New version of wallproxy, a general purpose proxy framework in Python. It can run on Python 2.5/2.6/2.7, and an Python environment with ssl, pyOpenSSL, gevent is recommended.
./ [config_file]
The default config_file is
, if ini_config
is defined in config_file and does not equal 0 or config_file is missing, wallproxy will generate config_file from proxy.ini
under the same directory.
wallproxy can serve HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxy on single port, here is an example config_file:
listen_ip = ''
listen_port = 8086
def config():
# digest_auth = import_from('util')
# def check_auth(username, password, socks4=True, socks5=True, digest=True):
# socks5_userid = (username, password)
# socks4_userid = '%s:%s' % socks5_userid
# if not password:
# socks4_userid = username
# def http_auth(req): pass
# elif digest:
# def http_auth(req):
# return digest_auth(req, username, password)
# else:
# basic_userid = 'Basic ' + b64encode(socks4_userid)
# def http_auth(req):
# if req.userid != basic_userid:
# return 'Basic realm="wallproxy Proxy Authenticate"'
# if not socks4: socks4_userid = False
# if not socks5: socks5_userid = False
# def decorator(func):
# def wrapper(req):
# proxy_type = req.proxy_type
# if proxy_type == 'socks4':
# if req.userid != socks4_userid:
# return False
# elif proxy_type == 'socks5':
# if req.userid != socks5_userid:
# return False
# elif proxy_type in ('https', 'http'):
# auth = http_auth(req)
# if auth: return auth
# req.userid = None
# return func(req)
# return wrapper
# return decorator
# def redirect_https(req):
# return req.send_error(301, '',
# 'Location: %s\r\n' % req.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1))
Forward, check_auth, redirect_https = import_from('util')
DIRECT = Forward(None)
PROXY1 = Forward('')
PROXY2 = Forward('https://user:[email protected]:8081')
PROXY3 = Forward('hosts://')
PROXY4 = Forward('socks4://')
PROXY5 = Forward('socks5://')
PROXY6 = Forward(('socks5://', ''))
@check_auth('user', 'pwd')
def find_proxy_handler(req):
proxy_type = req.proxy_type
host, port = req.proxy_host
if host == 'type-switch-site':
return None # socks->http, https->http, http->web
elif host == 'forbid-site':
return False
if proxy_type.endswith('http'): # socks2http, https2http, http
if req.url == '': return redirect_https
if req.command == 'GET': return PROXY1
if 'MSIE' in req.headers.get('User-Agent', ''): return PROXY2
if host == '' and port == 80: return PROXY3
return DIRECT
elif proxy_type == 'https':
if host == '': return PROXY4
# return None
elif proxy_type == 'socks4':
return PROXY5
elif proxy_type == 'socks5':
if req.command != 1: return False
return PROXY6
return find_proxy_handler