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622 lines (518 loc) · 30.7 KB

File metadata and controls

622 lines (518 loc) · 30.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to PEP 440 and uses Semantic Versioning.


  • Fixed setting end date timezone when translating search opts to CMR opts


  • Added asf.ASFSearchOptions(circle=[lat, long, radius]) search param. Takes list of exactly 3 numbers.
  • Exposed asf.validator_map, which given a ops search param, can be used to look up which method we're going to validate it against.
  • Exposed ASFProduct.get_urls which returns the URL's for it's products directly. Can control which products with the fileType enum.


  • Removes get_property_paths() static method from ASFProduct, just uses _base_properties


  • replaces ciso8601 package with dateutil for package wheel compatibility. ciso8601 used when installed via extra dependency


  • Fixes syntax warning with escaped slash in


  • Adds missing values for polarization constants DUAL_HH, DUAL_VV, DUAL_HV, DUAL_VH, HH_3SCAN, HH_4SCAN, HH_5SCAN
  • processingLevel RAW now includes C1234413256-ASFDEV in collection alias list (SENTINEL-1B_RAW's collection for ASFDEV provider)


  • OPERAS1Product subclass now properly assigned to PGE v2.0.1 results


  • ARIAS1GUNWProduct.is_ARIAS1GUNWProduct() removed, replaced with ASFProduct._is_subclass() implementation


  • Uses ciso8601.parse_datetime() in baseline calculations, speeds up calculations on larger stacks


  • Adds ASF_LOGGER logging in search_generator() and related methods


  • ASFProduct.get_sort_keys() will no longer returns None if missing sort key, defaults to empty string


  • Improved logging in ASFSession authentication methods


  • Uses ciso8601 module for parsing dates from CMR response, significant performance improvement post-query
  • ASFSession now allows for authorized user access to hidden/restricted CMR datasets via auth_with_creds() or auth_with_cookiejar() authentication methods (previously only supported via auth_with_token() method)
  • ASFSession.auth_with_token() now authenticates directly against EDL endpoint
  • UMM Platform ShortName used as final fallback criteria for product subclass assignment


  • collection "ARIA_S1_GUNW" added to ARIA_S1_GUNW dataset, V3 products now loaded as ARIAS1GUNWProduct subclass
  • ARIAS1GUNWProduct now exposes ariaVersion and (for V3 products) inputGranules in


  • s3Urls property added to S1Product, OPERAS1Product, and NISARProduct types, exposing direct access S3 links


  • Adds cmr_keywords search keyword, enables passing CMR format strings in search directly
  • Adds shortName keyword, for use with lists of collection short names


  • Allows using dataset and platform in same search


  • timestamps while building queries and reading results from CMR now use UTC if no timezone is provided
  • Changed what collections the NISAR dataset and platform collections lists are pointed at.


  • Adds basic NISAR dataset search and product functionality for test data


  • OPERA-S1-CALIBRATION dataset is now the OPERA-S1-CALVAL dataset, uses the OPERA_S1_CALVAL constant


  • Fixes typo for constant variable name constants.PRODUCT_TYPE.CSLC_STATIC
  • Normalizes concept-id lists for OPERA-S1 dataset product types


  • Completely removes CSLC-STATIC Calval and RTC-STATIC Calval collections from concept-id lists


  • Adds AUTH_COOKIES to constants.INTERNAL and auth_cookie_names variable for ASFSession, used by auth_with_creds() and auth_with_cookiejar() to confirm login.


  • Attempting to authorize ASFSession against CMR UAT using auth_with_creds() and auth_with_cookiejar() no longer raises an exception on valid login
  • Fixes custom host in ASFSearchOptions raising type error while searching.


  • Fixed OPERA-S1-CALIBRATION dataset products raising error during search.


  • ASFProduct now has 13 sublcasses for different sub-products that correspond to datasets:
    • S1Product, S1BurstProduct, OPERAS1Product, ARIAS1GUNWProduct, ALOSProduct, RADARSATProduct, AIRSARProduct, ERSProduct, JERSProduct, UAVSARProduct, SIRCProduct, SEASATProduct, SMAPProduct
    • Each subclass defines relevant keys to pull from umm response, reducing the amount of irrelevant values in properties dict for certain product types
  • Adds collectionAlias to ASFSearchOptions validator map as config param. Set to False to disable concept-id aliasing behaviour for processingLevel and platform.
  • Adds warning when scenes in stack are missing state vectors, and logs baseline warnings with ASF_LOGGER
  • Adds OPERA-S1-CALIBRATION entry to dataset_collections and corresponding OPERA_S1_CALIBRATION constant to, used to search for OPERA-S1 CSLC and RTC calibration data.


  • remotezip is now an optional dependency of asf-search's pip and conda installs, (pip install example: python3 -m pip install asf-search[extras]).
  • Constants are no longer top level import, are now accessible through respective modules
  • processingLevel and platform are now aliased by collection concept-ids, (lists of concept ids by their processing levels/platforms viewable in, improving search performance and dodging subquery system
  • Baseline stacking no longer excludes products with missing state vectors from final stack, like SearchAPI
  • OPERA-S1 dataset no longer includes calibration data (moved to new dataset)
  • Adds optional ASFSession constructor keyword arguments for new class variables:
    • edl_host
    • edl_client_id
    • asf_auth_host
    • cmr_host
    • cmr_collections
    • auth_domains
  • ASFSession imports asf_search.constants.INTERNAL in constructor call
  • ASFSession methods auth_with_creds(), auth_with_token(), and rebuild_auth() use new class variables instead of constants




  • Harmonizes search(), geo_search(), and search_count() parameters
  • Updates python version requirement in to 3.8+


  • search method params with Iterable type hinting now changed to Sequence
  • search method param validators updated to support Sequence type


  • Adds constants for dataset keyword, under asf_search.DATASET
  • Adds CALVAL concept-ids to 'OPERA-S1' dataset
  • Adds validityStartDate for applicable OPERA-S1 products


  • Fixes OPERA-S1 dataset RTC-STATIC and CSLC-STATIC breaking returned results, sorts by validityStartDate in place of stopTime


  • Fixes issue with certain S1 products not stacking properly in certain environments, which caused null perpendicularBaseline values


  • Adds new dataset keyword to search() as an alternative to platform. Allows users to get results from multiple platforms at once in a single page
  • Adds operaBurstID keyword to search()
  • Adds OPERA-S1 param operaBurstID to, and adds Opera product urls to additionalUrls
  • OPERA-S1 RTC product polarization now shows both polarizations as list
  • adds frameNumber properties support for new Sentinel-1 Interferogram products
  • added CMR_TIMEOUT constant. This is the amount of time in seconds to wait without seeing any data. (Default=30)


  • Changes CMR_FORMAT_EXT constant from umm_json_v1_4 to umm_json, umm returned from CMR will now be in latest umm format by default


  • ERS-1, ERS-2, JERS-1, and RADARSAT-1 now assign FRAME_NUMBER to the frameNumber properties field


  • Fixes type hinting compatibility break introduced in v6.6.2 in for Python versions < v3.9


  • Adds new CMRIncompleteError exception, raised by search methods when CMR returns an incomplete page


  • Fixes bug in search_generator() causing results to sometimes wrongly be marked as incomplete


  • stack_from_id() now raises if results are incomplete, before checking if reference was found


  • Adds automated release notes


  • filename can be used again with ASFProduct.Download() method (ignored if multiple files are to be downloaded)


  • Adds fileType param to ASFProduct and ASFSearchResults download method. Let's users download burst .xml and/or .tiff from the burst extractor with FileDownloadType enum (DEFAULT_FILE, ADDITIONAL_FILES, ALL_FILES)


  • Fixes typo in convex hull warning message


  • Adds collections search keyword, letting results be limited to the provided concept-ids
  • Adds temporalBaselineDays search keyword, allows searching Sentinel-1 Interferogram (BETA) products by their temporal baseline


  • search_generator() now uses tenacity library to poll CMR
  • moves/re-organizes certain constant url fields to


  • TimeoutErrors now properly caught and logged


  • Burst product downloads now supported
  • IPFVersion field added to ASFProduct properties


  • BURST product url, fileName, and bytes properties populated again
  • search_count() now uses when building query url


  • BURST product baseline stackng now uses fullBurstID and polarization for getting initial stack
  • Changed order of entries in ASFSession's User-Agent header
  • BURST filename field uses "sceneName.extension" format


  • Changed CMR_PAGE_SIZE constant from 500 to 250


  • BURST product temporal/perpendicular baseline stacking now supported
  • Added searchable burst keyword params, relativeBurstID, absoluteBurstID, and fullBurstID


  • validate_wkt() now returns both wrapped and unwrapped wkts along with repair reports.
  • asf-search now sends the wrapped wkt to CMR when using the intersectsWith keyword
  • Removed burstAnxTime, timeFromAnxSeconds
  • Added azimuthAnxTime, azimuthTime


  • search_generator() returns a generator, which returns results from CMR page-by-page, yielding each page as an ASFSearchResults object. See /examples/1-Basic_Overview.ipynb for an example.
    • The generator can be passed to different output formats via results_to_[format]() methods, allowing users to stream results to different format strings as they're received from CMR


  • Removed Jinja2 as a dependency for metalink, kml, and csv output formats.


  • Burst metadata available in['burst'], also available in csv, kml, jsonlite, and jsonlite2 output formats.
  • Added BURST to constants
  • Added python logging support, for easier debugging and reporting when using asf_search inside an application.


  • Decreased the scope of tested platforms used in platform test cases


  • Adds markupsafe<=2.0.1 as package requirement (Jinja2 requires this version)
  • CMR url will now actually use the host property in ASFSearchOptions object


  • Fixed Setuptools not including csv, kml, and metalink export templates


  • csv(), metalink(), and kml() output formats should now work properly when installed from pip


  • Search errors are now automatically reported to ASF, users can opt out by changing asf_search.REPORT_ERRORS after import
    • Example and information available in "Usage" section of /examples/1-Basic_Overview.ipynb
  • ASFSearchResults now has raise_if_incomplete() method, raises ASFSearchError() if a search encountered an error and was unable to return all results from CMR
  • ASFProduct now has a remotezip() method, which takes a user's pre-authenticated ASFSession and returns a RemoteZip object. This can be used to list and download specific files from a product's zip archive, rather than the whole zip file.
  • Adds GRD_FD, PROJECTED_ML3X3, THREEFP product type constants.


  • While returning results, search() will no longer throw. Instead, search() will retry the request 3 times. If all 3 attempts fail:
    • search() will return the results it found before the search error
    • An error will be logged warning the user, and the returned results will be marked as incomplete. Use raise_if_incomplete() to raise an error when the returned ASFSearchResults are incomplete.


  • CMR_PAGE_SIZE reduced from 2000 to 500


  • Adds export support to ASFSearchResults for csv, jsonlite, jsonlite2, kml, metalink
    • example availabe in "Output" section of /examples/1-Basic_Overview.ipynb
  • Adds beamSwath as a searchable parameter


  • count() type hinting changed to int


  • Improved testing coverage of ASFSearchResults


  • non-rectangular polygons are now sent to CMR instead of their bounding boxes


  • ASFProduct is now aware of the session used during search (if available) and will use that by default to download. A session can still be explicitly provided as before.
  • ASFProduct.stack() now uses the session provided via the opts argument. If none is provided, it will use the session referenced by ASFProduct.session.
  • ASFProduct more gracefully handles missing or malformed metadata during instantiation.


  • asf_search now searches CMR directly, no longer relying on ASF's SearchAPI
    • This should significantly improve reliability and performance
    • With this change, ALL metadata fields provided by CMR's UMM JSON format are now available through ASFProduct.
      • All metadata fields previously available through remain where they are
      • For those and any other fields, the full CMR umm and meta records are available through ASFProduct.umm and ASFProduct.meta respectively
  • Some geojson fields were previously presented as strings, they are now more appropriate types such as int or float:
    • bytes, centerLat, centerLon, frame, offNadirAngle, orbit, pathNumber
  • Timestamps in geojson fields now include an explicit Z time zone indicator.
  • ASFSearchOptions.reset() has been renamed to reset_search() for clarity of purpose and to make room for future similar functionality regarding search opts configuration.
  • search() (and related functions) now return results pre-sorted, most recent first


  • product_search() now assigns product_list parameter to ASFSearchOptions.product_list instead of ASFSearchOptions.granule_list


  • Removed scikit-learn module as a dependency, greatly reducing install footprint
  • Simplified AOI refinement:
    • AOIs are iteratively simplified with an increasing threshold, that threshold now starts at 0.004
    • AOIs with an MBR <= 0.004 in lat/lon are collapsed to a single point
    • AOIs with an MBR <= 0.004 in either lat or lon are collapsed to a line along the center of the rectangle


  • Removed WKTUtils module as a dependency, that functionality is now directly included


  • ASFSearchOptions: This class provides a number of useful ways to build search results
    • Search parameters are immediately validated upon object creation/edit instead of at search time, which should lead to fewer errors at search time
    • All search functions allow both the previous style of keyword arguments, as well as simply passing in an ASFSearchOptions object using the opts keyword arg. opts is always optional.
      • If both approaches are used, the two are merged, with specific keyword args superseding the options in the object
      • Most search functions now expect only their specific parameters, and an optional opts parameter. This allows simple usage in most cases, while the opts parameter provides access to advanced behavior or alternate workflows.
    • Internally, all search functions work by passing ASFSearchOptions objects. This allows consistency when working with differently-configured search environments, such as in development.
    • ASFSearchResults objects now include a searchOptions property, which describes the search used to create those results. This object can be copied, altered, used for subsequent searches, etc.
      • When downloading, ASFSearchResults and ASFProduct default to use the session inside searchOptions, so you don't have to pass the same session in for both fetching and downloading results.
  • Exposed get_stack_opts() to support more approaches for building insar stacks.
    • get_stack_opts() accepts an ASFProduct as a stack reference and returns the ASFSearchOptions object that would be used to build a corresponding insar stack
      • A matching convenience method has been added to ASFProduct
    • Supports the new opts argument described above.


  • All search functions now accepts the optional opts= argument, see ASFSearchOptions notes above.
  • Replaced all cmr_token key arguments with session, which takes a Session-compatible object. See for more details.
  • Removed old GitHub actions


  • season filter in now doesn't throw when used.


  • netrc authentication works again, affects,, download_urls(), download_url()


  • ASFProduct.stack() and asf_search.baseline_search.stack_from_id() now return ASFSearchResults instead of a list


  • ASFProduct.stack() and asf_search.baseline_search.stack_from_id() now calculate temporalBaseline and perpendicularBaseline values of stacked products locally
  • search() now internally uses a custom format when communicating with ASF's SearchAPI. This should have no apparent impact on current usage of asf_search.


  • Centroid calculation fixed for scenes spanning the antimeridian


  • ASFSession methods auth_with_cookiejar() and auth_with_token() now raise an error if the passed cookiejar/token is invalid or expired
  • ASFAuthenticationError raised when encountering a 400 level error while downloading files


  • Downloading files with sessions authenticated by auth_with_token() method works again


  • Fixes missing CMR module import


  • Added walkthrough in the form of several jupyter notebooks in /examples
  • Added campaigns() in Campaigns module, returns a list of campaigns for UAV, AIRSAR, SENTINEL-1 INTERFEROGRAM (BETA) platforms


  • Re-enable run-pytest workflow
    • Add tests for ASFSearch, ASFSession, ASFProduct as well as baseline, geographic, and search modules
    • Add Pytest-Automation Plugin integration
    • Add automated CodeCov badge to readme
  • "collectionName" parameter in geo_search() and search() is deprecated and raises a warning. Will be removed in a future release, use "campaign" instead


  • Fix error while raising ASFBaselineError in baseline_search.get_stack_params()


  • Skip download if file already exists
    • In the future we will apply file size and/or checksum checks to ensure the existing file is correct


  • Add documentation URL to
  • Add Gitter badge/link to readme


  • Change hyphens to underscores in some product type constants


  • When working with source, package must be installed directly:
    • python3 -m pip install -e .


  • In-region S3 downloads should now function without issue


  • Replace ASFProduct.centroid() calculation with shapely-based calculation
    • See: #53
    • Removes numpy requirement
    • Adds shapely requirement


  • Feature and Bug Report github issue templates


  • Fix download authentication header issue during direct-to-S3 redirects
  • Fix Sentinel-1 stacking to include both A and B in stacks


  • Auth support for username/password and cookiejars, in addition to the previously available token-based approach. Create a session, authenticate it with the method of choice, then pass the session to whichever download method is being used.
    • Sessions can be created using the ASFSession class, a subclass of requests.Session
    • Once a session is created, call one of its authentication methods:
      • auth_with_creds('user', 'pass)
      • auth_with_token(EDL token`)
      • auth_with_cookiejar(http.cookiejar)
    • If you were previously using the token argument, such as:
      •'...', token='EDL token')
    • Updating can be as simple as:
      •'...', session=ASFSession().auth_with_token('EDL token'))
    • Sessions can be re-used and are thread-safe


  • download_url(), download_urls(), and now expect a session argument instead of token
  • Send auth headers to every step along a download redirect chain (including final AWS S3 buckets)


  • INSTRUMENT constants for C-SAR, PALSAR, and ANVIR-2


  • Versioning workflow corrected for proper versioning, stop bumping major instead of patch!


  • Fixed import order of operations bug
  • Updated ASFProduct and ASFSearchResults to use path arg in download methods


  • Parallel downloads now supported by ASFSearchResults. Defaults to 1 (sequential download)
  • For search()-based functions that take an argument as a list, single values are now also allowed


  • Import download functionality in asf_search (for download_url() and download_urls())
  • "parallel" is now "processes" in download functionality


  • Fixed ASFProduct import in
  • importlib metadata fix for python <3.8


  • ASFSearchResults now has a geojson() method which returns a data structure that matches the geojson specification
  • ASFProduct now has a geojson() method that produces a data structure matching a geojson feature snippet
  • ASFSearchResults and ASFProduct both have a str() methods that serializes the output of their geojson() methods
  • Added CodeFactor shield to readme
  • Now calculates temporal baselines when building a stack
  • New search options:
    • min/maxDoppler
    • min/MaxFaradayRotation
    • flightLine
    • offNadirAngle
    • season


  • ASFProduct is no longer a subclass of dict. Instead, metadata has been moved to .properties and .geometry
  • ASFSearchResults is now a subclass of UserList, for list-type operations
  • Newly-built stacks are sorted by temporal baselines, ascending


  • Cleaned up cruft from various refactors


  • Layed out framework for INSTRUMENT constants (needs to be populated)
  • Support for baseline stacking of pre-calculated datasets
  • Download support for single products or entire search result sets, token-based auth only
  • ASFSearchResults and ASFProduct classes
  • Lower-level ASFError exception class
  • ASFDownloadError exception class
  • ASFBaselineError exception class
  • Better path/frame/platform/product example


  • No longer uses range type for parameters that accept lists of values and/or ranges. Now expects a 2-value tuple.
  • Removed DATASET constants (not searchable, use platform+instrument to identify a dataset)
  • Updated baseline example
  • Removed output options across the board, geojson only until we no longer rely on SearchAPI calls
  • insarStackID now a search option (needed for baseline stacking of pre-calculated datasets)
  • Flatter structure for constants
  • baseline functionality moved into search group (file restructuring)


  • Corrected handling of version number in user agent string
  • unused import cleanup
  • better type hinting on centroid() function


  • product_search(): search using a list of Product IDs (CMR's GranuleUR)
  • granule_search(): search using a list of Granule names (aka Scene names)
  • geo_search(): search using a WKT string, as well as other parameters
  • search(): a generic search function, allowing any combination of the above search features
  • stack(): provides basic Baseline stacking functionality (does not yet provide perpendicular/temporal baseline values)
  • Numerous constants available, covering common BEAMMODE, DATASET, FLIGHT_DIRECTION, PLATFORM, POLARIZATION, and PRODUCT_TYPE values
  • Basic exception classes and error handling for search parameter and server errors
  • Populated readme with instructions, examples, and badges



  • Removed hard-coded version string
  • Install setuptools_scm in pypi publish action