Questions are from:
As A is the constant category the definition of and is quite straightforward:
a. 'hello' returns 'True' if the list contains at least one even number and false is all the numbers it contains are odd.
b. implementation of 'product':
product :: F Int -> Int
product :: Nil = 1
product :: Cons n a = n * a
a. type Nat2
data Nat2 a = Zero | Succ a
deriving Functor
b. Fibonnacci
fiboF :: (Nat2 (Int,Int)) -> (Int,Int)
fiboF ZeroF = (1,0)
fiboF (SuccF (n,m)) = (n+m,n)
fibo :: Fix Nat2 -> Int
fibo = fst . (cata $ fiboF)
c. coalgebra
coalg :: Int -> Nat2 Int
coalg 0 = ZeroF
coalg n = SuccF (pred n)
import Data.Fix
type Tree a = Fix (T a)
data T a b = Leaf | Node a b
deriving Functor
splitCoAlgrebra :: [a] -> T [a] [a]
splitCoAlgrebra [] = Leaf
splitCoAlgrebra s = Node s1 s2 where (s1,s2) = split(s)
mergeAlgebra :: Ord a => T [a] [a] -> [a]
mergeAlgebra Leaf = []
mergeAlgebra (Node s1 s2) = merge s1 s2
main = print (hylo mergeAlgebra splitCoAlgrebra [3,1,4,1,5,9])
a. Given a list algebra , we can define a monoid on the set X with:
b. Given a monoid we can construct a list algrebra which uses the monoid to 'accumulate' all the x in the list in a final item x:
Where head is the first element of the list and tail the rest of the list. If the list only has one element then:
c. The monoid can be used to build lists of elements while the algebra reduces the list to an element.
main :: IO ()
main = print "hello"
As Applicative is a superclass of Monad and Functor a superclass of Applicative, all 3 are implemented.
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving Show
instance Functor Tree where
fmap f (Leaf v) = Leaf (f v)
fmap f (Node t1 t2) = Node (fmap f t1) (fmap f t2)
instance Applicative Tree where
pure v = Leaf v
(<*>) (Leaf f) (Leaf v) = Leaf (f v)
(<*>) (Leaf f) (Node t1 t2) = Node (fmap f t1) (fmap f t2)
(<*>) (Node t1 t2) t3 = Node (t1 <*> t3) (t2 <*> t3)
instance Monad Tree where
return v = Leaf v
(Leaf v) >>= f = (f v)
(Node t1 t2) >>= f = Node (t1 >>= f) (t2 >>= f)
a. Continuation Functor
instance Functor (Cont s) where
fmap f (Cont f2) = Cont (f2 . (\f3 -> f3 . f ))
instance Applicative (Cont s) where
pure v = Cont (\f -> f v)
(Cont fab) <*> (Cont f2) = Cont (\f -> (f2 (\a -> fab (\f3 -> f(f3(a))))))
instance Monad (Cont s) where
return v = Cont (\f -> f v)
(Cont f1) >>= c2 = Cont (\f -> f1 (\a -> applyCont (c2 a) f))