- Accept a list of ingredients
- Return a recipe(s) using as many of those ingredients as possible
- Accassible on any device
- Always available to accept/return recipes
- Utilize a bot/interactive interface
- Return random recipes
- Return random cocktail recipes
- Give us tacos
- Spoonacular API Facade
- Get recipes from ingredients
- Get random recipe
- Get random drinks
- Parse / format recipe results
- Telegram Utility
- Updater
- Dispatcher
- Handlers
- Helper functions
- Config
- Keys / tokens
- Constants
- Exceptions
- Handles various errors so we deal with them in our bot
- Runner
- Logging
- Main / listener
- Tests
- Use telegram’s Job Queue to send yourself weekly meal plans
- Can extend the above to also send yourself a shopping list for the weekly meal plan
- Add “get something similar” functionality
- Add functionality to adjust meal plan settings in telegram
- Add a SQL database to remember recipes you’ve tried and liked
- Add sharing functionality so you can share recipes in telegram