This document describes methods on how to set up Hermes Relayer to send IBC messages between wasm contract and BandChain.
cargo install ibc-relayer-cli --bin hermes --locked
This will download and build the crate ibc-relayer-cli, and install the hermes binary in $HOME/.cargo/bin.
Note: If you have not installed Rust and Cargo via, you may need to add the $HOME/.cargo/bin directory to your PATH environment variable. For most shells, this can be done by adding the following line to your .bashrc or .zshrc configuration file:
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
You should now be able to run Hermes by invoking the hermes executable.
hermes version
As for most parts of the config, you can see their description here
create and write your hermes config base on this example file example config
nano $HOME/.hermes/config.toml
use hermes keys add
command to add keys of chains you want to relay
Note: Default Derivation Path is m/44'/118'/0'/0/0 but the keys that were generated from Bandd Derivation Path are m/44'/494'/0'/0/0
hermes --config <CONFIG_FILE_PATH> keys add --chain band-laozi-testnet6 --mnemonic-file "<MNEMONIC_PATH>" --hd-path "m/44'/494'/0'/0/0"
hermes --config <CONFIG_FILE_PATH> keys add --chain wasmchain --mnemonic-file "<MNEMONIC_PATH>"
use hermes create channel
command to create a channel that connects between two chains and --new-client-connection
command to create a new client on each chain and establish a connection
hermes --config <CONFIG_FILE_PATH> create channel --a-chain band-laozi-testnet6 --b-chain <YOUR_CHAIN_ID> --a-port oracle --b-port <YOUR_PORT> --order unordered --channel-version bandchain-1 --new-client-connection
usually is a module name but in the case of a wasm contract, it iswasm.<CONTRACT_ADDRESS>
use hermes start
command to start your Hermes relayer
hermes --config <CONFIG_FILE_PATH> start
Then, wait until you receive Hermes has started
. Now, your relayer is running.