Minor enhancements
Update dependency versions
Bug fixes
Allow opts to be passed to Server.with_routes
Minor enhancements
Add show_errors option to server, which will cause application errors to include the error name and the first line of the backtrace
Major enhancements
Add namespaced method calls to client (e.g. ‘client.sum(1,2,3) # calls foo.sum’)
Add Server.with_routes to quickly created a routed server
Bug fixes
Fix handling of array params in client, which were erroneously being flattened
Major enhancements
Add namespaced routing
Bug fixes
Fix deprecation warning about RDoc task in Rakefile
Minor enhancements
Add ability to pass options to Rack and RestClient
Major enhancements
Switch to MultiJson from json gem
Bug fixes
Allow BigNum in ‘id’ field of request and response
Minor enhancements
Refactor the way the server is intantiated/started to work better with config.ru
Major enhancements
Replace eventmachine-httpserver with rack for more cross-platform goodness
Bug fixes
Fix argument error in client error handling
Bug fixes
Fix invalid local variable error in client error handling
Bug fixes
Fix error in client handling some errors caused by errant ‘new’ keyword
Major enhancements
Replace patron with rest-client for JRuby compatibility in the client