1.1.2 (4th September 2016)
Support for other languages for "forward-word" and "backward-word".
Thanks to blackmiaool.
1.1.1 (8th August 2016)
Cursor positioning when using the commands Alt-B "kill-line" and Alt-F "backward-kill-word".
Thanks to blackmiaool for the fix.
1.1.0 (21st October 2015)
- Alt-D : "kill-line"
- Alt-backspace : "backward-kill-word"
- #8 "forward-word" takes the cursor to the start of the next word
1.0.9 (27th July 2014)
Fix for #2
1.0.8 (29th May 2014)
Fix for #8
1.0.7 (4th May 2014)
Fix for #7
1.0.6 (3rd May 2014)
Basic mark-mode support and additional cursor navigation functionality.
- C-SPC : "set-mark-command"
- C-g : "keyboard-quit"
- M-< : "beginning-of-buffer"
- M-> : "end-of-buffer"
Thanks to Andrew Sutherland for implementing the mark-mode functionality.
1.0.5 (22nd April 2014)
Implemented context sensitive commands: Ctrl-S, Ctrl-R e.g. Pressing Ctrl-S will launch search and pressing it again will go to the next item found
(Ctrl-Y) Alt-Y : "yank-pop"
1.0.4 (18th April 2014)
- Fixed a bug with the Alt-F command. The command did not work at the end of the line.
1.0.3 (17th April 2014)
- Alt-U : "upcase-word"
- Alt-L : "downcase-word"
- Ctrl-G Ctrl-/ : Redo
- Ctrl-X Ctrl-W : "write-file"
Thanks to Udit Mukherjee for the contributions.
1.0.2 (7th April 2014)
- Ctrl-K : "kill-line"