Releases: awesomemotive/sugarcalendar-core
This February 1 release is named after everyone's favorite groundhog, and includes the following changes:
- Fixed: Some months being skipped using pagination or selectors
- Improved: Performance of prefetching admin-area status counts
- Updated: BerlinDB to latest version
This release is named after Elvis Presley's concert Aloha from Hawaii – the most watched broadcast by an individual entertainer in television history, broadcast on January 14, 1973, and fixes 1 embarrassing bug:
- Fixed: non-recurring Events not showing in some admin area month views
Bird Day
Named after national Bird Day in the United States, this January 5 release adds one feature and bundles a few other improvements:
- Added: "sow" shortcode attribute for start-of-week support
- Added: "month" and "year" shortcode attributes
- Fixed: Enforce start-of-week setting in shortcode output
- Improved: Update BerlinDB library to enable custom start-of-week support
- Improved: Time zone support for certain calendar views
Otto Hahn
Named after the man who discovered nuclear fission of uranium on December 17, 1933, this release adds one feature and fixes 4 bugs:
- Added: Additional year boundary in Events List
- Fixed: Time zone formatting output in various locations
- Fixed: Visitor conversion now works in shortcodes and widgets
- Fixed: recurring Events now work with time zones
- Fixed: Floating time zones no longer showing as UTC in some locations
Named after the Japanese spacecraft that passed by the planet Venus on December 8, 2010, this release resolves 3 issues:
- Fixed: Time zone form fields sometimes visible even when "Off"
- Fixed: No time zone preference in admin calendar view Screen Options
- Fixed: Various admin-area styling improvements
Named after the first successful commercial video game by Atari, this November 29 release resolves 5 issues and adds one major feature:
- Added: Time zone support for Events and Calendars
- Fixed: Missing Calendar class in Event links
- Fixed: Improve width of Calendar taxonomy list-table (new modal UI)
- Fixed: Improve parameter flexibility of sugar_calendar_get_event()
- Fixed: Unexpected results from sc_get_events_list()
- Fixed: Trash can now be emptied again
Trash Bug
Named after the no-good garbage-sniffin' insect that we squashed, this September 16 release resolves 3 issues:
- Fixed: Trashing an Event will now correctly... trash the Event
- Added: Developer hooks before and after Events lists
- Added: Developer CSS classes for "upcoming" and "past" Events
Named after American singer-songwriter, producer, and actress: Pink. On her birthday, this September 8 release resolves 5 issues:
- Fixed: Error in PHP versions 5.6 and lower
- Added: Support for Modern color scheme
- Added: Support for Block Editor
- Added: Support for Manager add-on
- Dependencies: Update Chosen to 2.2.0
Named after British doctor Sir Ronald Ross's discovery (in 1897) that female mosquitoes transmit malaria between humans, this August 20 (World Mosquito Day) release resolves 5 issues:
- Added: 24 hour clock support for adding & editing Events
- Improved: support for third-party custom taxonomies
- Improved: meta-box UI styling in Safari
- Improved: horizontal navigation API
- Fixed: broken links from taxonomy screens