domain: rfc.tango-controls.org
shortname: 3/Command
name: Command
status: draft
editor: [Sergi Blanchi-Torné](mailto:[email protected])
contributors: [Vincent Hardion](mailto:[email protected])
This document describes the specification of the Tango Command model, a guideline for the implementer of the Tango Control System.
See also: 2/Device 4/Attribute
Copyright (c) 2019 MAX IV Laboratory.
This Specification is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This Specification is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses.
This Specification is a free and open standard and is governed by the Digital Standards Organization's Consensus-Oriented Specification System.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
The specification of Command aims to define a standard structure and type to use in any implementation of Tango.
A Command in a Tango Controls represents an action, a sequence or other procedure executed remotely by a Device. The meaning of commands is quite similar to the meaning of methods in object oriented design.
This specification aims to define a Command in order to be able to :
Execute action considering an argument
Execute an asynchronous action
Expect a reply in any case within a certain timeout
Be represented by meta data
Additionally, Command may be used for:
- Reading and writing device parameters, as an alternative to read and write Tango Attribute for legacy reason (although Tango Attribute is the prefer way).
The use of Command by the developer of Device allows to resolve different situation:
- A command "Stop" can trigger the ending of a movement for a motor or an integration for a detector
- A command "Send" can take any SCPI command as argument and wait for the reply
- A command "Execute" can launch a macro which may take long time to be executed in the background. The reply is just an acknowledgement that the sequence will be executed. The current state of progress can be retrieve by the state of the Tango Device
A Tango Command is a strict definition of a function apply at the Device context:
The Command SHALL have a unique identifier, called the Command Name
The Command input or output are called Argument
The Command SHALL have one input Argument, called ARGIN
The Command SHALL have one output Argument, called ARGOUT
An Argument represents the input and output of a Command and its specification can only applied to a Command as below:
Argument SHALL have an Argument Type which set the type of the Argument Value
Argument MAY have an Argument Description which describe the meaning of the Argument Value
An Argument Value only exists during the phase of execution of a Command. In this case a Command MAY have 2 Arguments Values, one for ARGIN and one for ARGOUT.
The Argument Type, Argument Value, Argument Representation and Argument Description are specified below as litteral representation. This SHOULD NOT constraint the implementation to use a binary format for the transport layer.
argument = dev-void | dev-double | dev-boolean | dev-float | dev-short | dev-long | dev-long64 | dev-string | dev-uchar | dev-ushort | dev-ulong | dev-ulong64 | dev-boolean-array | dev-double-array | dev-float-array | dev-short-array | dev-long-array | dev-long64-array | dev-char-array | dev-string-array | dev-ushort-array | dev-ulong-array | dev-ulong64-array | dev-long-string-array | dev-double-string-array | dev-boolean-array | dev-encoded | dev-encoded-array
argument-desc = 0*CHAR
; Float Definition inspired by python float definition
; Some examples of floating point literals: 3.14 10. .001 1e100 3.14e-10
floatnumber = [ "-" ] pointfloat | exponentfloat
pointfloat = [intpart] fraction | intpart "."
exponentfloat: ( %d1-9 DIGIT* | pointfloat) exponent
intpart: %d1-9 DIGIT* | %d0
fraction: "." DIGIT+
exponent: ("e"|"E") ["+"|"-"] DIGIT+
dev-void = dev-void-type WSP dev-void-value
dev-void-type = "DEVVOID" | "DevVoid"
dev-void-value = NULL
dev-double = dev-double-type WSP dev-double-value
dev-double-type = "DEVDOUBLE" | "DevDouble"
dev-double-value = floatnumber ; double-precision normalized numbers in IEC 60559
dev-boolean = dev-boolean-type WSP dev-boolean-value
dev-boolean-type = "DEVBOOLEAN" | "DevBoolean"
dev-boolean-value = BIT
dev-float = dev-float-type WSP dev-float-value
dev-float-type = "DEVFLOAT" | "DevFloat"
dev-float-value = floatnumber ; single-precision normalized numbers in IEC 60559
dev-short = dev-short-type WSP dev-short-value
dev-short-type = "DEVSHORT" | "DevShort"
dev-short-value = ["-"] DIGIT* ; In the range of "(2^15) - 1" to "-(2^15)".
dev-long = dev-long-type WSP dev-long-value
dev-long-type = "DEVLONG" | "DevLong"
dev-long-value = ["-"] DIGIT* ; In the range of "(2^31) - 1" to "-(2^31)".
dev-long64 = dev-long64-type WSP dev-long64-value
dev-long64-type = "DEVLONG64" | "DevLong64"
dev-long64-value = ["-"] DIGIT* ; In the range of "(2^63) - 1" to "-(2^63)".
dev-string = dev-string-type WSP dev-string-value
dev-string-type = "DEVSTRING" | "DevString"
dev-string-value = DQUOTE CHAR* DQUOTE
dev-uchar = dev-uchar-type WSP dev-uchar-value
dev-uchar-type = "DEVUCHAR" | "DevUChar"
dev-uchar-value = DIGIT* ; In the range of "0" to "(2^8) - 1". In abnf syntax it may correspond to %d0-255
dev-ushort = dev-ushort-type WSP dev-ushort-value
dev-ushort-type = "DEVUSHORT" | "DevUShort"
dev-ushort-value = DIGIT* ; In the range of "0" to "(2^16) - 1".
dev-ulong = dev-ulong-type WSP dev-ulong-value
dev-ulong-type = "DEVULONG" | "DevULong"
dev-ulong-value = DIGIT* ; In the range of "0" to "(2^32) - 1".
dev-ulong64 = dev-ulong64-type WSP dev-ulong64-value
dev-ulong64-type = "DEVULONG64" | "DevULong64"
dev-ulong64-value = DIGIT* ; In the range of "0" to "(2^64) - 1".
dev-state = dev-state-type WSP dev-state-value
dev-state-type = "DEVSTATE" | "DevState"
dev-state-value = "ALARM" | "INSERT" | "STANDBY" | "CLOSE" | "MOVING" | "UNKNOWN" | "DISABLE" | "OFF" | "EXTRACT" | "ON" | "FAULT" | "OPEN" | "INIT" | "RUNNING"
dev-boolean-array = dev-boolean-array-type WSP dev-boolean-array-value
dev-boolean-array-type = "DEVVARBOOLEANARRAY" | "DevVarBooleanArray"
dev-boolean-array-value = "[" dev-boolean [ ("," dev-boolean)* ] "]"
dev-double-array = dev-double-array-type WSP dev-double-array-value
dev-double-array-type = "DEVVARDOUBLEARRAY" | "DevVarDoubleArray"
dev-double-array-value = "[" dev-double [ ("," dev-double)* ] "]"
dev-float-array = dev-float-array-type WSP dev-float-array-value
dev-float-array-type = "DEVVARFLOATARRAY" | "DevVarFloatArray"
dev-float-array-value = "[" dev-float [ ("," dev-float)* ] "]"
dev-short-array = dev-short-array-type WSP dev-short-array-value
dev-short-array-type = "DEVVARSHORTARRAY" | "DevVarShortArray"
dev-short-array-value = "[" dev-short [ ("," dev-short)* ] "]"
dev-long-array = dev-long-array-type WSP dev-long-array-value
dev-long-array-type = "DEVVARLONGARRAY" | "DevVarLongArray"
dev-long-array-value = "[" dev-long [ ("," dev-long)* ] "]"
dev-long64-array = dev-long64-array-type WSP dev-long64-array-value
dev-long64-array-type = "DEVVARLONG64ARRAY" | "DevVarLong64Array"
dev-long64-array-value = "[" dev-long64 [ ("," dev-long64)* ] "]"
dev-char-array = dev-char-array-type WSP dev-char-array-value
dev-char-array-type = "DEVVARCHARARRAY" | "DevVarCharArray"
dev-char-array-value = "[" dev-char [ ("," dev-char)* ] "]"
dev-string-array = dev-string-array-type WSP dev-string-array-value
dev-string-array-type = "DEVVARSTRINGARRAY" | "DevVarStringArray"
dev-string-array-value = "[" dev-string [ ("," dev-string)* ] "]"
dev-ushort-array = dev-ushort-array-type WSP dev-ushort-array-value
dev-ushort-array-type = "DEVVARUSHORTARRAY" | "DevVarUShortArray"
dev-ushort-array-value = "[" dev-ushort [ ("," dev-ushort)* ] "]"
dev-ulong-array = dev-ulong-array-type WSP dev-ulong-array-value
dev-ulong-array-type = "DEVVARULONGARRAY" | "DevVarULongArray"
dev-ulong-array-value = "[" dev-ulong [ ("," dev-ulong)* ] "]"
dev-ulong64-array = dev-ulong64-array-type WSP dev-ulong64-array-value
dev-ulong64-array-type = "DEVVARULONG64ARRAY" | "DevVarULong64Array"
dev-ulong64-array-value = "[" dev-ulong64 [ ("," dev-ulong64)* ] "]"
dev-long-string-array = dev-long-string-array-type WSP dev-long-string-array-value
dev-long-string-array-type = "DEVVARLONGSTRINGARRAY" | "DevVarLongStringArray"
dev-long-string-array-value = dev-long-string-array-lvalue dev-long-string-array-rvalue
dev-long-string-array-lvalue = dev-long-array
dev-long-string-array-rvalue = dev-string-array
dev-double-string-array = dev-double-string-array-type WSP dev-double-string-array-value
dev-double-string-array-type = "DEVVARDOUBLESTRINGARRAY" | "DevVarDoubleStringArray"
dev-double-string-array-value = dev-double-string-array-dvalue dev-double-string-array-rvalue
dev-double-string-array-dvalue = dev-double-array
dev-double-string-array-rvalue = dev-string-array
dev-encoded = dev-encoded-type WSP dev-encoded-value
dev-encoded-type = "DEVENCODED | "DevEncoded"
dev-encoded-value = dev-encoded-encoded-format dev-encoded-encoded-data
dev-encoded-encoded-format = dev-string
dev-encoded-encoded-data = dev-char-array
dev-encoded-array = dev-encoded-array-type WSP dev-encoded-array-value
dev-encoded-array-type = DEVVARENCODEDARRAY | DevVarEncodedArray
dev-encoded-array-value = "[" dev-encoded [ ("," dev-encoded)* ] "]"
Additionally, the Command can be represented by meta data:
- A Command SHALL have a visibility level for the user called Display Level, which MAY be taken in consideration in the User Interface.
display-level = "OPERATOR" | "EXPERT"
Note: The description of a command is given by both the description of ARGIN and ARGOUT. There is no Command Description as such.
Although the user can define any kind of commands, some specific commands are essential to the Tango Device to work properly. The Reserved Command MUST be define as the Command Name, the ARGIN and the ARGOUT as describe below:
Reserved Command | Name | ARGIN | ARGOUT |
State Command | "State" | DevVoid | DevState |
Status Command | "Status" | DevVoid | DevString |
Init Command | "Init" | DevVoid | DevVoid |
The Command SHALL always return a result when executed even when the ARGOUT is from the type DevVoid. The only exception is a "Fire and Forget" which force to be executed in one way (flag for asynchronous command execution).
The execution of the Command SHALL be unique
The execution of the Command SHALL apply only in the context of a Device
- The Command Name SHALL use the following convention:
command-name = 1*VCHAR