🗺️ Roadmap 🗺️
- Introduction to C/C++
- Programming components, Structure & Keyword
- Operators & Expressions
- Input & Output Operations
- Decision Making & Branching Structure
- Looping Control Structure/Statements
- Break/Continue
- Static scoping & Dynamic Scoping
- Functions & Recursion and its types
- Arrays
- Variadic Functions
- Comments in C/CPP
- Namespaces in C++
- Strings
- String and their functions in C
- Member Functions of "string" Class
- Introduction to Pointers
- Pointers & 1D Array
- Pointers & 2D Array
- Pointers & Functions
- Types of Pointers
- Pointer vs References
- malloc,calloc,realloc
- Audio for Dynamic memory allocation
- New and Delete keywords
- Dynamic Memory Deallocation
- Why is Deallocation Necessary?
- Enumerated Data Type
- typedef
- Union
- Structure Padding
- Introduction of OOPs in C++
- Classes & Objects Programming
- Constructor & Destructor
- Data Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism / Overloading
- Inheritance and its types / Function overriding
- Virtual Functions, Friend Functions & Friend Classes
- Operator Overloading
- NaN Exception
- Introduction to Exception Handling
- Throwing Exception from Functions
- Rethrowing an Exception
- Exception handling Involving Classes and Objects
- Exception Handling in C language
- Stream Class Model in C++
- Text Files and Binary Files
- Pre-Defined Manipulator
- Input and Output Operations in Files
- Stream Errors in C++
- Error Handling in Files
- File Handling
- File Pointer Manipulation Functions
- Reasons for Multifile Programs
- Creating a Multifile Program
- Modes To Open Binary File
- Types of Number System
- Goldbach Conjecture
- Conversion Programs
- Decimal to other base conversion
- Other base to decimal conversion
- Roman to Integer
- Integer to Roman
- Calendar In C
- School Management System
- Simple ATM Bank In C
- Railway Reservation System
- Tollbooth in c++
- Introduction to Unreal Engine
- SuperBall Game In C
- Snake Game 🐍
- Sudoku Solver
- Tic Tac Toe
- Tower of Hanoi
- Data Types in Cpp
- Assignment Operators in Cpp
- Comments in C++
- Jump Statements in Cpp