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109 lines (96 loc) · 2.52 KB


Document needs work.


A messy work in progress:

| PigPen | pnut u:@bazbt3
gg global timeline  gt your timeline
p  post     rp repost   gm mentions
r reply     gth getthrd gp getpost
b bookmark  gb bookmrks gh 'hashtag'
f follow    gu getuser  gi interacts
msg message gms getmsgs gs getsubs
gc getchanl sub subscribechannel
| help=menu exit=exit

Status indicators:

User and post status indicators:

  • u:number = pnut user id,
  • +f = followed?
  • +F = follower?
  • * = bookmarked?
  • rp = reposted?
  • [u] = message unread indicator,
  • id: = post id,
  • rep: = replying to post,
  • thd = in thread,
  • pnut u: = app user
  • c: = channel creator.

At this stage in lieu of further explanation here's a simple (large) dump from the running app:

| PigPen | pnut u:@bazbt3
gg global timeline  gt your timeline
p  post     rp repost   gm mentions
r reply     gth getthrd gp getpost
b bookmark  gb bookmrks gh 'hashtag'
f follow    gu getuser  gi interacts
msg message gms getmsgs gs getsubs
gc getchanl sub subscribechannel
| help=menu exit=exit
Choice? gp
Get postnum? 213140
@dasdom: [u:19+f+F]
2017-10-28 19:41:31+00:00 []
@bazbt3 \o/
 id:213140 rep:213130 thd:213027
Choice? gt
@jws: [u:7+f+F]
2017-11-15 20:03:13+00:00 []
@schmidt_fu Probably the set you don’t have to follow into the bathroom.
 id:226300 rep:226243 thd:226243
@adiabatic: [u:172+f]
2017-11-15 20:06:46+00:00 []
@EchoDunk I made a paper wallet. There’s nothing in it yet. 
 id:226302 rep:226114 thd:226114
 ------------------------------- gth
@EchoDunk: [u:225]
2017-11-15 15:05:54+00:00 []
Speaking of #Bitcoin, whats in your wallet pnuts? Satoshi, whole coins? Inquiring minds want to know. 
 id:226114 thd:226114
@adiabatic: [u:172+f]
2017-11-15 20:06:46+00:00 []
@EchoDunk I made a paper wallet. There’s nothing in it yet. 
 id:226302 rep:226114 thd:226114
 ------------------------------- help
  Inline interactions menu:
  [enter]=next r=reply rp=repost
  b=bookmark gth=get thread
 ------------------------------- x
-back to main menu-

-back to list-
-back to main menu-

Choice? gu
Get data, usernum? 1

33MHz - human
@pnut developerd
#🐝 keeper

posts: 11441
followers: 336
following: 181
bookmarks: 357

Choice? exit
You chose 'exit': Goodbye!

Next steps:

Go to the Technical primer to see what's going on behind the scenes.