The show command is used to show one or multiple CAD objects and comes with the following parameters:
show(*cad_objs, <keyword arguments>)
cad_objs: All cad objects that should be shown as positional parameters
Keywords for show:
names: List of names for the cad_objs. Needs to have the same length as cad_objs
colors: List of colors for the cad_objs. Needs to have the same length as cad_objs
alphas: List of alpha values for the cad_objs. Needs to have the same length as cad_objs
port: The port the viewer listens to. Typically use 'set_port(port)' instead
progress: Show progress of tessellation with None is no progress indicator. (default="-+*c")
for object: "-": is reference,
"+": gets tessellated with Python code,
"*": gets tessellated with native code,
"c": from cache
Valid keywords to configure the viewer (**kwargs):
- UI
glass: Use glass mode where tree is an overlay over the cad object (default=False)
tools: Show tools (default=True)
tree_width: Width of the object tree (default=240)
- Viewer
axes: Show axes (default=False)
axes0: Show axes at (0,0,0) (default=False)
grid: Show grid (default=False)
ortho: Use orthographic projections (default=True)
transparent: Show objects transparent (default=False)
default_opacity: Opacity value for transparent objects (default=0.5)
black_edges: Show edges in black color (default=False)
orbit_control: Mouse control use "orbit" control instead of "trackball" control (default=False)
collapse: Collapse.LEAVES: collapse all single leaf nodes,
Collapse.ROOT: expand root only,
Collapse.ALL: collapse all nodes,
Collapse.NONE: expand all nodes
ticks: Hint for the number of ticks in both directions (default=10)
center_grid: Center the grid at the origin or center of mass (default=False)
up: Use z-axis ('Z') or y-axis ('Y') as up direction for the camera (default="Z")
explode: Turn on explode mode (default=False)
zoom: Zoom factor of view (default=1.0)
position: Camera position
quaternion: Camera orientation as quaternion
target: Camera look at target
reset_camera: Camera.RESET: Reset camera position, rotation, toom and target
Camera.CENTER: Keep camera position, rotation, toom, but look at center
Camera.KEEP: Keep camera position, rotation, toom, and target
clip_slider_0: Setting of clipping slider 0 (default=None)
clip_slider_1: Setting of clipping slider 1 (default=None)
clip_slider_2: Setting of clipping slider 2 (default=None)
clip_normal_0: Setting of clipping normal 0 (default=[-1,0,0])
clip_normal_1: Setting of clipping normal 1 (default=[0,-1,0])
clip_normal_2: Setting of clipping normal 2 (default=[0,0,-1])
clip_intersection: Use clipping intersection mode (default=[False])
clip_planes: Show clipping plane helpers (default=False)
clip_object_colors: Use object color for clipping caps (default=False)
pan_speed: Speed of mouse panning (default=1)
rotate_speed: Speed of mouse rotate (default=1)
zoom_speed: Speed of mouse zoom (default=1)
- Renderer
deviation: Shapes: Deviation from linear deflection value (default=0.1)
angular_tolerance: Shapes: Angular deflection in radians for tessellation (default=0.2)
edge_accuracy: Edges: Precision of edge discretization (default: mesh quality / 100)
default_color: Default mesh color (default=(232, 176, 36))
default_edgecolor: Default color of the edges of a mesh (default=#707070)
default_facecolor: Default color of the edges of a mesh (default=#ee82ee)
default_thickedgecolor: Default color of the edges of a mesh (default=#ba55d3)
default_vertexcolor: Default color of the edges of a mesh (default=#ba55d3)
ambient_intensity: Intensity of ambient light (default=1.00)
direct_intensity: Intensity of direct light (default=1.10)
metalness: Metalness property of the default material (default=0.30)
roughness: Roughness property of the default material (default=0.65)
render_edges: Render edges (default=True)
render_normals: Render normals (default=False)
render_mates: Render mates for MAssemblies (default=False)
render_joints: Render build123d joints (default=False)
show_parent: Render parent of faces, edges or vertices as wireframe (default=False)
show_sketch_local: In build123d show local sketch in addition to relocate sketch (default=True)
helper_scale: Scale of rendered helpers (locations, axis, mates for MAssemblies) (default=1)
- Debug
debug: Show debug statements to the VS Code browser console (default=False)
timeit: Show timing information from level 0-3 (default=False)
Provide maximum space for the CAD object with glass mode
show(b, c, glass=True)
Hide the tree in glass mode by collapsing the it
show(b, glass=True, collapse=Collapse.ALL)
Other valid parameters are "1" (collapse leafs) and "E" (explode tree)
Names, colors and alpha values
show(b, c, colors=["red", "green"], names=["red box", "green cylinder"], alphas=[1.0, 0.2])
Axes and grids
show(b, c, axes=True, axes0=False, grid=(True, True, False), ticks=40)
Keeping the camera position between
commandsshow(b, c, reset_camera=False)
Show parent object for edges, faces and vertices (build123d syntax)
show(b.vertices(), show_parent=True)
show(b.edges().filter_by(Axis.Y), show_parent=True)
show(b.faces().filter_by(Axis.Y), show_parent=True)