- Write subscription library class to wrap up GoCardless
- Set up devise user authentication
- Save subscription information in
model whichbelongs_to :user
during registration - Integrate subscription library with registration
- Write mailing list library to wrap up MailChimp
- Integrate mailing list library with registration
- Set up devise for users
- Style sign up/in forms
- Create user account page
- Create admin_user account page (can create events, can see list of volunteers per event, can see all volunteers)
- Create volunteer account page (can see past events volunteered at & upcoming events volunteered for)
- Submit :type with user sign_up
- Allow users to volunteer for event
- Allow users to share event
- Allow users to attend event (future)
- Allow users to pay deposit for event (future)
has_one :subscription
#type ("free", "paid", "ally")
belongs_to :user
has_one :event_user
belongs_to :event
belongs_to :user
has_one :event_user