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bigfleet edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 9 revisions

We’re in the pre-alpha stage right now, but I have successfully used three types of source and one type of sink using material currently available in the repository.

I don’t have this hosted on RubyForge and getting gem distribution, but if I get positive feedback from these steps, I will do so.
h2. Get blanket

git clone git://

Set up the gem

cd blanket
gem build blanket.gemspec
sudo gem install blanket-0.0.1.gem

Do a configuration

blanket-cfg -t taskname -o Mysql -i S3
blanket-cfg -h
will give you more details.

Current source types

Current sink type

Edit the configuration to make it right.

You’ll have to provide your details on the source.yml and sink.yml files.

Run blanket

blanket taskname

taskname will be the directory that the YAML files are enough.

This command should run through a set of steps that will look somewhat familiar if you have used Capistrano.

Set up a cron job if you like.

Thanks! Let me know at [email protected] if you have any feedback.

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