The Step Functions Workflow can be started using the AWS CLI or from another service (e.g. API Gateway).
The SAM template deploys a Step Functions Standard workflow that takes a JSON input (for example, payload to charge customer). The state machine sends the message to Amazon SQS Queue and waits for the callback. An AWS Lambda function is deployed to process the message from the SQS Queue and calls the state machine with either task success or failure. Depending on the callback type (success or failure) the state machine publishes messages to Amazon SNS Topic for notification. The SAM template contains the required resouces with IAM permission to run the application with logging enabled.
Important: this application uses various AWS services and there are costs associated with these services after the Free Tier usage - please see the AWS Pricing page for details. You are responsible for any AWS costs incurred. No warranty is implied in this example.
- Create an AWS account if you do not already have one and log in. The IAM user that you use must have sufficient permissions to make necessary AWS service calls and manage AWS resources.
- AWS CLI installed and configured
- Git Installed
- AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) installed
Create a new directory, navigate to that directory in a terminal and clone the GitHub repository:
git clone
Change directory to the pattern directory:
cd stepfunctions-callback-sam
From the command line, use AWS SAM to deploy the AWS resources for the pattern as specified in the template.yml file:
sam deploy --guided
During the prompts:
- Enter a stack name
- Enter
or any AWS Region where you have access. - Allow SAM CLI to create IAM roles with the required permissions.
Once you have run
sam deploy --guided
mode once and saved arguments to a configuration file (samconfig.toml), you can usesam deploy
in future to use these defaults. -
Note the outputs from the SAM deployment process. These contain the resource names and/or ARNs which are used for testing.
- Start the Standard Workflow using the
api command with a JSON input payload. - The Workflow sends the payload along with a task token into an Amazon SQS Queue and waits for a callback.
- An AWS Lambda Function processes the message from the SQS queue and calls back the Step Functions workflow with the task token. The Lambda Function either calls with the
API at random. - If the Step Functions workflow publishes a notification message to Amazon SNS topic either through usual next step or through error handling depending the callback API used by the Lambda Function.
- For vlidation purpose, an Amazon SQS queue is subscribed to the SNS topic to check the notification messages.
Please refer to the architecture diagram below:
- Run the following AWS CLI command to start the Step Functions workflow. Note, you must edit the {StateMachineWaitForCallbackArn} placeholder with the ARN of the deployed Step Functions workflow. This is provided in the stack outputs. Please replace {your-region} with the region selected at the time of deployment.
aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn "{StateMachineWaitForCallbackArn}" --input "{\"orderId\": \"1234567\",\"customerId\": \"98766\",\"orderDate\": \"2024-01-14\",\"amount\": 100,\"nameOnCard\": \"FIRSTNAME LASTNAME\",\"creditCardNumber\": \"1234 1234 1234 1234\",\"expiry\": \"XX/YY\",\"cvv\": \"123\"}" --region {your-region}
"executionArn": "arn:aws:states:{your-region}:123456789012:execution:StateMachineWaitForCallback-mnZFTe6jJSDu:40e520d2-4d3e-42ce-a8e3-b33bfed22fc1",
"startDate": "2024-01-10T20:06:47.616000+05:30"
Run the above commands a few more times. As we can test both the success and failure task callbacks.
Run the following AWS CLI command to receive messages from the test SQS queue. Note, you must edit the {WaitForCallbackDemoNotificationTestQueueUrl} placeholder with the deployed Amazon SQS Test Queue URL. This is provided in the stack outputs. Please replace {your-region} with the region selected at the time of deployment.
aws sqs receive-message --queue-url {WaitForCallbackDemoNotificationTestQueueUrl} --max-number-of-messages 10 --wait-time-seconds 20 --region {your-region}
"Messages": [
"MessageId": "40fc7cbd-2dd5-440c-9092-0da1ef992a99",
"ReceiptHandle": "AQEB+xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/V6VkU8lWzDreKWDc9JJzDBx9oqnE3nY/TQBqr4hxX26D76KN5PZ+3fXatZ7RRoA9QSx71rpTzoX/e5AvHOqCuJyKKmQ408LUoEcvInnbl/ANYT+qTKEqGusGmITEObBeGrc/H0JVobIkMt7U/fPwDAsSuM+iPEh27y6sPvdt82UVZCjckckjwmSH7yTG+snp8HJBgCw9LEwS54dMcIfp59mCjde50XWEN4B0rKgRIOgouCMA/V1jb0tyNQ/VHCtMGmZn51NmS6N1g6hCVrSJ8j00nq0/1sSxfkgrL+CV3ACDO7F17QwjKK7aGjcku1qKDzvy884OAY+F/ulneGfSSXJA8bepMs3wjtS5pCF+xnw2t0eKwxB37t1b2FVtEsQutiqhmel9ZH++0bWfTNtRrn",
"MD5OfBody": "e1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxd0df952be3c2b2",
"Body": "{\n \"Type\" : \"Notification\",\n \"MessageId\" : \"f5fe5954-183e-5a42-bfc5-074cb45d6aab\",\n \"TopicArn\" : \"arn:aws:sns:REGION:123456789012:WaitForCallbackTopic\",\n \"Message\" : \"{\\\"Error\\\":\\\"Failed to process payment\\\",\\\"Cause\\\":\\\"Invalid Credit Card\\\"}\",\n \"Timestamp\" : \"2024-01-10T14:30:59.435Z\",\n \"SignatureVersion\" : \"1\",\n \"Signature\" : \"E8Zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0k1XoAWKo5wm3S01xur2Kr2OYkBn1f19TTWDp6hA6n90yIgei6iMrhxDalGrMY3f5iVtbgayvfsH5jzxdY3AS8uKSGt54fQ0pRpzt/y81itrNFnOW/e8He0l3vGTTYAliGHY4PrUtHEoQxvAv79RST7mnt9bCDKHqAQEfbC84YGjJcDBR3Dm3IAF4FxW5lhGSQ9PNvkWYYUeUgdS2jSNq6yNsLQXVBKSfkKCCzT6O7U8GYJY897VPQfAgo6gI5qQHx8yjU6r9YdKJp8Zni4uWXN6DN6+WsD5DJoh9N86I0dXhzA==\",\n \"SigningCertURL\" : \"\",\n \"UnsubscribeURL\" : \"\"\n}"
"MessageId": "0fb65f5c-2bac-4c99-be10-49eb02adfad4",
"ReceiptHandle": "AQEB6HZh3uKmx/GYbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxu7a6tt0eVz9TJ4tF541PC7krkbMzno1sf1GMRouZDaua63S5GfpQDlpiMtDk9c6dx61YVlW621hLFGFCH+UB0LrDgUkvqQspjGpSd5K4HOsn341Y0BwiGsEsUMVkkZ7xkc8vK6fdFuqKKASJwWXdgWl1xyp2zp6HeSvyrriErac2gfzwde0cW1zabA/RPzkfd1qsMaqmKy/fh7wyYSQHvii9vIYPksSEf0LdyHb11SJPu0hKEdNKyULVzlYCDj2QoBnM+yJOrzEGhE9lxH/idwc1+8ALVoD4dlnbtqbx7ZH7seqoU1qvpAfWKxV8bMwwjBiUsbVBJD9SxBFjmffnyQ5IS/GRDiSYGIaZdWFj79i/SZBvR67gdIG5Z17FKClQb8ufMSmHLkb8mmQXc1xT/4RM5z",
"MD5OfBody": "09a8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxac",
"Body": "{\n \"Type\" : \"Notification\",\n \"MessageId\" : \"8e486acc-919d-52b4-8d70-34d429c0e6ca\",\n \"TopicArn\" : \"arn:aws:sns:REGION:123456789012:WaitForCallbackTopic\",\n \"Message\" : \"Payment processed successfully.\",\n \"Timestamp\" : \"2024-01-10T15:22:05.949Z\",\n \"SignatureVersion\" : \"1\",\n \"Signature\" : \"X/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/l1uVaUQsqk2rEvdKOsgpt5BFYAVa5SB1tPfPrFYa3y32bDdZdKdthZH6+ShIE/oS9qJ0UtRgHc7UTkmZOs5AsjPOOL/TDF/dzutZC6E4BL/pU5ED3QKaV262rhs7xgD1FtRcO7PgrdWWAPg3UAuNIhs3VlvmjCVJRu6agt2liME2uPCN9FYElxUIG3UEJSI08/4j354k7mSXZcfzIVU4ghTL0bQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFRUhl1tlQudL3E+AY5ILTwfdNTk1nTaKkrDrdt6M4oqg==\",\n \"SigningCertURL\" : \"\",\n \"UnsubscribeURL\" : \"\"\n}"
Delete the stack
sam delete