This is a POOC Project explorating solutions to implement communication between an Android Device - Acting as Host, and a another Device as ARM board (with proprietary software), using USB Cable. We target to embbed a complete native interface implementation without rooting the device, so that solution would be suitable for commercial software.
Please consult the power point english presentation for more details. There are many readme in each directory to explain content.
Regroupe les projets sur cible, PC et tablette, et la documentation (retour d'expérience, compte-rendu de projet).
- TestUSBTerminal : Projet sur cible STM32 Nucléo, embarquant plusieurs projets : test de communication USB, le protocole dllCom, ...
- IHMTablette : IHM de test tablette de communication sur USB, embarquant le protocole dllCom.
- dllCom : le protocole de communication'
Custom procotol implementation for slave/master R/W This is a simplement protocol for demonstration purpose.
All documentation : tech & Project report, analyses.
This is the device project implemented with STMCubeMX, STMCube, for a STM Nucleo F439ZI. The project is design to embbed and select several app :
- console test
- "slave" implementation of the dllCom protocol for interfacing with the tablet.
Le projet est développé avec STMCubeMX et le firmware STMCube, pour une Nucléo à base de STM429ZI. Sont embarqués dans le projet :
- un test de console
- l'implémentation "slave" du protocole dllCom. Une interface est implémentée, et on sélectionne le projet à compiler avec des varaibles de compilation.
This is the mobile Android application developped with Xamarin. The app embbed the wrapped dllCom library.
For test and debug purpose, a tablet with two USB port is recommended.
All the dllCom related project :
- implementation
- unit tests
- bindings.