Command Module is library to simplify Command Pattern implementation. Blibli backend project should move from Facade Pattern (Service Layer) to Command Pattern. Command Module is reactive framework based on Project Reactor. It also support validation using Bean Validation.
Command need request and response class. We recommend using POJO class, not primitive data type or java collection.
To create command, we can create command using interface Command<R,T>
public interface GetBinListCommand extends Command<GetBinListCommandRequest, GetBinListWebResponse> {
All logic implementation of the command is in Mono<T> execute(R)
public class GetBinListCommandImpl implements GetBinListCommand {
private BinListApiClient binListApiClient;
public Mono<GetBinListWebResponse> execute(GetBinListCommandRequest request) {
return binListApiClient.lookup(request.getNumber())
private GetBinListWebResponse toWebResponse(BinResponse response) {
GetBinListWebResponse webResponse = new GetBinListWebResponse();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(response, webResponse);
return webResponse;
After we create command, we can use CommandExecutor
to execute the command.
public class BinListController {
private CommandExecutor commandExecutor;
value = "/binlist/{number}",
public Mono<Response<GetBinListWebResponse>> lookup(@PathVariable("number") String number) {
return commandExecutor.execute(GetBinListCommand.class, toGetBinListCommandRequest(number))
By default, all before execute()
method is executed by CommandExecutor
. CommandExecutor
will validate the request using bean validation.
public class GetBinListCommandRequest {
@NotBlank(message = "NotBlank")
@Digits(message = "MustDigit", integer = 8, fraction = 0)
private String number;
If we want to skip validation, we can override method validateRequest
on our Command
public class GetBinListCommandImpl implements GetBinListCommand {
public boolean validateRequest() {
return false; // skip validation process
Command Module support command interceptor. With command interceptor we can manipulate data before and after command executed.
We only need to create spring bean of CommandInterceptor
public interface CommandInterceptor {
// executed before execute command
default <R, T> Mono<T> before(Command<R, T> command, R request) {
// empty mean we will execute the command
// non empty mean we will return the data without execute the command
return Mono.empty();
// executed after success execute command
default <R, T> Mono<Void> afterSuccess(Command<R, T> command, R request, T response) {
return Mono.empty();
// executed after failed execute command
default <R, T> Mono<Void> afterFailed(Command<R, T> command, R request, Throwable throwable) {
return Mono.empty();
is powerfull feature. We provide command caching using this feature.
Caching is feature for cache command result on redis after finish execute command.
With this feature, command will execute one time, and next time when we execute command again,
it will directly return from redis. This can make slow command process become faster.
public class GetBinListCommandImpl implements GetBinListCommand {
public String cacheKey(GetBinListCommandRequest request) {
return request.getNumber(); // return cache key for redis
public Class<GetBinListWebResponse> responseClass() {
return GetBinListWebResponse.class; // return class for json mapper
Command Module will cache the data using ReactiveStringRedisTemplate
. So we need to make sure we have
bean on our spring application.
By default, caching is disabled. You need to enabled it using configuration. We can also change timeout cache using configuration properties.