Click here to generate a random idea for your next game project. Click anywhere to get another idea, or just refresh the page.
Need some inspiration? Having trouble coming up with ideas for your new game? Feeling a little absurd? Try one of these on for size:
- fighting fishermen 🎣
- a duckling vs antelopes 🦆
- compete for animes 🇯🇵
- rhythms, but bosomed 🎶
- you are a wizard kevin 🧙
- watch out for stinko deodorants 👃
Unsatisfied? Visit to generate your own.
First, a template is chosen randomly from a list. Then, sentencer is used to populate the template with random words. The result is displayed on the screen. That's it!
Got an idea for a template? Great! Got ten ideas for templates? Even better! Add your idea(s) to templates.js and then create a pull request!