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Andrea Williams edited this page Sep 9, 2024 · 8 revisions

Register an Operation

  • a multi-step form has been created to guide external users through the registration process. Only operations that aren't yet fully registered will be listed as options from the operation dropdown. If an operator wants to update information about a registered operation, they must do so via the "Operations" tile in the Administration module
  • internal users do not need to "Approve" or "Decline" operation registrations, but they do need to issue BORO IDs and BCGHG IDs to registered operations (that don't already have one) by manually clicking buttons in the operation's registration form. (i.e., these numbers will not be automatically issued upon the external user's completion of the registration form, but will be auto-generated once the internal user reviews the registration form and confirms they want to issue a BORO ID and/or BCGHG ID to the operation)
  • an operation only needs to be registered once. If an operation is transferred to another operator, the operation will still be considered "registered" under the new operator

Registration Purpose

When registering an operation, external users must specify what category or "registration purpose" their operation falls under. The registration purpose selected determines some of the data fields shown later in the registration workflow.

In the UI, a user will only be permitted to select exactly one option for registration purpose. However, in the BCIERS database multiple registration purposes will likely be applied, based on the diagram below.

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 10 29 28 AM

For example, an external user who registers their operation as a "New Entrant" will only see "New Entrant" under "Registration Purpose" in the Operation info page, but in the database, the operation in question will be categorized as all of "New Entrant", "OBPS Regulated", and "Reporting". An operation registered as an Electricity Import Operation ("EIO") will be categorized as both "EIO" and "Reporting" in the database. The intention of this is to simplify the registration process for external users who may not fully understand the different registration categories.

All operations categorized as "Reporting" operations will be expected to submit annual emissions reports.

Electricity Import Operations (EIOs)

Users who select "EIO" as their Registration Purpose will be shown a simplified version of the registration workflow that doesn't prompt them for Facility Information (to avoid confusion on the part of external users), since EIOs don't have facilities. However, when an EIO is registered, a facility for the operation will be created in the BCIERS database, largely using the operation's information. This is necessary because the Reporting module relies on facility information when constructing reporting forms.

Report an Event

Per GGERR, all operators are expected to report to BCIERS any of the following events within 30 days of their occurrence.

Closures, Temporary Shutdowns, & Restarts

  • can apply to either an entire operation or to one or more facilities within an operation. If multiple facilities are selected, they must all be within the same LFO
  • in the database, events have separate columns for operation ID and facility IDs. Only one of these fields will ever be populated, indicating whether the event is at the operation-level or the facility-level
  • each event type has a separate form and is expected to be filled out by the external user only - no action is required by IRC staff, although they can view the data submitted in these forms from all operators
  • in order for a Restart event to be created, there must first be a corresponding Temporary Shutdown or Closure event


  • can apply to either an entire operation or to one or more facilities within an operation. If multiple facilities are selected, they must all be within the same LFO
  • if operation is being transferred, the assigned BORO ID for the operation will also be transferred over to the receiving operator
  • guidance that IRC will be circulating to external users is that both operators involved in a transfer are expected to submit a transfer form (i.e., there will be 2 forms submitted for each transfer event)
  • operators submit transfer form to request the transfer of an entity. IRC staff review the data submitted in the forms, then fill out an additional form either confirming which facilities/operations are to be transferred, or "completing" (i.e., not transferring) the entities
  • if an entire LFO is being transferred to another operator, the external users only need to select the operation being transferred, not the individual facilities within the LFO
  • an operator is only permitted to have a maximum of 1 LFO, so if a facility is being transferred to another operator, the receiving operation can be inferred based on the operator receiving the facility