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390 lines (311 loc) · 11 KB

File metadata and controls

390 lines (311 loc) · 11 KB



The following type-checked factory functions are provided so far and in most cases include specialized type definitions for element-specific attributes, incl. enumerated attrib values (where applicable/useful) and 420+ CSS property names (for use with the style attrib). See type definitions in api.ts and defElement() below for more details.

Supported elements

Block content


  • blockquote
  • details
  • dialog
  • div
  • figcaption
  • figure
  • hr
  • iframe
  • para
  • pre
  • slot
  • summary
  • template

Forms / inputs


  • button
  • checkbox
  • fieldset
  • form
  • inputColor
  • inputFile
  • inputNumber
  • inputPass
  • inputRange
  • inputReset
  • inputSearch
  • inputSubmit
  • inputText
  • label
  • legend
  • meter
  • optGroup
  • option
  • output
  • progress
  • radio
  • select
  • textArea

Head / metadata


  • base
  • head
  • link
  • linkCSS
  • meta
  • metaReferrer
  • metaRefresh
  • metaRobots
  • metaUTF8
  • metaViewport
  • metaXUA
  • script
  • style
  • title



  • abbr
  • anchor
  • br
  • cite
  • code
  • data
  • del
  • dfn
  • em
  • i
  • ins
  • kbd
  • mark
  • quote
  • small
  • span
  • strikethrough
  • strong
  • sub
  • sup
  • time
  • variable
  • wbr



  • datalist
  • dd
  • dl
  • dt
  • li
  • menu
  • ol
  • ul



  • audio
  • canvas
  • img
  • object
  • picture
  • source
  • track
  • video



  • address
  • article
  • aside
  • body
  • comment
  • footer
  • h1
  • h2
  • h3
  • h4
  • h5
  • h6
  • header
  • hgroup
  • html
  • main
  • nav
  • noscript
  • search
  • section



  • caption
  • col
  • colgroup
  • table
  • tbody
  • td
  • tfoot
  • th
  • thead
  • tr


The hiccup syntax is (by design) merely a convention and specific feature support and interpretation is down to the actual tooling used.

Whilst not a direct aspect or feature of this package, the type definitions for element attributes defined here allow certain constructs which are only supported by some hiccup consumers. OTOH not all of the constructs are meaningful in the different usage contexts and for most there're compatible alternative ways of expressing the same data.

The table below provides an overview of the current syntax feature support by the relevant packages consuming hiccup:

Feature Example and HTML equivalent/result hiccup hdom rdom
Emmet style tags ["", {}]
<div id="id" class="foo">
class attrib as object ["", { class: { foo: true, bar: false }}]
<a class="baz foo">
style attrib as object ["div", { style: { color: "red" }}]
<div style="color:red;">
Attrib array values ["img", { srcset: ["1.jpg", "2.jpg"] }]
<img srcset="1.jpg, 2.jpg">
Data attribs as object ["a", { data: { foo: 42 }}]
<a data-foo="42">
Function attrib values (1) ["a", { id: () => "epoch-" + }]
<a id="epoch-1593024083666">
IDeref attrib values (2) ["div", { id: { deref() { return "foo"; }}}]
<div id="foo">

All other features not explicitly mentioned are supported by all three packages.

(1) Excluding event listener attribs, these are always function values of course, but will NOT be evaluated to obtain final attrib value

(2) The IDeref interface is implemented by various data structures in the eco system (most relevant:,


The current aim is not necessarily to have wrappers for each possible HTML5 element, but certainly to support the most commonly used ones. PRs welcome!












import { div, label, option, select } from "";
import { $compile } from "";

const choices = [
    ["#f00", "Red"],
    ["#ff0", "Yellow"],
    ["#0f0", "Green"],
    ["#0ff", "Cyan"],
    ["#00f", "Blue"],
    ["#f0f", "Magenta"],

        label({ for: "colors" }, "Fave color: "),
                id: "colors",
                onchange: (e) => alert((<HTMLSelectElement>,
            option(null, "Please choose..."),
   => option({ value: x[0] }, x[1]))


All element functions are created via the higher-order function defElement which produces the typed, variadic factories. defElement takes an element name and optional set of default attributes. It also uses generics to enforce types for the element's attributes (default: Attribs and/or children/body (default: any).

Define element with defaults:

import { defElement } from "";

const el = defElement("tag")

Define with custom attribs & no children allowed:

import { Attribs, AttribVal, defElement } from "";

// extend global HTML default attribs
interface MyAttribs extends Attribs {
    class: AttribVal<string>;
    width: AttribVal<number>;
    height: AttribVal<number>;

// provide type constraints and default attribs
const el = defElement<Partial<MyAttribs>, never>(
    { width: 100, height: 100 }

// or create new versions of existing elements with more limited
// user customization options...
const div = defElement<Partial<Pick<Attribs, "class" | "style">>>("div");

The Attribs interface provides a common, fully typed base definition of HTML attributes (incl. event listeners and enumerated attrib options) and can be found in api.ts.

The AttribVal type wrapper is used to allow for reactive attribute values (in and IDeref instances when later providing attribute values to an element.

Element creation

The function returned by defElement has the following signatures:

(attribs?: Nullable<T>, ...body: B[]) => [string, Nullable<T>, ...B[]];

(emmet: string, attribs?: Nullable<T>, ...body: B[]) => [string, Nullable<T>, ...B[]];

The result of either form is a simple tuple, defining an HTML element in syntax.

If the second call signature is used, the initial emmet-style string will be appended to the tag name and merely acts as syntax sugar for providing an element ID and/or CSS classes.

import { defElement } from "";

const el = defElement<any>("a");
Call Result
el() ["a", null]
el(null) ["a", null]
el(null, "body") ["a", null, "body"]
el({ c: 2 }) ["a", { c: 2 }]
el({ c: 2 }, "body") ["a", { c: 2 }, "body"]
el("") ["", null]
el("", { c: 2 }) ["", { c: 2 }]
el("", { c: 2 }, "body") ["", { c: 2 }, "body"]
el("", null, "body") ["", null, "body"]
import { defElement } from "";

// with default attribs
const el = defElement<any>("a", { b: 1 });
Call Result
el() ["a", { b: 1 }]
el(null) ["a", { b: 1 }]
el(null, "body") ["a", { b: 1 }, "body"]
el({ c: 2 }) ["a", { b: 1, c: 2 }]
el({ c: 2 }, "body") ["a", { b: 1, c: 2 }, "body"]
el("") ["", { b: 1 }]
el("", { c: 2 }) ["", { b: 1, c: 2 }]
el("", { c: 2 }, "body") ["", { b: 1, c: 2 }, "body"]
el("", null, "body") ["", { b: 1 }, "body"]