2.9.0 (2021-05-10)
Merged pull requests:
- Disable logins #893
2.8.0 (2019-12-05)
Merged pull requests:
- Post user signups to HubSpot instead of Salesforce #889
- Revert most port changes for application #887
- Remap ports to avoid conflicts with DistrictBuilder #886
2.7.1 (2019-05-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/mvm/django 1 11 #884
- Upgrade to Django 1.11 and Python 3.6 #882
- Don't require city id in project json schema #875
- Bump dependency versions for docker-compose #842
2.6.0 (2019-01-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Correct /api/map-cell/ endpoint to return 404 when no data is found #873
- Fix bugs in the climate data lat/lon endpoints #871
- Update climate data import documentation #868
- Merge 'lat-lon-map-cell-distance-list' view into 'lat-lon-map-cell-list' #866
- Return valid 4326 longitudes in map-cell endpoints #864
- Feature/kak/query by distance#855 #856
- Revert "Temporarily remove docs for new by lat/lon endpoints" #853
2.5.0 (2018-12-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Add additional location sources #854
- Temporarily remove docs for new by lat/lon endpoints #852
- Fix crash due to type mismatch in percentile indicators #851
- Supply dataset context for ClimateDataCellSerializer #850
- Add API endpoint to get map cells for a lat/lon point #849
- Update Lat + Lon API views with ocean proximity #846
- Add ClimateDataCell.is_coastal field and populate via Coastline #845
- Add API view to query climate data by Lat + Lon #843
- Refactor Nex2DB to allow importing cells based on a MultiPolygon shapefile #841
2.4.1 (2018-08-20)
Merged pull requests:
- Use static template tag for Temperate logo #835
2.4.0 (2018-08-20)
Merged pull requests:
- Add temperate ad text below login block #833
2.3.0 (2018-07-06)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix City detail page on Django Admin #828
- Pull SSL certificate ARN from remote state #827
- Move dynamic checking of which datasets a City supports to a DB field #825
2.2.2 (2018-07-02)
Merged pull requests:
- Add documentation for the single city ingest process #814
- Add alias to scenario definition for user projects #811
- Feature/jf/deployment docs update #808
2.2.1 (2018-04-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Allow processing only cities missing data for source during import #804
2.2.0 (2018-03-12)
Merged pull requests:
- Add alias field to scenario #797
2.1.6 (2018-01-31)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.5 (2018-01-29)
Merged pull requests:
2.1.4 (2017-12-11)
Merged pull requests:
- Move is_coastal into a proximity grouping #788
- Style password reset page #786
- Add management command to update cities #777
- Fixup is_coastal changes #775
- Support incremental nex2db inserts for new cities #774
2.1.3 (2017-11-20)
Merged pull requests:
- Allow requesting API token of current user for any origin in non-prod envs #767
- Feature/kak/coastal#753 #764
- Feature/kak/updates#725 #761
2.1.2 (2017-11-15)
Merged pull requests:
- Historic baseline by dataset #756
2.1.1 (2017-11-14)
Merged pull requests:
- Add a new endpoint for the Lab to request the token of the logged in user #755
- Copy data to ram to speed up nex2db #754
- Add ADR-0009: Use AWS Batch for single city ingest #745
- Remove duplicate field #744
- Add refresh token API endpoint #736
2.1.0 (2017-10-17)
Merged pull requests:
- Redirect to application home on login #738
- Clarify ClimateUser creation documentation #735
- Update copy #733
- Style changes and HTML changes made, just waiting on content. Also ad… #731
- Style changes and HTML changes made, just waiting on content. Also ad… #730
- Set Lab/Docs links based on settings.ENVIRONMENT #727
- Update header for lab integration #724
- Scaffold the "app page", "account profile" and "api page" #722
- Update instructions for dumping staging database in README.rst #716
- Update relevant indicators to use precipitation rates #711
- Fix City Map Cell and incomplete ClimateDataSource datachecks #709
- Replace internal static-site with terraform-aws-s3-origin #708
- Use project specific RDS database name #705
- Use project specific Papertrail settings #703
- Feature/kak/update project schema dataset#700 #701
- Update project schema with datasets property #693
- Feature/kak/model dataset combo check#665 #692
- Connect API infrastructure with core infrastructure #691
- Allow importing LOCA data from remote instances #690
- Add lab librato tag #677
2.0.0 (2017-09-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Add dataset name to climate data/indicator response #687
- Document dry spells #686
- Mark yearly dry spells indicator as deprecated #684
- Feature/kak/fix docs search titles#658 #683
- Immediately realize map generators in create_jobs.py #680
- Fix issues with LOCA staging import via run_jobs.py #679
- Add ClimateDataset API documentation #675
- API view updates for ClimateDataset <--> ClimateModel ManyToMany relationship #674
- Associate ClimateModel objects with appropriate ClimateDataset #670
- Add ClimateDataCityCellSerializer and city map_cell detail view #669
- Feature/csh/add deserialize to indicatorparams #660
- Add LOCA data to relevant API views #652
1.2.1 (2017-09-07)
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/awf/fix latest django migrations #657
- Livin la vida LOCA #653
- Add extra params field to project schema #649
- Add ClimateDataset model and make City<->Cell many-to-many #644
1.2.0 (2017-08-29)
Merged pull requests:
- Convert generate_historic to array data #646
- Send user's name as librato tag #645
- Remove ClimateData model #639
- ADR 0008: Repository Split for ICLEI app #635
- Change import_from_other_instance to use ClimateDataYear #631
- Migrate run_jobs.py to use ClimateDataYear #610
1.1.0 (2017-08-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Correct some commands in README.rst for producing db dumps #632
- Upgrade development environment to Docker 17 #625
- Remove deprecated setting #613
- Add unit to chart project schema #608
- Iterative ClimateDataYear migration #607
- Remove requirement for multiChartScrubber in user projects #606
- Feature/awf/integrate custom time partitioner validator #604
- Array historic data and heatwave indicators #602
- Add CustomTimeParamValidator and use for appropriate API param #598
- Add support for extreme meteorological event indicators #597
- Implement Accumulated Freezing Degree Days using Array Data #595
- Convert frost days to array indicator #592
- Add array data support for percentile indicators #591
- Remove time specification from year-specific indicator names #590
- Convert total precip indicator to array indicator #585
- Add ArrayIndicator version of YearlyMaxConsecutiveDryDays #584
- Custom time aggregation for array indicators #583
- Add StatsD companion container to management task definition #582
- Add cooling and heating degree days support for array data #580
- Feature/jf/new threshold indicators #579
- Add diurnal temperature range support for array data #576
- Feature/kak/raw climate data yearly#537 #575
- Fix misnamed terraform variable assignment #573
- Add offset yearly time aggregation #557
1.0.9 (2017-07-18)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix copy-and-paste error #569
- Set CC_FF_ARRAY_DATA in development environments #568
- Avoid memory issues, batch process generate_historic.py data in chunks #566
- Introduce feature flag for ClimateDataYear indicators #565
- Split ClimateDataYear data migration and schema migration #564
- Store and process ClimateData by year chunks #527
1.0.8 (2017-07-17)
Merged pull requests:
- Send indicator name as tag to Librato #563
- Librato tagged metrics #539
- Remove individual foreign key requests for city view #538
- Add Django Debug Toolbar #522
- Add historic_range param to docs #519
- Feature/jf/custom historical ranges #506
1.0.7 (2017-06-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/jf/custom historical ranges tests #521
- Fixup librato sink to work with new Librato Tags API #518
1.0.6 (2017-06-20)
Merged pull requests:
- Add favicons to API and docs #514
- Add feedback section to profile #513
- Only send metrics for content length if response.content exists #512
- Fix docs typo #508
- Add search filter param to City list #501
- Fix broken docs search #500
- Feature/awf/django api requests middleware #486
- Feature/awf/statsite container #485
- Add ADR0007: API Request Logging #475
- Formalize, standardize and document CityList filter options #474
- Feature/jf/dtr indicator #472
- Django dependencies upgrade #467
- Ensure django.conf.settings aren't evaluated until after running command #466
1.0.5 (2017-05-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove traces of custom BigAutoField #471
- Bump django extensions version #463
- Django 1.10 upgrade #461
- Feature/jdf/style registration form #459
- Feature/jf/hookup salesforce #458
- Style registration form #457
- Open all external links in docs in new tab #451
- Restore development DB from an S3 backup #449
- Fix healthchecks to check for scenario data within correct time range #446
- Update load tests #402
1.0.4 (2017-04-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Merge branch 'release/1.0.3' #455
1.0.3 (2017-04-26)
1.0.2 (2017-04-26)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix broken img reference in logout page #453
- Update to open registration in all cases #452
- Fix deployment of static assets #450
- Install pydocstyle version compatible with flake8-docstrings #448
- Quote passing of Git commit SHA to Terraform #445
- Move data health checks to API #443
- Bump terraform version to 0.9.3 #439
- Release 1.0.1, update Changelog #432
1.0.1 (2017-04-19)
1.0.0 (2017-04-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Feature/jf/docs copy edit #431
- Copy edit documentation #430
- Remove localhost ref in SCSS url for climate logo #428
- Cleanup work toward a production deployment #427
- Add volume mount to
tasks. #426 - Require organization for registration #424
- Remove inconsitent historical year references and clarify Indicators docs copy #423
- Convert ClimateData to use bigint for id #422
- Add indicators descriptions 4/4 #417
- Account pages quality of life improvements #409
- Disable data health checks #406
- Feature/kak/fix region import ram#399 #405
- Update API title to "Climate API" throughout docs #404
- Indicator Detailed Descriptions -- Part 3 #403
- Add data health checks #398
- Mount API load balancer at app. subdomain #397
- Feature/jf/docs indicators detail 2 #386
- CSS and styling #382
- Add terraform 0.9 support #381
- Add indicator details to docs, part 1/4 #378
- Update Climate API project to Python 3 #377
- Accumulated Freezing Degree Days #374
- Gate Rollbar initialization when DEBUG mode is enabled #371
- Update DNS to climate.azavea.com #366
- [Addendum] #344 SCSS build #365
- Update DNS references to climate.azavea.com #363
- Add SCSS imports example #361
- Use tagged containers for static asset deployment #360
- Configure django to take custom SCSS #355
- Feature/add python linting #354
- Remove root API view from application URLs #352
- Feature/custom style sphinx #351
- Add Rollbar error handling. #350
- Feature/separate testing database #349
- Indicators top-level section to docs #347
- Feature/caching modifications #346
- Use raw SQL to render region GeoJSON #342
- Add SES and SQS permissions to container instance profile #341
- Simplify region geometries on import #340
- Fix error log storage path #334
- Rebuild containers in CI #332
- Retry failing jobs to a configurable limit #331
- Add link to API Documentation #325
- Feature/retry import from file #324
- Enumerate valid threshold units in API #323
- Increase Terraform memcached max size limit #316
- Add Region Serializers, Views, Documentation #315
- Feature/import job resume #314
- Fill out pagination section to docs #313
- Remove 'closes' PR template keyword #312
- Feature/debug disable cache #310
- Serve docs container on port 8084 #309
- ./manage.py command to set per user custom throttling rates #308
- Add indicator detail view #305
- Feature/retry throttled imports #304
- Add instructions to restore staging DBs from scratch. #300
- Feature/selective throttling #289
- Feature/load testing #281
- Add Dredd endpoint testing #280
- Clarify climate data response in docs #276
- Update references to AWS_ECR_ENDPOINT in
#275 - Cross Year Aggregations #274
- Iron out issues with CI tests #272
- Update Jenkinsfile #271
- Set models and years params defaults to 'all' for readability #270
- Link indicator definition to how-to section in docs #269
- Feature/staticthresholdindicator2 #268
- Add 'making an indicator request' to docs overview #266
- Add note about API docs to PR template #265
- Refactor terraform configuration #264
- API View Caching via Memcached #261
- Remove Swagger from project #260
- Add indicator to measure number of heatwaves per year #257
- Change /indicator response structure to match other endpoints #256
- Documentation request and response examples #255
- Rebuild container before building docs #254
- Build docs as pre-requisite of push rather than deploy #253
- Add percentile indicators for the three base variables #249
- Revert to upstream sphinxcontrib-openapi #248
- Use temperature average for degree day indicators #242
- Add docs static site creation to terraform #241
- Indicator resource documentation #240
- Add tests between indicator and serializer logic #237
- Closes #192: Add Cache-Control headers to select API resources #236
- Feature/awf/rate limiting fix double count #235
- Update sphinx openapi directive to use newline syntax #234
- Feature/awf/rate limiting memcached #232
- Quickfix 'make test' to use custom Django test settings #231
- Closes #208: Invalid indicator param should return 404 #230
- Feature/awf/dev scripts to rule them all #229
- Add climate data endpoint to docs #227
- Add Overview: Authentication section to API docs #222
- Feature/awf/documentation swagger one file #221
- Feature/docs/odds and ends cleaning #220
- Add getting started to docs #219
- Feature/docs/auth #218
- Closes #193: Add Overview -- Rate Limiting to docs #216
- Add throttling to climate data and indicator endpoints #215
- Feature/awf/update terraform #211
- Feature/documentation model scenario #210
- Feature/docs/cityendpts #209
- Add documentation for HTTP response codes #207
- Automatically cd to shared folder dir #205
- Closes #190: ADR 0006 Rate Limiting #204
- Feature/docs/params cors #202
- Add documentation for versioning #201
- Remove raw daily indicators #199
- Quarterly and User Defined Aggregations #197
- ADR0005: API Documentation + Testing #176
- API Documentation starter #175
- Fix broken city tests from #161 #168
- Refactor Time Aggregation #162
- Closes #153: Swap city/cityboundary OneToOneField to fix cascade delete #161
- Degree Day unit tests #160
- Indicator Parameters #158
- Add missing migration for ClimateDataBaseline #156
- Reduce Vagrant VM memory to 4Gb #155
- Degree Days Indicators #154
- Add merge migration to fix dangling leaf migrations #152
- Catch KeyError exceptions in census boundary_from_point #151
- Add City boundaries #147
- Percentile Indicators #146
- Allow cities to have additional fields in projectschema.json #145
- Add region model and importer for regions #143
- Feature/addtl indicator aggregations #142
- Add ADR for API documentation #141
- Allow population data to be added to existing cities #140
- Add validator for UserProject #129
- Add CORS methods #128
- Add migration to correct related name for historic average #125
- Feature/refactor count indicator queries #124
- Add UserProjects #121
- Make city search match on 'admin' #120
- Generate historic summary data locally #119
- Monthly aggregation indicators #118
- Bugfix: Fix lost call to record_precipitation_baselines in import historic #117
- Update unit documentation #112
- Add HWDI (Heat Wave Duration Index) Indicator #110
- Add Extreme Precipitation Events data and indicator #107
- Closes #95: Disable signup #106
- Add e-mail as user id #105
- Cleanup indicator API response #103
- Feature/heat wave duration index #102
- Add historical scenario #94
- Add time aggregation level to Indicator class to_dict #93
- Add GitHub pull request template #92
- Adjust count indicators for min/max avg #91
- Skip null data points on remote import #88
- Fix total precip indicator units confusion #86
- Return avg, min and max values with yearly indicator #85
- Add labels to indicators #84
- Add indicators for wrapping raw daily data #83
- Fix issue using tuple as function #82
- Add merge migration to resolve hanging leafs #79
- Implement existing yearly indicators #78
- Add custom ObtainAuthToken view for Climate API #77
- Implement temperature conversion #76
- Add ADR for authentication methods #75
- Feature/model labels #74
- Closes #64: Deleting a ClimateDataCell should not delete cities #73
- Closes #63: Expose map cell lat/lon in CitySerializer #72
- Feature/tweak ecs management task #67
- Feature/improve import mem speed #66
- ClimateData Optimization #65
- Add import from staging #61
- Feature/city search #60
- Feature/per user dev queues #59
- Feature/indicator api endpoint #56
- Fixup importer lat/lon -> index transformation #55
- Add test command to project Makefile #54
- Always allow SessionAuth and BrowsableAPI #53
- Add confirmation modal for replacing API token #48
- Redirect from root to user profile #47
- Use https for links in user management emails #45
- Implement changes to allow logging in AWS #43
- Set ALLOWED_HOSTS via terraform #41
- Feature/adrs #40
- Collate data points by source data cell #38
- Add min/max aggregation of model data #37
- Use NetCDF library to load data #35
- Speed up nearest city query #33
- Fixes up the API so that all the views work again #32
- Process jobs #31
- Save static assets to S3 #30
- Feature/swagger docs #28
- Fix failing tests by setting up test auth and login #27
- Add initial notes from 2016-06-08 advisory board mtg #25
- Feature/api data view #24
- Update Django to use Amazon SES email backend when not in DEBUG #22
- Override django-admin with django-registration password reset #21
- Set up token auth and rewrite views to classes #20
- Add SQS and create_jobs management command #19
- Feature/scenario views #17
- Add editable user profile page #16
- Profile model #12
- Add deployment #10
- Feature/sphinx #9
- Feature/setup tests #8
- Add Django Rest Framework with basic ClimateDataViewSet #6
- Bump django to 1.9.6 #5
- Add import cities management command #4
- Add models for city and data #3
- Add development environment #1
- This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator