This is the Github custom action implementation for listening to Github action workflow related to XRP Donation and to provide the related updates base on the donation interaction on Xumm Wallet.
For more information refer to the sister projec: XRP-Donation-App.
Make sure to have the following labels configure in your repository:
- XRPDonation:New
- XRPDonation:Funding
- XRPDonation:Done
PS: this is due to github does not support create label api at the moment
Create a github action yml. It should listed to the following:
types: [opened, reopened, 'edited', 'closed']
types: [created]
Provide the include this into the steps:
uses: blueorbitz/xrp-donation-action@latest
address: ${{ secrets.XRP_OWNER_ADDRESS }}
network: testnet // or mainnet
pr-number: ${{ github.event.number || github.event.issue.number }}
repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
Refer to workflow pr-labeling.yml
for example.
- When PR is created, include the following detail as part of the PR message:
XRPDonationTarget: {amount of XRP}
- The custom action will pickup the content and decode the message accordingly.
- A Pull Request comment will be added for contributor to click on the link and send donation through it.
- When the payment is received, we used the comment section to triggers the workflow for the update.
- Pull Request label will be updated accordingly based on the status of the Donation target.
Run using normal Node JS for quick development:
Edit const DEBUG = false;
to true
, and run the following 2 command in separate console.
npx tsc -w src/main.ts
nodemon src/main.js
Click the Use this Template
and provide the new repo details for your action
First, you'll need to have a reasonably modern version of
handy. This won't work with versions older than 9, for instance.
Install the dependencies
$ npm install
Build the typescript and package it for distribution
$ npm run build && npm run package
Run the tests ✔️
$ npm test
PASS ./index.test.js
✓ throws invalid number (3ms)
✓ wait 500 ms (504ms)
✓ test runs (95ms)
The action.yml defines the inputs and output for your action.
Update the action.yml with your name, description, inputs and outputs for your action.
See the documentation
Most toolkit and CI/CD operations involve async operations so the action is run in an async function.
import * as core from '@actions/core';
async function run() {
try {
catch (error) {
See the toolkit documentation for the various packages.
Actions are run from GitHub repos so we will checkin the packed dist folder.
Then run ncc and push the results:
$ npm run package
$ git add dist
$ git commit -a -m "prod dependencies"
$ git push origin releases/v1
Note: We recommend using the --license
option for ncc, which will create a license file for all of the production node modules used in your project.
Your action is now published! 🚀
See the versioning documentation
You can now validate the action by referencing ./
in a workflow in your repo (see test.yml)
uses: ./
milliseconds: 1000
See the actions tab for runs of this action! 🚀
After testing you can create a v1 tag to reference the stable and latest V1 action