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React Part 2


Table of Contents

1. JSX

What is JSX?

JSX is a syntax extension that looks like HTML but is used within JavaScript.

const element = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;


It looks like HTML, but it’s actually JavaScript.

1.1. Embeding Expressions in JSX

What are Expressions in JSX?

  • In JSX, you can embed JavaScript expressions inside curly braces { }.
  • Expressions include variables, function calls, conditional logic, and more.

Embedding Variables

const name = "Alice";
function Greeting() {
  return <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>;

Embedding Function Calls

function formatName(user) {
  return user.firstName + " " + user.lastName;

const user = { firstName: "Alice", lastName: "Johnson" };

function Greeting() {
  return <h1>Hello, {formatName(user)}!</h1>;

Embedding Math Expressions

const a = 10;
const b = 20;

function MathExample() {
  return <h1>{a} + {b} = {a + b}</h1>;

Embedding Conditional Logic (with &&)

const isLoggedIn = true;

function Greeting() {
  return (
      {isLoggedIn && <h1>Welcome back!</h1>}

Embedding Arrays with .map()

const courses = ["React", "JavaScript", "TypeScript"];

function CourseList() {
  return (
      { => <li key={course}>{course}</li>)}

Embedding Objects (JSON)

const course = {
  title: "React for Beginners",
  level: "Beginner"

function CourseDetails() {
  return (
      <p>Level: {course.level}</p>

1.2. Conditional Rendering


在 React 中,你可以根据某些条件渲染不同的 UI 元素或组件。

你可以使用 JavaScript 操作符,比如 if、else 和三元运算符。

const name = "John";
const isLoggedIn = true;

function Greeting() {
  return (
      <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>
      <p>{isLoggedIn ? "Welcome back!" : "Please sign in."}</p>

三元运算符是编写 JavaScript 中 if-else 语句的简写方式。


内联条件渲染:它允许直接在 JSX 中进行条件渲染,而不会打断代码的流 畅性。

1.3. Styling in JSX Basics

1.3.1. Introduction to Styling in JSX

  • In React, you can style components using inline styles, CSS classes, or external style sheets.
  • Inline styles are applied directly in the JSX using a style attribute.

1.3.2. Inline Styling Syntax

  • Inline styles in JSX are written as JavaScript objects.
  • Properties use camelCase instead of kebab-case (e.g., backgroundColor instead of background-color).

Inline Styling Syntax

function StyledComponent() {
  const style = {
    backgroundColor: 'lightblue',
    padding: '10px',
    fontSize: '20px'

  return (
    <div style={style}>

Dynamic Styling

function DynamicStyledComponent(props) {
  const style = {
    backgroundColor: props.isActive ? 'green' : 'red',
    color: 'white',
    padding: '10px'

  return (
    <div style={style}>
      {props.isActive ? '激活' : '未激活'}

2. Props

2.1. What is Props

  • Props (short for "properties") are how you pass data from a parent component to a child component in React.
  • They allow us to make components reusable and dynamic by customizing them with different data.

2.2. Why use Props

  • Components need to be flexible. Instead of hardcoding different values in each component, we can pass the data as props.
  • This is useful for displaying different courses using the same component structure.
  • Think of a card template that shows different courses. The card itself stays the same, but the content changes.

2.3. How Props Work

  • Props are passed from parent components to child components.
  • Props are read-only in the child component.
  • A parent component provides the data (like course title or number of lessons), and the child component renders it. how_props_work

Code Example



3. State

3.1. What is State?

  • State is a special object that allows React components to manage data that changes over time.
  • Unlike props, which are passed from a parent, state is internal to a component.

Think of state as the "memory" of a component that holds data that can change during the user interaction.


3.2. Why use state?

  • State helps us track and respond to changes, such as user actions (e.g., clicking a button).
  • It allows us to update the UI dynamically based on the current data, for example, changing the text of a button after a user enrolls in a course.
  • Real-life Example: In our MOOC CourseCard, state will store whether a user has enrolled in a course and dynamically update the button text.

3.3. How state works

  • useState Hook: In functional components, we use the useState hook to declare state.
  • Updating State: The useState hook provides a setter function to update the state.
  • Reactivity: When state changes, the component re-renders to reflect the updated data.

3.4. What Does useState Do?

  • useState creates a piece of state inside a functional component.
  • It gives you two things:
    • The current state (the value you want to track).
    • A function to update that state (when you want to change the value).

useState Hook Syntax

const [stateVariable, setStateFunction] = useState(initialValue);
  • stateVariable:当前状态的值。这是你想要跟 踪的数据。
  • setStateFunction:用于更改状态值的函数。
  • initialValue:组件首次加载时,状态的初始 值。

3.5. What is a Hook?

  • Hooks are functions that allow you to use state and other React features in functional components.
  • useState is one of the most common hooks. It allows you to add state (data that can change) to your functional components.

3.6. Steps to use state

  • Declaring state
const [stateVariable, setStateFunction] = useState(initialValue);
  • Updating State
function handleEnroll() {
  • Using State in the UI
<button onClick={handleEnroll}>
 {isEnrolled ? 'Enrolled!' : 'Enroll Now'}

3.7. Putting State to Work (MOOC CourseCard)

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function CourseCard(props) {
  // Step 1: Use the useState hook to declare the state variable and update function.
  // 'isEnrolled' holds the current state, and 'setIsEnrolled' is used to update it.
  const [isEnrolled, setIsEnrolled] = useState(false);

  // Step 2: Define an event handler function that updates the state when the button is clicked.
  const handleEnroll = () => {
    // Step 3: Call the setter function to update the state.

  return (
    <div className="course-card">
      <p>课时数: {props.lessons}</p>

      {/* Step 4: Render the button text conditionally based on the value of 'isEnrolled'. */}
      <button onClick={handleEnroll}>
        {isEnrolled ? '已报名!' : '立即报名'}

export default CourseCard;


  • 声明状态: 我们使用 useState 钩子声明 isEnrolled 和 setIsEnrolled。初始值 isEnrolled 为 false,表示用户尚未报名。
  • 定义事件处理函数: handleEnroll 函数负责 在按钮点击时改变状态。
  • 更新状态: 在 handleEnroll 中,我们调用 setIsEnrolled(true) 来更新状态,这会触发组件的重新渲染。
  • 条件渲染: 我们使用 isEnrolled 状态来更改按钮的文本。如果用户已报名 (isEnrolled === true),按钮显示“已报名!”;否则,显示“立即报名”。