This library contains helpers classes which can help with improving code quality through unit test by unit testing.
CodeComplianceTestHelper have some methods to collect public-methods and ensure that there is minimum one unit-test attached from a unit-test library.
public static class CodeComplianceTestHelper
public void AssertExportedMethodsWithMissingTests()
// Arrange
var sourceAssembly = typeof(AtcAssemblyTypeInitializer).Assembly;
var testAssembly = typeof(CodeComplianceTests).Assembly;
// Act & Assert
Output example from AssertExportedMethodsWithMissingTests where 13 methods over 2 classes don't have any unit-tests:
Assembly: Atc (13)
Type: Atc.Math.MathEx (11)
Rect(int x, int width = 1, int height = 1)
Hysteron(ref int state, int x, int width = 1, int height = 1)
Ceiling(int x, int period)
Floor(int x, int period)
SawTooth(int x, int period)
Multiply(Func<int, int> f, Func<int, int> g)
Compose(Func<int, int> f, Func<int, int> g)
Floor(Func<int, int> f, int period)
Ceiling(Func<int, int> f, int period)
Periodic(Func<int, int> f, int period)
Modulate(Func<int, int> carrier, Func<int, int> cellFunction, int period)
Type: Atc.Serialization.JsonConverters.JsonTypeDiscriminatorConverter<T> (2)
Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, T value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
public MethodInfo[] CollectExportedTypesWithMissingTests(
Assembly sourceAssembly,
Assembly testAssembly,)
return CodeComplianceTestHelper.CollectExportedMethodsWithMissingTestsFromAssembly(