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Tugboat: PR Sandbox Cleanup

BWPanda edited this page Feb 17, 2023 · 1 revision

Tugboat: PR Sandbox Cleanup

If our disk allowance runs out, PR sandboxes fail to be generated. The process to free some space to allow PR sandboxes to be created again is as follows:

  1. Go to
  2. For each preview older than X, click Actions > Delete > Yes
    • X is an appropriate time ago, based on the number of previews and how recent they are (e.g. the ones that are 6-9 months old)
    • If there is a flurry of activity, you may need to delete all previews older than 3 months, just to get us back under quota.

People with access to that Tugboat project currently are:

  • Nate (@quicksketch)
  • Jen (@jenlampton)
  • Peter (@BWPanda)
  • Greg (@klonos)
  • Dragon Bot