Using multiple routers in one app is a problem, as they are not built with that use-case in mind.
To make migrate React components that using react-router to Svelte easier, we created svelte-preprocess-react/react-router
This is not a drop-in replacement for react-router, as it lacks many features, but it eases the migration process.
It offers Hooks and Components that are used in the leaf nodes of the component tree, like:
<Link />
<NavLink />
- useLocation()
- useHistory()
- useParams()
This allows the basic things like reading info about the current url, rendering links and programmatic navigation to work.
Complex things like route matching, rendering routes, data-loading are out of scope. This becomes the job of the (svelte) router you're migrating to.
import { Link } from "react-router-dom"
import { Link } from "svelte-preprocess-react/react-router"
To use hooks or the NavLink component, you need to wrap your component in a Router component.
In src/routes/+layout.svelte
<script lang="ts">
import { used } from "svelte-preprocess-react";
import { RouterProvider } from "svelte-preprocess-react/react-router";
import { page } from "$app/stores";
import { goto } from "$app/navigation";
const react = sveltify({ RouterProvider });
<react.RouterProvider value={{ url: $page.url, params: $page.params, goto }}>
<slot />
the actual navigation and url updates are done by the SvelteKit router. The <RouterProvider>
exposed the current url and push & replace actions