Generate build tree.
mkdir out cd out cmake -G "Ninja" -DBUILD_TESTS=1 ..
NOTE: If you prefer, substitute "Unix Makefiles" or other cmake build generator.
Build all.
NOTE: If using different build tool,
cmake --build .
will work. -
Run tests.
ninja check
NOTE: If using different build tool,
cmake --build . --target check
will work.
Two example utilities are provided to demonstrate generating JWT and for authenticating JWT, jwtgen and jwtauth.
Generate a token using RS256 signature with the sample private key.
cd out/examples ./jwtgen -k ../../tests/keys/rsa_key_2048.pem -a RS256 -c iss=example.com -c sub=user0 > user0.jwt
Authenticate a token using RS256 signature with the sample public key.
cd out/examples ./jwtauth -k ../../tests/keys/rsa_key_2048-pub.pem --alg RS256 user0.jwt
Authenticate a token using RS256 signature with the sample public key, verifying user is user1.
cd out/examples ./jwtauth -k ../../tests/keys/rsa_key_2048-pub.pem --alg RS256 -c sub=user1 user0.jwt