All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- peer-stats to API
- Checking of NELSON_CONFIG env var for configuration path.
- Fixes getNeighbors when used in config.ini
- Automatic entry nodes list downloading
- IRI healthchecks on startup without throwing an error.
- Actively remove peers, if the limit is trespassed at any point for any reason.
- Improved Dockerfile.
- Fixes IRI neighbors removal
- Replacing only incoming nodes with trusted nodes (possible limit breaker)
- Switched IRI to run in UDP mode due to TCP bugs in IRI. iotaledger/iri#345
- Delayed retry of unavailable peers.
- Default IRI API port: 14265
- Epoch time to 15 minutes
- Delayed neighbors remove from IRI (prevent orphans)
- Removed instant drops after handshake due to oft reconnects (moved into handshake)
- DNS resolve hostnames provided by IRI in health checks.
- Improved logs
- Fixed orphaned IRI neighbors
- Improved connection strategy to minimize reconnects.
- Improved incoming connection strategy to minimize dead nodes.
- Fixed IRI health checks
- Terminal GUI for Nelson
- IRI health checks
- Cleaned up logs (double-removals of peers)
- Minor bugfixes.
- Option for setting nelson api listening hostname.
- Cleaned Docker README section.
- Cleaned up logs (double-removals of peers)
- setting of IRI's hostname
- Dockerfile to use specific nelson version
- Readme about docker
- Adds API versioning: drop connections from other major versions
- Fixes neighbors default port setting
- improve console log visualization
- added Dockerfile
- Dynamic openness in function with node's maturity.
- Sharing of opinion about neighbours.
- Implemented improved weighting from tri-tests.
- Decreased the average number of connected nodes to 8 (+/-4).
- Contributing message
- forgotten dist and bin updates for 0.0.3
- Command line params for incoming/outgoing slots count.
- How master nodes recycle peers (all) and treat outgoing connections.
- Changelog
- Nelson API server for status updates incl README part
- Nelson API default port to 18600
Initial version