Copy the files to the right place. Make sure you have: IronPythonModule=PyPlugins and not: ;IronPythonModule=PyPlugins in Save\Fougerite.cfg
There are two example plugins for tests.
Server, DataStore, Util, World are working the same way as in other Magma/Jint plugins
TimedEvent.ElapsedCount:int | how many time the timer ran
Entities class from Mike (initial, it will change a lot, don't get used to it): - Entities.Structures:Lookup<string, StructureMaster> - Entities.Doors:Lookup<string, BasicDoor> - Entities.Respawns:Lookup<string, DeployedRespawn> - Entities.Sleepers:Lookup<string, SleepingAvatar> - Entities.Inventories:Lookup<string, SaveableInventory> - Entities.Boxes:Lookup<string, SaveableInventory> - Entities.Stashes:Lookup<string, SaveableInventory> - Entities.Fires:Lookup<string, FireBarrel> - Entities.Shelters:Lookup<string, DeployableObject>
Plugin class: - Plugin.CreateDir(string path):bool
- Plugin.DumpObjToFile(string path, object obj, (optional)string prefix):bool
- Plugin.DumpObjToFile(string path, object obj, int depth, (optional)string prefix):bool
- Plugin.DumpObjToFile(string path, object obj, int depth, int maxItems, (optional)string prefix):bool
- Plugin.DumpObjToFile(string path, object obj, int depth, int maxItems, bool displayPrivate, (optional)string prefix):bool
- Plugin.DumpObjToFile(string path, object obj, int depth, int maxItems, bool displayPrivate, bool useFullClassname, (optional)string prefix):bool
- Plugin.DeleteLog(string path):void
- Plugin.Log(string path, string text):void
- Plugin.RotateLog(string logfile, (optional)int max = 6):void
- Plugin.GetIni(string path):IniParser
- Plugin.IniExists(string path):bool
- Plugin.CreateIni(string path):IniParser
- Plugin.GetInis(string path):List<IniParser>
- Plugin.GetPlugin(string name):IPPlugin
- Plugin.GetDate():string
- Plugin.GetTicks():int
- Plugin.GetTime():string
- Plugin.GetTimeStamp():long
- Plugin.CreateTimer(string name, int timoutInMilis):IPTimedEvent
- Plugin.CreateTimer(string name, int timoutInMilis, Dictionary<string, object> args):IPTimedEvent | yeah, I changed paramslist for dictionary
- Plugin.GetTimer(string name):IPTimedEvent
- Plugin.KillTimer(string name):void
- Plugin.KillTimers():void
ExtraHooks: - On_EntityDestroyed(DestroyEvent de):void - On_AllPluginsLoaded():void # note: On_EntityHurt isn't hooked, when it's caused by decay or if the entity was destroyed
DestroyEvent: - DestroyEvent.Destroyer:Fougerite.Player - DestroyEvent.DamageAmount:float - DestroyEvent.DamageEvent:DamageEvent - DestroyEvent.DamageType:string - DestroyEvent.Entity:Fougerite.Entity - DestroyEvent.IsDecay:bool - DestroyEvent.WeaponData:WeaponImpact - DestroyEvent.WeaponName:string
DumpObjToFile "(optional)" values have a default value, you can skip those. For example: Plugin.DumpObjToFile("Players", Player, "") Plugin.DumpObjToFile("Players", Player) ^ these are the same. Use this only for debugging.
GetPlugin Use this to call other plugin's function like:
class myPlugin: def myFunctionCallsAnother(self): otherPlugin = Plugin.GetPlugin("OtherPluginName") if(otherPlugin != null) otherPlugin.Invoke("otherPluginFunctionToInvoke", param1, param2)
class OtherPluginName: def otherPluginFunctionToInvoke(self, param1, param2): doStuff()
to access UnityEngine.dll start your script with: import clr clr.AddReferenceByPartialName("UnityEngine") import UnityEngine
class PluginName: def On_PluginInit(self): UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Hello world!")