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Setup Guide


Ensure the following are installed:

  1. Python 3.8 or higher

    • macOS: brew install python3
    • Fedora: sudo dnf install python3 python3-pip
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
  2. Node.js and npm

    • macOS: brew install node
    • Fedora: sudo dnf install nodejs npm
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt install nodejs npm
  3. Redis

    • macOS: brew install redis
    • Fedora: sudo dnf install redis
    • Ubuntu: sudo apt install redis

    Start Redis:

    • macOS: brew services start redis
    • Fedora: sudo systemctl start redis
    • Ubuntu: sudo systemctl start redis

Backend Setup

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd BrainRot
  2. Setup the backend environment:

    cd backend
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the frontend folder:

    cd frontend
  2. Setup the frontend environment:

    npm install


Start Redis

Ensure Redis is installed and running:

  • macOS: brew services start redis
  • Fedora: sudo systemctl start redis
  • Ubuntu: sudo systemctl start redis


Run the React frontend:

cd frontend
npm start

The frontend will be available at http://localhost:3000.


Run the Celery worker and Flask backend in separate terminals:

Terminal 1: Start the Celery worker

cd backend
source venv/bin/activate
celery -A app.celery worker --loglevel=info

Terminal 2: Start the Flask app

cd backend
source venv/bin/activate

The backend will be available at http://localhost:5000.


  1. Separate Processes:

    • The celery worker and python need to be run in different terminals because both are blocking processes.
  2. Ensure Redis is Running:

    • If Redis is not running, tasks queued by Celery will not be processed.
  3. Default Ports:

    • Frontend: http://localhost:3000
    • Backend: http://localhost:5000
  4. If You Face Node.js Issues:

    • Use the following command before running npm start:
      export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider