Before you get started, make sure to install:
- HUGO: The static site generator used to build the website.
To set up and run the quiz website locally on your machine, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository
- Update the submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Launch the Hugo server
hugo server -D
It should be available under http://localhost:1313
All of the questions in this repository are stored in content/questions directory.
- Run hugo command to add a new file with auto-generated metadata (frontmatter)
hugo new questions/actions/
hugo new questions/admin/
hugo new questions/advanced_security/
hugo new questions/foundations/
- Fill the contents of the generated markdown file with a question matching the quizdown-js/syntax:
Questions can be of two types:
- Single choice question
# Which of the following is true?
> (optional hint) text hint or a link
1. [x] Correct answer
1. [ ] Incorrect answer 1
> (optional) explanation why this is a wrong answer
1. [ ] Incorrect answer 2
> (optional) explanation why this is a wrong answer
- Multi choice question
# Which components are required for a workflow?
> (optional hint) text hint or a link
- [x] One or more events that will trigger the workflow
- [x] One or more jobs
- [ ] Workflow name
> (optional) explanation why this is a wrong answer
- [ ] Defined branches on which the workflow will run
> (optional) explanation why this is a wrong answer
Update the contents of the question or remove the file