIs has not yet been decided, and will be subject of a future ADR.
Since WCT exposes Mocha methods, prefer using the BDD methods describe
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