- process bcrypt hashing with cost factor 11
- AWS t2.xlarge (4core 16g) -> Docker, Spring Web
- AWS t2.xlarge (4core 16g) -> Docker, Spring Reactive Web
- AWS t2.xlarge (4core 16g) -> Docker, Vert.x
- AWS t2.xlarge (4core 16g) -> Docker, Ktor
- AWS t2.2xlarge (8core 32g) -> openjdk-11-jdk, Apache-JMeter-5.4.1)
- jmeter use constant throughput timer to keep 20 RPS
- warm twice and hit once
vertx.deployVerticle("com.example.demo.vertx.VertxVerticle", DeploymentOptions().setInstances(VertxOptions.DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_POOL_SIZE))