JS SDK of IOST,helps developers interact with iost blockchain node, including geting block data, sending transactions, etc. It can be used in browsers and also on nodejs platform.
Using npm in your project
npm install iost
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/iost.min.js"></script>
exports to window.IOST global.
const IOST = require('iost')
// use RPC
const rpc = new IOST.RPC(new IOST.HTTPProvider("http://localhost:30001"));
// init iost sdk
let iost = new IOST({ // will use default setting if not set
gasRatio: 100,
gasLimit: 2000000,
}, new IOST.HTTPProvider('http://localhost:30001'));
let account = "abc";
let kp = new IOST.KeyPair(/* your private key in type Buffer */);
iost.setPublisher(account, kp);
// send a call
let handler = iost.callABI("iost.token", "transfer", ["iost", "form", "to", "1000.000"]);
.listen(); // if not listen, only onPending or onFailed (at sending tx) will be called