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Working With Blender
2013-jul-31 23:58:00


MMB - Orbit
-> Shift - Pan
-> Ctrl - Zoom

Num0 - Camera/Scene view
Num5 - Persp/Ortho
Num1/3/7/9 - different ortho views
Num. - Zoom Extents
Num/ - Toggle Global/Local mode ("solo"/"exclusive" mode for edited object)

Home - view camera center (to fill 3d vp with camera clip)

Ctrl+Alt+Num0 - move active camera to current viewport view

Z - toggle wireframe mode
Shift+Z - Toggle viewport render mode

Shift+Space & Ctrl+UpArrow & Ctrl+DownArrow - Toggle Maximize for active view

Properties Panel (N) -> Lock camera to view - to move active camera with 3d viewport commands


Shift+A - Add Menu

F6 - View operator panel for current tool as popup

tab - toggle object/edit mode

A - toggle selection

Shift+G - Select Grouped Menu (e.g. parent, children, same type, color, layer, ...)
Ctrl+G - create new Group
Ctrl+Shift+G - add all objects to active object's group

Alt+RMB - Select Menu (lists of all objects under cursor)

C - circle (brush) selection, scrollwheel to set brush size
B - box select
Ctrl+LMB - freeform (lasso) select

H - hide selected
Shift+H - set restrict view (hide others)
Alt+H - clear restrict view

X - delete/dissolve
-> in object mode doesn't delete children! use outliner menu!
-> also try Limited Dissolve to decimate polygons by angle
Ctrl+X - Dissolve Selected

M - Move to Layer Menu

Edit mode selection

Ctrl+RMB - select vertex/edge/face path (after 1 item already selected)
Alt+RMB - select vertex/edge/face loop (mouse direction to item midpoint decides loop orientation)

L - select linked (cumulative)
Ctrl+L - select all connected
Shift+G - select similar


Ctrl+space - Toggle 3D manipulator (Pie)
-> Shift+LMB Drag - on a manipulator axis transforms on perpendicular plane to axis
Alt+space - Transformation Orientation Menu

G - grab/move
-> G - again to "edge slide" vertices!
R - rotate (press twice for trackball rotation)
S - scale
Ctrl+M - mirror
-> X,Y,Z - constrain to single axis
-> Shift+X,Y,Z - add constraint axis to transform on a plane
-> double tap axis keys to toggle local/global
-> type in numbers to specify exact transformation along selected axis

With a camera selected enter Camera View (Num0), and the transform tools can be used to tweak it easily.

To move/rotate/scale on a plane interactively hold Shift while dragging the arrow handle corresponding to the normal of the plane.


Alt+. - Active Element
Ctrl+. - Individual Origins
Ctrl+, - Median Point
, - Bounding Box
. - 3D Cursor

Alt+, - Manipulate Center Point

Alt+G/R/S - reset translation/rotation/scale
Ctrl+A - Apply transform (T/R/S)

Ctrl+P - set parent (select child(ren), then parent, then Ctrl+P)
Shift+Ctrl+P - parent without inverse menu
Alt+P - clear parent menu (use it after parenting to clear hidden inverse transform!)


Ctrl+shift+TAB - set snap type
shit+TAB - toggle snap
Shift+S - Snap Menu (snaps either selection, or cursor)
Ctrl+drag - force snap

Object Mode

Ctrl+B - sets the render border, Ctrl+Alt+B to clear

Ctrl+J - Join Objects

L - Make Local Menu (Linking)

Ctrl+A - Apply Transformation menu

Alt+C - Convert Menu (convert between mesh <-> curves)

Edit Mode

Ctrl+Tab - Toggle Verts/Edges/Faces mode

Ctrl+Num+ & Ctrl+Num- - grow/shrink selection

W - specials menu (Subdivide, Bevel, Bridge, etc)
Ctrl+V - vertex tools
Ctrl+E - edge tools (e.g.: Mark Sharp, Mark Seam (UV))
Ctrl+f - face tools
Alt+M - Merge Menu
U - UV Mapping Menu
Shift+G - Select Similar Menu

E - extrude, extend curve (bezier, path, etc; MUST undo if canceling to clean up geo!)
Alt+E - Extrude Menu (choose region/individual)
Ctrl+LMB Click - Quick Extrude Selection

Ctrl+B - Bevel
Ctrl+Shift+B - Vertex Bevel (handy for making circles inside geom)

I - Inset tool
-> Ctrl - Depth, O - Outset, B - Boundary

Alt+R - Spin Tool (i.e. Loft, around cursor)
Alt+S - shrink/fatten, push/scale along normal

Y - Split selection (essentially: cut out, by duplicating vertices)
K - Knife tool
-> Ctrl - midpoint, C - constraint snap, Shift - disable constraint
-> E - start another cut
Shift+K - Select Knife tool (works on selection)

J - connect vertices (creates an edge between two verts, splits faces, "lightning bolt")
Ctrl+R - Loop Cut and Slide Tool

F - Fill (make edge/face / convert to single N-gon; Sort Vertices if needs be)
Alt+F - Fill with triangles

O - Proportional Edit mode toggle (for soft selections)
Alt+O - Proportional Editing, connected only

Ctrl+T - Triangulate Faces
Alt+P - Poke Faces (subdivide so each quad turns into 4 tris in an X shape)
Alt+J - Convert tri selection to Quads

Ctrl+N - make normals consistent (recalculate normals)

Shift+E - set creasing (for subdiv)

UV Editor

P - Pin
Alt+P - Unpin
Ctrl+P - Pack Islands
W - Welding Menu
V - Stitch

Q - UV Sculpt Tool (use the Toolshelf T to change params)
-> F - change brush radius, Shift+F - change brush strength


I - insert keyframe (context sensitive: control under mouse is keyframed, or popup if in 3D view)

T - set keyframe interpolation mode

Alt+A - play/pause animation
Shift+left/right - go to first/last frame of animation

Node Editor

Ctrl+T - Add Texture Mapping nodes to selected node

Ctrl+Shift+RMB (Compositing) - Connect selected node to Viewer node

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Shift+R - repeat previous command

Shift+NumPad / - edit linked library (addon)

Ctrl+2 - add subdiv modifier with detail set to 2

Shift+D - duplicate object
Alt+D - instantiate object
Ctrl+L - make links (to e.g. material)
Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C - set origin

P - Separate part of the object into a new one

V - set handle type (for curve controls, and animation keyframes)
Alt+C - toggle cyclic (for curves)
Alt+C - Convert to (mesh/curves, in object mode)

F12 - Render

E (w. mouse over a control) - Pick value for control in viewport (e.g. for Depth of Field Distance, etc.)

Misc stuff

  • Objects are transforms that reference Data blocks (mesh, materials, etc)

    • the same Data can be referenced by multiple Objects (i.e. instantiating)
    • Data with 0-references gets deleted upon save/reopen
    • add a Fake User to keep 0-ref Data (via the F button in properties)
  • Hover over any control and Ctrl+C to copy, or Ctrl+V to paste value (even colors!)

  • Blender's config file is just a scene file, so a way to migrate settings is to open it in the new Blender version

  • use the Edge Split modifier to smooth object via angle (i.e. "smoothing groups"/faceting)

  • or use Auto Smooth on the data tab of the selected object

  • Make use of the fact that you can type in numbers for interactive transform tool

    • e.g. S Z 0 to flatten something in Z, or R Y 90 to rotate 90º in Y
  • UV Mapping Menu

    • press Reset, then Follow Active Quads to neatly layout selected faces
  • Straighten Edges according to normals

    • select edges (e.g. ctrl+RMB for a path)
    • set Transformation Orientation (3D View) to "Normal"
    • set Pivot Center (3D View) to "Individual Origins"
    • press S (for scale), and Z Z (to scale along local Z, i.e. normal direction), then 0 (to scale to 0)
  • use the Skin modifier to quickly build organic models, similarly to zbrush

    • in a mesh object extrude points (Ctrl+LMB) to build skinned branching structures
    • press Ctrl+A to scale vertices (i.e. skin thickness)
  • select 2 vertices and use 'Select Vertex Path' (W menu) to select all the edges between them (cool to mark UV seams for example)

  • the border of the camera view is selectable like any object, transform tools work on it!

  • use Select -> Select All by Trait -> Loose Geometry to help clean up your models

  • use the Auto Merge button in 3D View to automatically merge vertices that are moved together

  • Bake AO

    • create a new Image map in the UV/Image Editor
    • go to Edit Mode, in UV Mapping Select Unwrap/Lightmap Pack to create UV if necessary
    • link image to UV in UV/Image Editor by browsing to it at the bottom
    • back in Object Mode go to the World tab to setup AO for rendering
      • enable Ambient Occlusion
      • in Gather set Samples to desired amount to keep noise down
      • in Gather tweak Attenuation and Falloff Strength to adjust AO smoothness
    • on the Render tab open the Bake dropdown
      • set Bake Mode to Ambient Occlusion
      • check Normalized
      • set desired Margin
    • press Bake
    • in UV/Image Editor select Image/Save as Image to save the map
  • Dynamic Paint Procedural "Tech" Carving

    • create a model as "canvas" and another as "brush"
    • add Dynamic Paint Modifier to both
    • on the Dynamics tab enable Dynamic Paint with the respectable setting for each
    • on the Canvas object
      • in Dynamic Paint Add Canvas, and set Surface Type to Weight
      • on the Data tab new Vertex Group with the same name as the Dynamic Paint Output
      • add a Mask modifier and use the created vertex group as input (invert if needed)
      • optionally use the Solidify modifier on the result
    • on the Brush object
      • turn off editor and camera visibility
      • use tricks, like Displacement modifier with a procedural texture for more interesting looks
  • Solving Addon Troubles

    • duplicate addons: start blender in terminal, open the Addons panel, it'll show the paths
    • missing addons: uncheck addon, save user prefs to make it disappear
  • Unlit ("Fullbright") material in Cycles

    • Create an Emission shader
    • Set its Strength to be controlled by "Is Camera Ray" of a Light Path node


Check these out