I want to add cdo tools to pynextsim-no-code.sif singularity image. On lgge194 :
- download singularity images :
scp [email protected]:/cluster/projects/nn9878k/sim/singularity_image_files/*sif .
- make a sandbox image (writable) from the singularity image :
sudo singularity build --sandbox pynextsim_sandbox/ pynextsim-no-code.sif
(needs root priviledge) - open the sandbox :
sudo singularity shell --writable pynextsim_sandbox/
- install cdo tools :
apt install cdo
- build new container :
sudo singularity build pynextsim-cdo pynextsim_sandbox/
- test :
singularity shell pynextsim-cdo
For boost library, install with apt-get update; apt-get install libboost-all-dev
Test the existence in the shell by typing b2
where the docker image was built :
docker save nextsim > nextsim_image.tar
On my lgge194 :
singularity build test.sif docker-archive://pynextsimf_shom_07.tar
- Test with :
singularity shell test.sif
and inside the container :
In [1]: import bamg
In [2]: import mapx
In [3]: import pynextsim
In [4]: import pynextsimf